My Posting Place

If I can't find the "start a conversation" in someone's profile does that mean I'm blocked
i dont know i need to investigate the block mechanic, threefirefour has been blocked by a lot of people and we can compare profiles to users and see what differs later.

So does anyone here still use headsets?
not much only at night sometimes if i have to listen to music or working on a audio editing for a project. I always keep the volume 70% max. i'm depressed because i can't use a headphones like i use too without risking it.
When you find a way to make people block you even when you trying to help


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@JohnAdams don't leave we need you
alright man, I'll stay but we need to be nice to each other and be against the fakers pushing fake scams, big pharma and the FDA when warranted, and united in sharing information about possible treatments and life techniques, and supportive of each other as we sit here going crazy and wait for big pharma to cure us. Religion and politics is kinda bad for a cause like we have. I could care less who you voted for, we have T. Think about it.

FYI: I don't even vote, never have. I've been able to vote since Bush vs. Gore part deux. I could give a f less.

I love you all as brothers and sisters. We are in something way deeper than any secret society. We are soldiers of daily existence. RIP Danny Boy. He's a casualty to this. That being said, think about soldiers, a lot of them have T too.
I love you all as brothers and sisters. We are in something way deeper than any secret society. We are soldiers of daily existence.
@JohnAdams Wow. Your post is so true and so powerful. We are soldiers in the ultimate sense, and for many of us there is absolutely no respite from this enemy. And as you said, there are real-life casualties in this war. RIP Danny boy and, doubtlessly, so many other souls.
Much love right back at you, brother. You are a fine man.
Excellent to have you all. For me it's a question of surviving until a treatment is available. I may do so, or I may not. That is truly all.
Notch inhibitor. Gamma secretase. Thats what triggers lgr5+ cells to grow. I read elsewhere there needs to beta catenin present for the cells to differentiate into hair cells.

Its called gamma secretase inhibitor LY411575.

Thats the chemical.

Buy here

Actually dont buy yet.

Theres more but im at work. One step closer to DIY fx322.
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Notch inhibitor. Gamma secretase. Thats what triggers lgr5+ cells to grow. I read elsewhere there needs to beta catenin present for the cells to differentiate into hair cells.

Buy here:

Actually dont buy yet.

Theres more but im at work. One step closer to DIY fx322.
even if you find the exact two molocules within the lining of the intestines and make them into a slow moving gel, how are you going to get the drug inside your inner ear?
even if you find the exact two molocules within the lining of the intestines and make them into a slow moving gel, how are you going to get the drug inside your inner ear?
I dunno? Teleportation? Eustachian tubes?

I can make a little tube and try to insert it into my eustachian tubes and sleep upside down like a bat.

Or i could say I have glue ear and get a grommet inserted into my eardrum and drop it right in there.

Either way, that is the exact chemical and you can buy it. Im pretty sure its not exactly that easy but hey, theres some of the mystery solved.
I understand why people may have contempt for God or the notion of God, the creator, that's actually part of Hindusim and Gnosticism, that the creator messed up when He made the world. But this is a support forum for people sharing in a disease. Some of us may be Christians, Muslims, Jews, whatever. I think it would be better to not denigrate people's beliefs.

I'm not belittling anybody's beliefs buddy, everybody is free to believe in whatever they want.... that's their choice. If your faith helps you I'm not going to judge. My "humour" is sarcastic/dry whatever you want to call it, I never mean offence.
Although I feel close to having an understanding of the knowledge of the regenerative medical technology I also feel like Im developing some mental/physical ju jitsu type techniques to defeat the life stealing effects of my tinnitus. A big part is not hating yourself if you did it on accident and not fearing your mortality, feeling a loss. Etc.
Id think its like an old crt with cable removed, without a electrical signal it is static noise. Just because theres no sound and no vibration of hair cell doesnt mean that there is no signal. I think... the released glutamate would, id think circulate out eventually from blood circulation.

Neurons are each their own power source its not exactly like an audio cable. So maybe what we would call silence is in fact a type of stimulus in itself.
Id think its like an old crt with cable removed, without a electrical signal it is static noise. Just because theres no sound and no vibration of hair cell doesnt mean that there is no signal. I think... the released glutamate would, id think circulate out eventually from blood circulation.
I disagree, the excessive glutamate is what is killing the hair cells. When hair cells and their synaptic connections do not communicate with the audiotory nerve that is when higher brain functions compensate. I am saying the top model about glutamate and NMDA playing a role in tinnitus is completely incorrect.
I disagree, the excessive glutamate is what is killing the hair cells. When hair cells and their synaptic connections do not communicate with the audiotory nerve that is when higher brain functions compensate. I am saying the top model about glutamate and NMDA playing a role in tinnitus is completely incorrect.

Well if hearing was restored in the rodents in vivo id bet that the restored frequencies eliminated any erratic tinnitus signals at the same frequencies. And if they can diffuse the drug completely through the cochlea then it should help with all frequencies.

You could always take a q tip and find out how deep your eardrum is and mark it off and get a syringe with a needle just a tad longer and jam it uo in there.

