A question for all MD sufferers. How does dizziness and balance problems affect you on a daily basis? Does it gradually get worse? Is your balane significantly worse now, then before MD? Are you able to do the same things as before, during good periods?
I'm highly suspecting MD. Got all the symptoms (almost) Started three weeks ago. T, H, fullness, had one big vertigo attack lasting three hours, hearing loss in my affected ear, and mostly (maybe only, too) in the low frequencies. Have not yet had any balance problems, and only been bothered with dizzieness once, today. (not counting the vertigo attack, ofc) Felt like a mix between being on a boat and a carousel, i freaked out and ran around in my apartment doing priouettes (i know, it's a really weird thing to do given the circumstances....) to see if i had lost the ability to do so, and oddly it went away after about ten min.
But im freaking out, like close to having a massive panic attack, cause i'm a figure skater, AND I FREAKING NEED MY BALANCE

I've been doing it since i was six, and i'm now 26, and can't really see myself being happy if i can't do it.
I have an appoinment with an ENT in a week, and i know i should realx cause it can probably be a million other things, but the symptoms fits too good.