I've been looking over the first Lenire user reviews on Tinnitus Talk, and looking through this thread for how people who have tried Lenire feel about it. The results are underwhelming for sure, but I think it's mostly been more success than non-success. So I did some statistics based on site reviews, and another chart with anecdotes from these reviewers, and some on r/tinnitus but not on Tinnitus Talk. I divided the subject pool into 4 parts:
-Worsening: Tinnitus has worsened, probably as a result of Lenire.
-Not Improved: Subject didn't experience any definitive improvement from Lenire.
-Improved: Subject experienced some improvement. Whether it be less tinnitus variance, softer tones, less volume, etc.
-Great: Subject had great improvement as a result of Lenire.
Using these categories, here's what I got using reviews from Tinnitus Talk users only:
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Using anecdotes from Lenire users, and another user on r/tinnitus, I can add 4 more improvements. I haven't found a second hand experience talked about where the person didn't improve, but maybe that's because the Lenire users don't want to discourage others. So if you're a Lenire user who talked to another one in the lobby who didn't experience an improvement, feel free to reply telling me about it.
Graph with anecdotes:
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Not exactly rigorous but that's what I got so far. Lenire says they had a clinically significant improvement rate of 66%, and statistically significant improvement rate of 80%. As we add more data we climb closer to the 66% rate. Now why this number isn't reflected on Tinnitus Talk is probably for one of three reasons:
-We got statistically unlucky, and many who don't improve just happen to be Tinnitus Talk users, over representing the unlucky pool.
-Lenire doesn't work as well as Neuromod claims it does.
-There's another reason. Maybe people who use Tinnitus Talk are more likely to have loud invasive tinnitus, meaning they don't experience as much of a reduction as a moderate sufferer would. Also there's a lot of hearing loss on here, and the better your hearing, the more likely Lenire will help you.