Announcement Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2021!

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Jan 23, 2012






Hi folks! Christmas bells are ringing and unfortunately, so are our ears. Nevertheless, we wish each and every one of you happy holidays.

Although most of you are here because you're struggling, I'd like to think that something good can come out of this community. Together, we can make a change. By supporting each other in our efforts to cope. By learning about our condition. By advocating for a cure.

That's why we keep doing this work, day in day out. The video above provides a mere snapshot of everything we do, and only a fraction of our ambitions!

When I say "we" I mean of course myself and @Markku, who are at the heart of this operation. But also our many other amazing volunteers, who have been crucial in 2020: @Autumnly, @TuxedoCat, @Liz Windsor, @PeterPan, @Andrea Rings, @mrbrightside614, @FGG, @Frédéric, @Candy, @MrCrybaby and many others.

If we've been of any help, if you value our work, and if you can afford it, please consider a donation (see details above). You can of course also donate your time and skills as a volunteer!

We hope the Christmas break will provide you with relaxation, enjoyment, and good company. And please know that if you are struggling, the Tinnitus Talk family is always here for you.
Superb efforts everyone! I think it's a huge shame that the coronavirus took over the world when it did, after all of our efforts to get this condition discussed in the House of Commons (with the ultimate aim of getting more money into research). It doesn't even feel like that campaign was this year anymore; it's more of a distant memory :(

We have all been deeply affected by COVID-19, and for many of us, this has meant a loss of work and even the loss or impairment of our loved ones. I have been working around the clock lately and it's pushed me to breaking point. I do not recommend it! I hope everyone else out there is doing ok.

Because of the chaos we are living through, I believe that Tinnitus Talk needs our support more than ever. The work and commitment people put in here, voluntarily, is incredible and deserves to be recognised. @PeterPan, for example, must have put his life on hold to write that Lenire report as it was amazing. It was detailed and full of depth. This demonstrates how incredibly talented some of the members here are, and I tip my hat to you all.

Have a good Christmas everyone :beeranimation:
Tinnitus Talk has been a lifesaver and hope for me. I truly appreciate the honesty here. I do not find it anywhere else.

Thank you so so much to all! :):):):):)
Thank you very much all of you, Tinnitus Talk is a lifeline.

Happy holidays!

I'm translating your blog entry of "Here's Why the Jury's Still Out on Lenire? " for my local tinnitus group. I would like to ask whether it's okay with you, and what kind of disclaimer you would like to have?

I'm planning to link the original entry, the STM article, the Lenire webpage.

Thank you in advance.
I'm translating your blog entry of "Here's Why the Jury's Still Out on Lenire? " for my local tinnitus group. I would like to ask whether it's okay with you, and what kind of disclaimer you would like to have?

I'm planning to link the original entry, the STM article, the Lenire webpage.
Nice idea! I seem to recall you're from Hungary, so I assume you will be translating into Hungarian?

Please refer to us as the original author of the article. So some reference like "written by Hazel Goedhart, Tinnitus Hub" and then you can add "translated by...". In addition to linking to the blog post etc, it would be nice if you could also link to Tinnitus Talk.
Nice idea! I seem to recall you're from Hungary, so I assume you will be translating into Hungarian?

Please refer to us as the original author of the article. So some reference like "written by Hazel Goedhart, Tinnitus Hub" and then you can add "translated by...". In addition to linking to the blog post etc, it would be nice if you could also link to Tinnitus Talk.
Yes, of course. Thank you. :thankyousign:

It will be translated to Hungarian. Nothing professional, I'm not qualified for that, just for the Facebook support group to help people who are interested.
Yes, of course. Thank you. :thankyousign:

It will be translated to Hungarian. Nothing professional, I'm not qualified for that, just for the Facebook support group to help people who are interested.
I admire all those who speak more than one language fluently. Unfortunately, in the UK this is a very rare trait. There is something about our culture that seems to reject the idea of learning other languages.
Tinnitus Talk is by far the best thing ever to happen to me after this lousy thing called tinnitus came into my life.

Got so much support and information. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Great Job! Keep up the good work!
Big hugs to everyone. It's my first Christmas with tinnitus. At the start of the year, when my tinnitus began, I couldn't even imagine myself still alive at this point. I didn't want to think about any holiday at all. I'm actually pretty excited for tomorrow, despite the tinnitus and despite the pandemic.

May 2021 be better for all of us and may it be full of hope. Every new day is a day closer to working treatments.

Thanks to this forum for helping me out so much, we're all in the same horrible boat, but support helps.
Merry Christmas everyone!

Thank you @Hazel, @Markku and the Tinnitus Talk volunteers for all that you do for this community. I'm sure it must feel like a thankless task at times, but please know that you are making such a difference and giving us all some much needed hope at a very dark time. Please keep it up!

May 2021 be much brighter for us all.

Being on Tinnitus Talk helps me to understand what tinnitus is and how I can deal with it.

I'm happy to hear there are some treatments potentially coming out that will help with the condition.

God bless you all. Merry Christmas and happy New Year to everyone in this community.
I share the opinions of many people on this forum that Tinnitus Talk is a lifesaver.

@Markku @Hazel deserve credits for making this happen.

I am deeply inspired by people who share their stories about this burden and also by the latest developments by researchers like Dr.Thanos Tzounopoulos, Dr. Susan Shore and David Lucchino, who will help us solve our tinnitus.

Wish you all the best & have a merry Christmas,

Merry Christmas to everyone! :)

Huge thanks to Tinnitus Talk! :thankyousign:

I will keep donating always when I can because Tinnitus Talk is a very helpful platform and because you are helping connect tinnitus patients with the research community. :thankyousign:

This is priceless. I wish I had millions to donate. :wacky::wacky::wacky:

You give hope, thank you!

May the research help us soon!

Sending a lot of good vibes to you all.
We keep hope. :angelic:

Peace and love everybody!
Merry Xmas everybody! I hope you all had a great time.

It's going to be a very interesting year and 2 things I'm looking forward to on Tinnitus Talk:

1.) Frequency Therapeutics and their Progenitor Cell Activation with their Phase 2.

2.) Tinnitus Talk interviewing Otonomy!!

God bless you all!

Hi, I'm a long standing member here, and I know it is late for Christmas, but I've been super busy, and not logging in here for some time.

I refer to my tinnitus as "the tinnitus" now. I purchased Dr. Kornfield CD on healing meditation, and use visualization to help me, and I treat or regard tinnitus in the same way as a trauma, and the tinnitus as manifestation of PTSD.

I know it sounds weird, but the CD is well worth considering, it is reasonably priced and it is definitely not "snake oil".

I also went to a clinical psychologist for treatment of childhood trauma, and also underwent a year of intense analysis work. The brain wants to heal, it can heal.

I'm nowhere near as debilitated as I once was.

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