This conversation is proof T will drive you insane.

Of course there are so many dangers that could arise from trying to inject yourself with experimental chemicals that I am not actually advocating this in any way shape or for. You could easily cause an infection or perhaps even cancer.
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You could always take a q tip and find out how deep your eardrum is and mark it off and get a syringe with a needle just a tad longer and jam it uo in there.

This conversation is proof T will drive you insane.

Of course there are so many dangers that could arise from trying to inject yourself with experimental chemicals that I am not actually advocating this in any way shape or for. You could easily cause an infection or perhaps even cancer.
you hold an extreme risk to damaging the three tiny boners in your ear.

Frequency Therapeutics is using the same two molecules found in active progenitor cells in the lining of the intestine, putting them in a specialized gel and injecting them into the cochlea to activate dormant cochlear progeintor cells.

You stated you wanted to reverse engineer FX-322 as a "Do it yourself/life hack project"
First of all as stupid and risky as this may seem I am all for investigating,here are some obvious problems

I do not know the two molecules that activate cochlear progenitors, (it's most likely a corporate secret) and we aren't bio chemist that could figure it out ourselves.

They have a gel to navigate the cochlea and once again we have no idea where to begin.

The biggest risk of all is how to enter the cochlea from the round window, one mistake and you could damage the middle ear or cochlea itself.

In all three cases we need to find someone with qualifications

If MPP can really pull off a "Do it yourself FX-322" and prove to the world that mentally ill people that surf a tinnitus forum do manage to successfully regenerated their hearing cells that would be monumental feat among man kind, and I am all for the hope of this and will investigate. But please understand I am very skeptical and there are huge risk of damaging hearing.

if researchers actually read this they are going to know we are nuts on a whole new level.

Please do not do anything to your ears yet, this is going to take a lot of brain power and dead rat cochleas.
I don't want to sound incorrect anymore, what i mentioned about painful hyperacusis being caused by outer hair cell nerve fibers damage triggering cochlear pain activators is still a hypothesis. It's definitely what causes cochlear pain to activation to overly loud 120db noise, and with the benefit of the doubt I really do believe it has something to do with painful hyperacusis, but its probably the case where there are more aspects at play that aren't understood, maybe a missing neurological element?, we don't know.

i just wish there was a more complete working model of hearing loss tinnitus and hyperacusis and all sorts of other neurological phantom conditions with organized classification and explained in detail instead of pieces of the puzzle scattered. Where as 20 years ago the pieces of the puzzle were no existent.

One day all this stuff is going to be classified and it's going to be a vast amount of knowledge that can be explained rather simple. I just hope that day comes sooner then later

Frequency Therapeutics is using the same two molecules found in active progenitor cells in the lining of the intestine, putting them in a specialized gel and injecting them into the cochlea to activate dormant cochlear progeintor cells.

You stated you wanted to reverse engineer FX-322 as a "Do it yourself/life hack project"
First of all as stupid and risky as this may seem I am all for investigating,here are some obvious problems

I do not know the two molecules that activate cochlear progenitors, (it's most likely a corporate secret) and we aren't bio chemist that could figure it out ourselves.

They have a gel to navigate the cochlea and once again we have no idea where to begin.

The biggest risk of all is how to enter the cochlea from the round window, one mistake and you could damage the middle ear or cochlea itself.

In all three cases we need to find someone with qualifications

If MPP can really pull off a "Do it yourself FX-322" and prove to the world that mentally ill people that surf a tinnitus forum do manage to successfully regenerated their hearing cells that would be monumental feat among man kind, and I am all for the hope of this and will investigate. But please understand I am very skeptical and there are huge risk of damaging hearing.

if researchers actually read this they are going to know we are nuts on a whole new level.

Please do not do anything to your ears yet, this is going to take a lot of brain power and dead rat cochleas.

Im not just some lay person. I have a BS degree in Biomedical Engineering. I spent plenty of time in and around cadavers. I spent 4 years taking lots of biology, lots of chemistry, lots of anatomy and physiology. You can educate yourself easily about alot of this. You dont have to go to school to learn real stuff. I got out of the Biomed field as soon as I got in it and taught myself how to program computers and microchips. Now thats what I do for a living. You can get smart, everytime you hit a word you dont know, look it up. Read the books.
I don't want to sound incorrect anymore, what i mentioned about painful hyperacusis being caused by outer hair cell nerve fibers damage triggering cochlear pain activators is still a hypothesis. It's definitely what causes cochlear pain to activation to overly loud 120db noise, and with the benefit of the doubt I really do believe it has something to do with painful hyperacusis, but its probably the case where there are more aspects at play that aren't understood, maybe a missing neurological element?, we don't know.

i just wish there was a more complete working model of hearing loss tinnitus and hyperacusis and all sorts of other neurological phantom conditions with organized classification and explained in detail instead of pieces of the puzzle scattered. Where as 20 years ago the pieces of the puzzle were no existent.

One day all this stuff is going to be classified and it's going to be a vast amount of knowledge that can be explained rather simple. I just hope that day comes sooner then later

What if it's just like phantom limb sensations?

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