Put his sorry ass in a pokeball and never let him out.
What results?
Yeah you need a dedicated db meter specifically designed and calibrated for that purpose.How do you guys feel about noise meter apps?
I feel as if they are very inaccurate. I downloaded 2 and they aren't even close to similar readings. With my car windows open at my job's parking lot I get the following:
DB Meter app: 55 dB
Decibel X Pro: 63 dB
One is almost reading twice as loud as the other. Also 60 Db is supposed to be a normal conversation level. In my car it is almost silent besides far off traffic noise and crickets. So I have no idea how it is reading 63 in a quiet car.
When I talk with my phone 3 feet away it reads.
DB Meter app: 62 dB
Decibel X Pro: 65 dB
They are measured on DB Z if that makes a difference since I noticed that produces the highest readings compared to A, B & C. Seems to me these are horribly innacruate. I am getting a legit decibel reader from Amazon and will compare.
Comrades! if this thing is very expensive then we need to help each other buy this and potentially share them.@Deamon22 @threefirefour
More information about the device and company.
They say that the treatment can have long lasting effects for months and potentially years!
@Deamon22 @threefirefour
More information about the device and company.
They say that the treatment can have long lasting effects for months and potentially years!
O'Neill says thatComrades! if this thing is very expensive then we need to help each other buy this and potentially share them.
If this thing really works and the data seems legit and all, i'll happily chip in something if someone can't afford it. We could also start a fund for someone who really struggles and doesn't have the money.
But lets wait how the results are.
I was legit thinking about this the other day. I know some on here aren't in the best position financially, but I would happily contribute to a fellow TT member who is struggling and can't afford it.
We would have to figure out a way to ensure that people who need it actually get it and not some random who just wants something for free. Maybe we could have restrictions, like them being an active member of TT and also have been active for a certain amount of time. Also require them to post updates consistently after getting the device?
So is jasterboff going to poo and pee his panties when the mute button comes out?
@threefirefour I'll let you take this question.Who is jasterboff? Im OOTL.
Guy who invented TRT and is actively shilling against tinnitus research.Who is jasterboff? Im OOTL.