Meniere's Disease

Hi Teri
I just had appointment now with the specialist and conformation on Ménière's disease now. Mir scan to follow to check for possible tumours.
Hi Darren hope your on medication help you with Menieres and anything you want to know I will be happy to support you ...lots of love glynis
Thanks Glynis
Yes I'm on Betahistine 3x 16mg. Been off work for 7 weeks now and another 8 to come due to all the usual symptoms with Ménière's and others like slurred speech or stuttering and pains side of head by temple that freeze my brain up at times to almost falling to the floor if not careful. I freeze up in the dark and find it extremely difficult to get my bearings before attempting to move think this is why I'm off for a MRI scan to rule anything else out. Been like this for the full 7 weeks with hardly any let up. Although the last week has begun to get a little easier.
I'm in a predicament with my job as it's driving from job to job and can involve ladders or lofts at times. Due to me already being deaf in one ear I've always had dodgy balance, now this Ménière's has attacked my good ear my balance is awful. So a little worrying how it's going to progress and what it will do to my good ear which already seems to be getting worse hearing wise, the worrying thought is obviously being left totally deaf in the long run. I do know some one who this has happened to.
One other thought. Anyone here know if I need to tell the DVLA of my condition my specialist I saw said no. But I'm sure I saw you need to ? I haven't been able to drive since the attacks started 7 weeks ago and even being a passenger in a car is difficult due to motion sickness when wife drives over 35 mph lol. So no problem as yet any way. I'm preferring to do as much walking as I possibly can at the moment.
Hi Darren,
I have had Menieres a long time and fell over quite a few times and in darkness I stumble about.
I take Betahistine 16 mg x3 a day and Proclorperazine 4-6 tablets a day too.
The sickness is ok with meds but left me with Bilateral sever tinnitus ,I get wuzzy heads and brain fog and dont drive no more and hearing not as good.
I run a tinnitus group with another Lady at dDeaflinks thats a charity and building for the deaf and hard of hearing that run lots of weekly ,daily and evening events .
I know its hard with the Menieres and tinnitus so any help I can give you Im always around everyday....lots of love glynis
Thanks Glynis. Even though I now know I've had Ménière's for about 3 years it's only really now in past 7 weeks really affected me. I shrugged the other times off thinking it was just my balance affecting me as I'm getting older due to my deaf ear. Also when visiting doctors those times nothing was mentioned about Ménière's it was shrugged off as one of those things that I'll get over. Here take these sickness tablets when it happens again sort of thing. I'm sure I'll have some questions at times for you lol.
See if you can read this. Its the first time I've tried to upload something.


  • tenotomy & meniere's.pdf
    372.3 KB · Views: 42
The DVLA need to know if you have Menieres .
I dont drive no more....lots of love glynis
Can any one explain why after nearly 8 weeks of a bad attack I'm still plagued with problems, I have very sore head pains from the back of the neck to my temple, the whole area is sore to touch and aches on and off. I find it hard to speak properly when tired or irritated or have a long sentence to get out. And I'm still very unbalanced. Also other things like the tinnitus and full ear on and off and blurry eye sight on and off. 8 solid weeks seems a long stint, is it normal and how much longer cohld this stint carry on ?
Forgot to say the head where it's so sore throbs when I've tried myself out. After walking the dog for 20/30 mins or if I'm a passenger in a car after 10 mins the gerking around irritates my head and spaces me out, very uncomfortable.
These are my symptoms for well over a year:

Headaches that cycle around.

Tinnitus that is quite loud on some days and lower on others.

Dizziness..lack of balance...I have been known to run into doors.

Ear pressure/pain...most days but I get spurts where I don't notice it.

Jaw pain off and on.

H...sensitivity to and on

Sinus pressure off and on

Brain fog...when T and H are bad

I am in the early stages of Meneires according to my ENT
Hi Teri
Over a year. That sounds like a real drag....
Makes my 8 week stint seem nothing to yours lol.

I thought the symptoms after an attack would disappear after a few hours/ days.

Im Awaiting my MRI scan which should be hopefully soon, I'm being sent to a private clinic as the waiting list is much shorter.
I have had it for many years now and get less attacks but my hearing ,balance and tinnitus in both ears cause me problems but im on a lot of medication to help....lots of love glynis

My symptoms are constant but at lesser degrees. I notice when the air pressure changes, if I have a cold, or if I have eaten too much symptoms worsen. I don't have "attacks" that are defined as "Classical Meneires" as of yet. I just consider when my symptoms or worsening it is a mild "attack".

