I think at that point the real question is were you ever "you"Let's assume this is true. With no memory of your previous experiences, are you still "you".
if microtubules inside brain neurons store quantum information, that could explain why children remember past lives or even multiple past lives. ( ReadJim Tucker and Ian Stevenson's research)Let's assume this is true. With no memory of your previous experiences, are you still "you".
Materalist actually believe that (you) were always particles since the time of the big bang, that formed from ancient stars that just happened to end up inside the brain of a intelligent sentient primate 13.8 billion years later. (Ofcourse this happened) but do you really believe you were ALWAYS THOSE EXACT PARTICLES!I think at that point the real question is were you ever "you"
You might need complete neurons or groupings - at the least - to support consciousness.I thought of a materalist explanation for reincarnation
a blue fish eats a red fish and it's dead, then the blue fish has babies that contain the exact same particles that made up the red fishes brain. Would the red fish be reincarnated as 1000's of baby fish since a few of the particles from it's brain neurons ended up in a new biological vessel?
and this is disturbing.
How do neurons produce subjective experience? Every single neuron must have a tiny fundamental bit of perception and experience. What about the molecules, atoms and particles and quantum waves associated with neurons? Is the fundamental experience of perception down at the basement level of the Universe. After all consciousness is brought into being by complicated arrangements of matter, both panpychist and materialist agree on that.You might need complete neurons or groupings - at the least - to support consciousness.
So this is going to sound extremely kooky but I always wondered about this:if microtubules inside brain neurons store quantum information, that could explain why children remember past lives or even multiple past lives. ( ReadJim Tucker and Ian Stevenson's research)
Does anyone here literally consider the limited free will we perceive have to be an illusion? ie the ability to move your arm up at will.
How do you defend your position that consciousness and self control are byproduct/illusion of dumb biochemical processes? Why aren't we just biochemical zombies with no inner life.
If current physics doesn't allow free will to exist, whatever the hell consciousness is doing must be superseding our known physics. Blackholes violate and quantum phenomena violate the laws of physics s we know them, but if our minds are doing the same thing it's not taken seriously. Why do they automatically assume the conscious-centric principles are anti scientific by default?
Materalist actually believe that (you) were always particles since the time of the big bang, that formed from ancient stars that just happened to end up inside the brain of a intelligent sentient primate 13.8 billion years later. (Ofcourse this happened) but do you really believe you were ALWAYS THOSE EXACT PARTICLES!
The chance of being those lucky particles associated with brain neurons is 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% in favor against you. You could have ended up as a rock, or as dirt on the surface of jupiter or a giant star billions of light years away or a super nova or dark matter and energy that makes 96% of the Universe.
If consciousness is quantum, and the brain is a filter for it and all particles in Universe are connected since the time of the big bang via quantum entanglement, Consciousness can enter a biological organism in the early stages of the womb after brain development via quantum entanglement.
Stevenson and Tucker insisted adults who remember past lives are not trustworthy as information could be tainted by life experience. They only investigated children under 7 who claimed to remember past lives and they always tried to outrule any other possibility including fraud, media, and other things.So this is going to sound extremely kooky but I always wondered about this:
I met a random guy once soon after high school while I waiting in line somewhere. He was an average looking dude, dressed averagely and wouldn't have grabbed my attention per se but I exchanged a few words with him and I got the oddest but strongest feeling. I had literally just met him but I remember having an intense feeling like "oh my God, I missed you so much." I almost had to hold back tears. I remember thinking to myself "what the hell is going on?"
We were soon friends after, and then dated and got engaged 3 years later. He, very unfortunately, died soon after we were engaged (and many years later i married a sociopath instead) but while we were together, even before I told him my odd experience meeting him, he *swore* that he had a reoccurring dream with a bunch of doors and the people behind them were always people he knew except for one girl who was a stranger to him. He said that girl was me and he knew the second he met me.
I want so much to believe that was a sign of something like a past life or a glimpse into eternity and that all this chaos and pain isn't meaningless. I will definitely look into the research you mentioned.
Stevenson and Tucker insisted adults who remember past lives are not trustworthy as information could be tainted by life experience. They only investigated children under 7 who claimed to remember past lives and they always tried to outrule any other possibility including fraud, media, and other things.
If we really do remember past lives via quantum microtubules inside brain neurons, that wouldn't explain how you found your soul-mate. We don't know if reincarnation exist, let alone if it's mechanistic or if soul groups are bound by fate. But your case showed an example of failing to unite with a soul mate.
How do neurons produce subjective experience? Every single neuron must have a tiny fundamental bit of perception and experience. What about the molecules, atoms and particles and quantum waves associated with neurons - whole ones at that? Is the fundamental experience of perception down at the basement level of the Universe. After all consciousness is brought into being by complicated arrangements of matter, both panpychist and materialist agree on that.
What luck does it take that you or me were always those particles?
The only difference is the panpychist views proto-consciousness as fundamental to the Universe. It's the only way to explain why anything has subjective intrinsic value.
In other news..
Why because we love landlords of course! Why else?
We know subjective emotions and experiences are real and they correspond to chemical and electrical activity in our brains. Our brains are also detecting senses from an external world ie your nose detects chemicals as smell and your ears detect vibrations of air as sound.Interesting line of thought.
If you're right that every single bit of neurons are self-supportingly "infused" with consciousness/experience (independent of their composing the larger neurons), why is consciousness only found in association with (whole) neurons? At the very least, it must be the pieces' arrangement as neurons that enables consciousness.
Regarding intrinsic value - I understand your metaphysics argument. But it's still possible that only whole neurons are infused with real, metaphysical consciousness. Or value etc.
Also, what convinces you that objective intrinsic value actually exists (as opposed to broad nihilism)?
You are truly the Big Foot of TT. 99% of the forum has no idea what you are posting or why.
She's Bigfoot in the sense that we're watching the work of a legendYou are truly the Big Foot of TT. 99% of the forum has no idea what you are posting or why.
Strange yet interesting at the same time...
@JulianBrumbelow is trying to enlighten us so we can escape our existenial crisis. Depart from the normie realm and follow the tao of the adult preschooler routine of the fairie dragonette.You are truly the Big Foot of TT. 99% of the forum has no idea what you are posting or why.