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(hope this hasn't been posted before, don't have the courage to skim through all of these pages)
Bernie.... "you need to pay more taxes".....Bernie..."I need another mansion." Lol

Never trust a politician that became a millionaire.

The first step to a dictatorship is to disarm the public. ;-)

If you think it takes forever to see an ENT now for an acoustic trauma....just wait for healthcare under Bernie... :)

And from the wise Joe Biden:


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Yes he doesn't have the clinical trial or more numbers to back it up.
You mean the clinical trial that had as a principal investigator an employee of the company?
Marketing isn't just making something sound great to sell it, the product actually has to be of quality for it all to come together, and have numbers to support it.
Bernie.... "you need to pay more taxes".....Bernie..."I need another mansion." Lol

Never trust a politician that became a millionaire.

The first step to a dictatorship is to disarm the public. ;-)

If you think it takes forever to see an ENT now for an acoustic trauma....just wait for healthcare under Bernie... :)

And from the wise Joe Biden:
He has 2.5 million. The top 50 earners in Congress have more than 3x that. Bernie doesn't want to tax *you* more unless you are extremely wealthy.

Here is his plan (cut and pasted from Vox):

"Sanders wants to levy a 1 percent tax on wealth above $32 million, for married couples, and then slowly increase the tax for wealthier households: a 2 percent for wealth between $50 to $250 million; 3 percent for wealth from $250 to $500 million; 4 percent from $500 million to $1 billion, 5 percent from $1 to $2.5 billion, 6 percent from $2.5 to $5 billion, 7 percent from $5 to $10 billion, and 8 percent on wealth over $10 billion. Same thing goes for super-rich single people, except the wealth thresholds are cut in half."

And honestly, having lived in the UK briefly, i think socialized healthcare is on par in terms of wait times and service from what I have seen but at least taxes go to something useful there.

I *have* health insurance and owe $14000 still in medical pills from a week long hospitalization and the ambulance ride to get there. There is something seriously wrong there.
He has 2.5 million. The top 50 earners in Congress have more than 3x that.
And honestly, having lived in the UK briefly, i think socialized healthcare is on par in terms of wait times and service from what I have seen but at least taxes go to something useful there.

I *have* health insurance and owe $14000 still in medical pills from a week long hospitalization and the ambulance ride to get there. There is something seriously wrong there.

That's sucks, but I don't want to pay for your bills, I have my own. I don't want to pay for a non-citizen's healthcare, I have my own bills. I don't want your tinnitus...I have my own. :-P

Breadline Bernie....
Bernie isn't the richest therefore, he is one of us! Right. What was Bernie's job...ever?
"taxes go to something useful"....guess what, you are free at ANY time to write an extra check to the government to help them.

I live in the state with one of/ the highest property tax, we have a sales tax of 10%....and we are still 250 Billion in the hole.

You realize his tax plan won't work, don't you?
When they run out of rich people to tax...the middle class is next.

Wait...when Bernie had his heart attack...what country did he go to? Canada...Cuba...Russia?

Good luck though...


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Bernie isn't the richest therefore, he is one of us! Right. What was Bernie's job...ever?
"taxes go to something useful"....guess what, you are free at ANY time to write an extra check to the government to help them.

You trust the government with the money you earned...that seems quite silly.
I live in the state with one of/ the highest property tax, we have a sales tax of 10%....and we are still 250 Billion in the hole.

Yes insurance isn't great...are you on Obamacare? There needs to be competition across state lines.

You realize his tax plan won't work, don't you? There aren't enough "rich" people to give free healthcare to illegal aliens. You also realize that just because Bernie is not the wealthiest....he never had a real job?

Socialism will work one of these times! Promise!

When they run out of rich people to tax...the middle class is next.

But who cares....Bernie's prospective bartender...oh I mean VP, AOC thinks the world is over in 12 years.

Wait...when Bernie had his heart attack...what country did he go to?
Are you white?
Are you purple-ish white?
I am purple, gay, and trans as far as anyone knows, or should care...people are doesn't matter what color someone is.

My family is mixed....purple and maroon actually. My sister-in-Law is a single mother of 3 green kids....Bernie talks a good game from his gated community and his 3 houses.

