Announcement Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2019!

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Jan 23, 2012
Dearest Tinnitus Talk members,

Christmas and New Year are upon us. We know that it's not an easy time for everyone, but we nevertheless want to extend our warmest wishes to you for the festive season!

2018 was a big year for Tinnitus Talk. Our membership grew again, and we also expanded our activities beyond the forum in terms of collecting data for tinnitus research and creating educational videos, most recently the Reflections on Tinnitus Research 2018 and the Neuromod Q&A videos.

Of course we have big plans for 2019. We will be publishing a video interview with Joan van Baarle, the mother of Gaby Olthuis, who had euthanasia committed because of her severe tinnitus and hyperacusis. We also plan to publish a series of short video interviews with tinnitus researchers, under the title of Spotlight on Tinnitus Research. Furthermore, we are working on a Tinnitus Guide, with objective, reliable and practical information and advice for tinnitus sufferers seeking help online. And we will likely once again conduct one or more surveys that will feed into tinnitus research and awareness. In sum, there's plenty to look forward to.

In the meantime of course, many of us struggle with our tinnitus on a daily basis. If you are one of those, please know that the Tinnitus Talk family is here to support you, day and night. And if you are lucky enough to be managing quite well, we are happy and grateful to have you around to help and advise others.

If you like the services that we provide and would like to contribute to our mission of improving the lives of people with tinnitus, there is of course the option of donating to Tinnitus Talk. But we are also in dire need of volunteers to help out with a multitude of tasks in many different areas of expertise. Contact @Markku and @Hazel via PM if you are interested.

Thank you all for being part of the Tinnitus Talk community.

Hi all,

I really wanted to wish every member on here (I consider you all my family, my tinnitus family) a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2019!

Hi all!

It's been a while since I posted but just wanted wish everyone a very happy holiday season and a blessed (and hopefully a more quiet) 2019!!!

Please enjoy this pic of my dog, he so loves me right now!


P.S. @Jeff M. you know Banks would look great in a sweater!
As the holidays approach, I want to thank those who have shared their courage, strength, experience, and guidance with us. May the turning of the calendar bring improvement, healing, and better days for us, and new treatments that benefit us all.

Mystery Reader
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Holidays!
God bless you all, Merry Christmas and a quiet new year! I really hope you all have a wonderful time and manage to cope and stop thinking about tinnitus as it doesn't deserve your attention.
Happy Holidays and a very happy new year! To reflect: Tinnitus Talk is the winner for a community of people listening to and interacting with each other.
Merry Christmas!

I'm just starting the day here in the US. We went to an outstanding midnight church service. Loads of Christmas carols with organ, brass, woodwind and percussion accompaniments. There was a wonderful baritone soloist. Then at the end, we all held a lighted candle and the church went dark and we sang Silent Night.

To all of those lovely people who have offered their genuine love and support to other severe sufferers, their empathy and advice, and very often just the benefit of their company, I would like to offer my very best wishes.

We all deserve so much better than this hateful condition.

Love to all,

Dave x

Merry Christmas to everyone, and very best wishes for 2019!!!
Merry Christmas to everyone on here.

I know I've not been around here long, but I the help and support I've received has been incredible and really humbling.

It's also been a massive wake up call, too. I never knew the extent of the suffering these stupid noises bring. Should my tinnitus clear up one day, I'll definitely try and play my part in bringing forward an effective treatment for others.

Thank you all again.
Merry Christmas to all of you! May 2019 give us all the strength to win this battle and the wisdom to finally find a viable cure to repair hearing damage!
I had a really good morning-afternoon T day. It was just great being myself, distracted, relaxed and having fun with my mates. I started to imagine what it's like not to have this nightmare. Far from reality only had to remember it was time to go home and hear this annoying f*cking sound again. That's the only Christmas present I got this year. In normal circumstances I hear it everywhere and most of the f"cking day. Apologies for the bad language but that's how I feel.
Merry Christmas!
There has been but not too many unfortunately. It has very slowly gotten better but it's still inhumane to live in these circumstances. I think if this ever went away I wouldn't be able to handle the emotional happyness of something that is just normal-natural. Silence

it's still inhumane to live in these circumstances. I think if this ever went away I wouldn't be able to handle the emotional happyness of something that is just normal
I know Exactly how you feel...

You are less than four months in. The first 3-6 months are the hardest. It ought to get better (both the sound, seeing how you had experienced some improvement, and your emotional reaction to it).
There has been but not too many unfortunately. It has very slowly gotten better but it's still inhumane to live in these circumstances. I think if this ever went away I wouldn't be able to handle the emotional happyness of something that is just normal-natural. Silence

I agree with @Bill Bauer: When I had my first major onset in early 2015 (after having had very mild tinnitus for almost 18 years prior to that incident) I thought I'd kill myself if this doesn't go away. Now it's almost 3 years later and for most of the time I was really fine. I kinda habituated within the first 18 months I guess (although I had a few incidents that caused me to fear my tinnitus had gotten worse - which it really didn't).

Had I read this forum more carefully I wouldn't have taken those tests at my ENT 3 days ago and would probably still be fine.

Shit happens. I'll start again!

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