As time goes on, I think you will find yourself adjusting as I have. It simply becomes your "new normal".
Thanks Teri
Yes it's all only just new to me really. Even though I've had it for 3 years or so, I just thought until now it the giddiness etc was just my deaf ear catching up with me now I've approached 50 lol. So it's now adjust to what I can and can't comfortable cope with I suppose as time goes on.
MRI scan done just got to wait for results now. Just to see if there is any thing else wrong with me. I assume if nothing else shows up its more a case that it is Ménière's I'm suffering with as diagnosed by my ENT specialist a couple of weeks back.
Always here for you any time to support you through Menieres and tinnitus ....lots of love glynis
Hi all
Quick update. The Mir scan results have come back as normal.

So I guess it's more of an indication that is is Menieres as they would have ruled out anything else it could have been. Got doctors appointment in just over a week again this time to talk over the medication and some of the lasting affects I'm experiencing still. Although fortunately some are now subsiding, the darkness and vehicle journeys are the main problems at the moment still.
Glad your MRI was ok.
Anything you would like to know about menieres im always about daily....lots of love glynis
Hi Glynis
Is it usual with Menieres to get leakage from one ear.
The strange thing is the menieres has been attacking my left working ear but this week it seems to have switched to my right deaf ear in the form of brown leakage and painful. Although the leakage seems to have stopped after 24hrs now. I was thinking at first it might have been an infection in it but also the pain today has decreased.
Thanks Teri. I did think it was a bit weird. If it's not one thing it's another, I've been of work for virtually 3 months with this last attack and as good as everyday in that 3 months I've had something in one way or another lol. Is it normal to carry on for so long without a let up ?. The darker evenings haven't helped either I'm having to get the dog out for his 5 o'clock walk at 4 now seeing as it's still hard to get about in the darkness my legs go jelly like and feet feel weird and it seems harder for my eyes to focus. I'd hate to think what it would be like to drive when it's dark, I'm still all over the place just in the passenger seat looking out, and that was only dusk lol. The on coming headlights were a nightmare lol. Hopefully it will all die down soon and I get some rest bite from it if that's at all possible. I'm hopefully due back to work in 3 weeks time so it's needs to or it's another month on the sidelines.
Attacks can clump together so you get lots of attacks following each other.
You can go days or weeks in between where you have no symptoms .
When you have attacks it can leave you really tired and just want to sleep.
In the dark you can wobble and stumble as menieres causes balance problems and you rely on your vision more so be careful in the dark.....lots of love glynis
Well after yesterday's fall I feel I've gone two steps back again I've felt drained today and very heady and wobbly. Good job I've not been back at work yet and it's whilst I'm still off.
Hi Darren,
Sorry to hear you have had a fall and hope you are ok.
Menieres attacks can leave you drained and want to sleep like if you had epilepsy .
Take things easy ...lots of love glynis
I run into doors off and on. I do have difficulty in the dark as well. I notice that changes in air pressure cause problems for me. When I spent a weekend in higher altitude, my ears were popping, and my bad ear was a mess. Salt is bad for me as well.
Thanks for the replies Glynis and Teri
I've had a pretty bad week this week with it all, tinnitus had gone fairly quiet in past 2 or 3 weeks, it was just a slight buzzing in the background but since the fall Monday has raged all week since, and I've felt all symptoms more strongly again, seems like I'm on an attack a week for past 3 months, some weeks were not so bad others horrible, I'm back to see my doctor Monday to discuss my Serc medication etc and tell him the DVLA maybe In contact with him. Also I'm due back to work early Dec, but they stated if I still don't think I'm fit enough don't worry rushing back just yet. So that's good in a way. Part of my job is driving. Ladders and loft spaces, that's obviously a no no now. Not until I can at least start to get to grips with the symptoms at some point. I know it's early days yet so fingers crossed in hope.
Ask about serc and proclorperazine .I take 3 serc a day 16mg and 4 proc also.Diuretics can help too.
I was like you at first but as I have had it for many years the attacks are a bit spread out now so not as many but my tinnitus has gone severe and I now use hearing aids.

If you are told not to drive by the DVLA you can get a free bus pass.
Let us know how you get on at the doctors...lots of love glynis

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