Do you think the MRI tech messed up on purpose because I was purple?

Thankfully we all have a matter what anyone believes in, go vote.
But I still don't want to pay for your trip to S. Korea....I'll pay for my own, thanks.
That's sucks, but I don't want to pay for your bills, I have my own. I don't want to pay for a non-citizen's healthcare, I have my own bills. I don't want your tinnitus...I have my own. :-P

Breadline Bernie....
Bernie isn't the richest therefore, he is one of us! Right. What was Bernie's job...ever?
"taxes go to something useful"....guess what, you are free at ANY time to write an extra check to the government to help them.

I live in the state with one of/ the highest property tax, we have a sales tax of 10%....and we are still 250 Billion in the hole.

You realize his tax plan won't work, don't you?
When they run out of rich people to tax...the middle class is next.

Wait...when Bernie had his heart attack...what country did he go to? Canada...Cuba...Russia?

Good luck though...

I'm not asking anyone to pay my bills just pointing out that there is something wrong with fully insured people amassing so much debt. Many *fully* insured people have to file bankruptcy after hospital visits or getting cancer.

As far as Bernie, of course he went to a US hospital. When you have a heart attack, you go to the *nearest* hospital. And, as a member of congress, unlike the rest of us, he gets all his medical bills paid.

If you don't think insurance isn't being allowed to both deny us and provide substandard care, than sorry to say you haven't been paying attention.

And btw, they *have* run out of money to squeeze from the middle class. Bernie wants to reduce this burden by making billionaires pay their fair share.
I'm not asking anyone to pay my bills just pointing out that there is something wrong with fully insured people amassing so much debt. Many *fully* insured people have to file bankruptcy after hospital visits or getting cancer.
That's bullshit as well. The whole system is messed up. There are people using ER's as walk in clinics and then bolting on their bills, and the hospitals pass the costs on to the paying consumers. Some people with preventable health problems refuse to change their lifestyles and also consume far more resources therefore having the costs passed on the paying consumers. ALSO, the price of medical products is way too inflated. If they would tackle those issues first I could care less how healthcare was paid for.
I'm not asking anyone to pay my bills just pointing out that there is something wrong with fully insured people amassing so much debt. Many *fully* insured people have to file bankruptcy after hospital visits or getting cancer.

As far as Bernie, of course he went to a US hospital. When you have a heart attack, you go to the *nearest* hospital. And, as a member of congress, unlike the rest of us, he gets all his medical bills paid.

If you don't think insurance isn't being allowed to both deny us and provide substandard care, than sorry to say you haven't been paying attention.

And btw, they *have* run out of money to squeeze from the middle class. Bernie wants to reduce this burden by making billionaires pay their fair share.
But there aren't enough billionaires to pay for everything, that's what you aren't understanding. Why would a billionaire stay here anyway if they will be taxed like that... they are frikken billionaires... they will live on their yacht.

Medical care sucks... it is a huge ponzi scheme. There needs to be competition across state lines. I had an ambulance ride of 1 block, and it was $800.

Bernie has been a congressman his whole life, and you think he has solved anything for you? He has solved things for Bernie... Bernie cares about Bernie, otherwise he would have complained about his rigged primary last time, not getting the debate questions like some people.... Bernie is in on the scam.

They will never run out of people to tax.... and there won't be a middle class once all the roofers, and tradesmen are put out of business by non-citizens undercutting them. You know Bernie wants non-citizens to have free healthcare, right?

Can you send me money for my student loan?

Bernie has been in federal office for around 30 years. His VP (AOC?) will be one heart attack away from taking the office.
That's bullshit as well. The whole system is messed up. There are people using ER's as walk in clinics and then bolting on their bills, and the hospitals pass the costs on to the paying consumers. Some people with preventable health problems refuse to change their lifestyles and also consume far more resources therefore having the costs passed on the paying consumers. ALSO, the price of medical products is way too inflated. If they would tackle those issues first I could care less how healthcare was paid for.
The ER problem is so common that a lot of analysts think single payer will further save taxpayers money because hospitals can lower their costs.

How do you tackle making people pay their ER bills (esp those who literally can't)?

