I really didnt want to get into religion here. I come here for support and especially mpp for a good dose of comedy and irony, but if people are going to mock the Bible, then I have no other choice but to defend it. There are simply things about the Bible that, in my perception, basically prove that it is true. I posted that Isaac Newton book. He saw it too. A very rationaly minded individual that invented calculus and was the first to mathematically describe planetary motion. Modern Christianity went off the rails between 200-100 years ago and most of what people are exposed to today is a garbage dump of idiocy. Im here to say that there are truths in the Bible, regarding the rise and fall of world empires, and descriptions of major wars, and developments in human society, things that were written hundreds of years before they occured that in my mind prove it to be impossible to explain without including an all knowing God communicating these things through angels to man. You are not going to hear any thing I have to say in any church, because from my experience, thats where the devil actually resides. This is way beyond Nostradumbass crap. If youre going to debate what Im talking about, then you better know history. Youd do youself wisely to read that Isaac Newton book I posted.
God is good and if you understand His prophecies then what that does is it endows you with an understanding of what is going on with humanity, and our governments, in the big picture. We are nearing the end of the age, and the coming world system is going to be very good. We are about to see the downfall of the current world power structure and it will be replaced with one that is just. Plus there may also be life extension technology and cures for all diseases. This is not Heaven, this is going to be here on the earth. I can explain it.