America needs the largest millitary in the world just to give the illusion of being a successful powerful nation, if USA can kick every other nations ass in combat with the largest standing army,tanks, planes, bombs that's all that matters to the ones in power. But look how unintelligent the US military is it's biggest weakness is cyber defense (that's because being a computer hacker takes skills, the other branches just require young men willing to throw their life away. All the bombs, tanks and planes are built by people in the private sector who have skills. The people using the machines just click the shoot button. That's why the use Government so well connected to Boeing and Lockheed Martin. Government's are filled with meatheads and *
happy merchants who control the meatheads.
*coughs corporatism for war
Bush, Obama and Trump administration all think the same way, like a animal trying to make itself larger to appear more threatening.
The only thing the US has is a bloated budget so the federal reserve *
happy merchants.jpg print
more money to fund more corporatism, wars, bailouts while biomedical research and healthcare and education get no where and if
you don't enjoy riding this carousel then you can
Forgot to mention Republican Jesus is a thing too
and democrats want free health care but they don't ever really talk about improving the quality of biomedical research so basically voting democrat is like "free TRT sessions tax payer subsidized" since free shit won't = better quality.
it's clear the most important thing is for Governments to stop focusing on war and looking like bad asses and start doing more intelligent productive things like funding biomedical research. It really doesn't help that the average tinnitus sufferer is a 75y.o bible thumper waiting to go home to be with Replublican Jesus.