Or people drinking, smoking and becoming obese? I don't believe legislation can make people healthier and would usually backfire.
Serious question.
Let's just look at Bernie's "free" healthcare plan.

Look at the math...

"Senator Sanders's proposed single-payer plan introduced during the 2016 Presidential campaign. While the campaign itself estimated that plan would cost the federal government about $14 trillion over a decade, most other estimates that we are aware of are at least twice that high.

Wiki: "As of 2018, there are over 2,200 U.S. dollar billionaires worldwide, with a combined wealth of over US$9.1 trillion,"

Worldwide...meaning if they don't live here you can't tax them.

We have a great system, if you want to vote for socialism....I support your vote, I want you to vote....and see how everything plays out.

If someone wants to engage in risky and unhealthy behavior like going to rock concerts after your ears are have the freedom to do so....just don't make me pay for it.

Why give your trust, and money to a politician? I trusted the medical community and you know what? I f#cked up....I trusted them.

Now back to this insane

Peace Out. :)
But there aren't enough billionaires to pay for everything, that's what you aren't understanding. Why would a billionaire stay here anyway if they will be taxed like that... they are frikken billionaires... they will live on their yacht.
We currently have the lowest tax rate for the super wealthy in all of the first World. I really don't think a few percentage points increase is going to materially effect them enough to forgo their houses and live on a yacht. I have to say, i read a lot of political arguments but that one is brand new to me.
Bernie has been a congressman his whole life, and you think he has solved anything for you? He has solved things for Bernie... Bernie cares about Bernie, otherwise he would have complained about his rigged primary last time, not getting the debate questions like some people.... Bernie is in on the scam.

I don't believe Bernie just cares for Bernie. There is zero evidence of that. In fact, he seems to be one of the few candidates who hasn't changed his positions over the years (can you name any others?).

Sadly, I think someone like Bernie doesn't get as much accomplished and is a bit impotent politically in a system where lobbyist write bills and Congress is paid off by corporate interests (look at Bernie's donors, he truly is different in this regard). But he's just one person, he can't do much on his own. I think if he is president he will be blocked at every turn but at least we will begin to have the sorts of conversations I think we need to have as a nation. We have to start somewhere.

Funnily enough, what Bernie is able to accomplish (e.g.. The veterans bill he passed with McCain), Trump took credit for.

They will never run out of people to tax.... and there won't be a middle class once all the roofers, and tradesmen are put out of business by non-citizens undercutting them. You know Bernie wants non-citizens to have free healthcare, right?
Tradesmen being undercut by cheaper labor is a huge problem but Trump is just as guilty at hiring undocumented workers for his hotels and restaurants as the rest of them. He's just a hypocrite about it.

As long as people want cheaper goods and services, outsourcing will happen.

To add to this, I know moral arguments are useless to some but consider how desperate someone would have to be to flee their homeland. Many illegals face extreme gang violence (at direct risk to their families). It's not only that they want a "better life", their situation is bleak and terrifying back home.

Note: i am not for unrestrained immigration. No country allows this for good reason. No country has the resources to handle it. But there are ways we can reduce illegal immigration by affecting the quality of life in Mexico and that can be done by legalizing all drugs and ending the failed drug war. The cartels and corruption are what is keeping a resource rich place like Mexico economically depressed and the US is the biggest market for their black market goods. Wipe out the cartels economically. I actually want to bring this point up to liberals too who want full gun bans as well. Illegal guns just gives the cartels yet another thing to trade on the black market. Prohibition doesn't work for conservative talking points but not liberal and vice versa. Anything that can be traded on the black market will. That's probably a whole other debate, though.

But back to healthcare, would you deny someone trauma care after a car accident if they are illegal? How about let someone die if pneumonia. I have heard the argument, "well they shouldn't have come over here..." Well, what about their kids? Kids who were not any part of that decision. It gets complicated but i would say providing healthcare to illegals is the lessor of the two evils in a non sociopathic society. Illegals do pay sales tax so it's not like they pay no taxes.

Until Government's take biomedical science R&D seriously we won't get anywhere.

The private sector alone is not enough.
capitalism is dumb because investors will make more money off candy crush and android/iphone games then investing in biomedical research to cure a disease.

As long as dopamine toys are in higher demand then life changing medicine we are damned.

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