My Posting Place

This thread interested me and I have gone through the last few pages.

You know for a good few years I practically never thought about my hearing loss and tinnitus purely because I accepted there just isn't anything for it yet. This was until my hearing got worse again recently (my fault) and I started suffering mentally again.

I'm with you with regards CBT/ACT/TRT etc really shouldn't be a replacement for biomedical research and I agree with you that it's not actually the solution to the underlying problem. It's outrageous if these things are what facilitate whats standing in the way of a cure, then by all means I understand the animosity towards them.

However, @Contrast - out of curiosity, what do you actually do to cope? You don't actually sit there suffering all day everyday do you? You strike me as someone more intelligent than that.

For me I remember those 5 years that I managed to keep my hearing and tinnitus at the same level (I have moderately severe hearing loss by the way) and I aim to get back to that mental state of mind until a cure comes. It's not sustainable, granted, but it's better than suffering all the time.
This thread interested me and I have gone through the last few pages.

You know for a good few years I practically never thought about my hearing loss and tinnitus purely because I accepted there just isn't anything for it yet. This was until my hearing got worse again recently (my fault) and I started suffering mentally again.

I'm with you with regards CBT/ACT/TRT etc really shouldn't be a replacement for biomedical research and I agree with you that it's not actually the solution to the underlying problem. It's outrageous if these things are what facilitate whats standing in the way of a cure, then by all means I understand the animosity towards them.

However, @Contrast - out of curiosity, what do you actually do to cope? You don't actually sit there suffering all day everyday do you? You strike me as someone more intelligent than that.

For me I remember those 5 years that I managed to keep my hearing and tinnitus at the same level (I have moderately severe hearing loss by the way) and I aim to get back to that mental state of mind until a cure comes. It's not sustainable, granted, but it's better than suffering all the time.
I just suffer dude, and my hearing actually improved though I still have tinnitus and the right ear is still off.

I have other health problems much worse. PM me.
time to lower the quality of the forum by posting obscene honest self reflecting artwork.
Free will is an illusion and infinite Universes exist to explain every physicalist possibility imaginable.

Biology is a accident of physics with no purpose.

Galaxies formed because of unknown physics of blackholes and unknown Dark matter.

Quantum physics and blackholes is violating the known laws of physics and manipulates the flow of time backwards. But that has nothing to do with consciousness.

Consciousness is nothing more then a high level illusion of computation.

Anyone who finds retrocasual effects in EEG scans and psi/telpathy effects in humans and n0n-human animals is practing pseudoscience.

If you disagree you are irrational and anti science and pose a huge threat to the nation's future.

Cross discipline research in neurobiology with fundamental physics is pseudo scientific just like the Tonaki Tinnitus Protocol or Sonus Complete supplements.

Agree with this post if you are a rational human being that wants to advance science from dogma.



What if dark matter is non-existent. What if the stars have volition of their own? They form galaxies because they want too, or something is instructing them too.

Non of these Universal laws are holding up, they literally rely so much on dark matter and the unknown physics of black holes. When will panpsychist model replace this dogma? What if Volition is built into the fabric of reality.
This meme can be used to make a controversial idea look normal, and a mainstream scientific idea seem dumb.

Daily Reminder that from a neuroscience perspective there is no known explanation for why subjective states of awareness exist. There are parts of your brain that have color maps, sound maps, taste maps. but there is zero explanation why these are interpreted as what they are, and not something else.

This is called the hard problem of consciousness. What are subjective mental states? Science doesn't know yet.

Here's another weird example of consciousness when it goes bonkers.

When people smoke certain psychedelic drugs (DMT) or have a disease called synesthesia, smells and colors can cause people to see fractal 3d shapes. Sounds can be seen, and colors can be smelt. The entire conscious experience becomes perverted yet the brain appears NORMAL.




Science doesn't know jackshit about consciousness and why our brains process the way they do and not other ways.

From what philosophers are saying, 10 years ago it would be unimaginable to see conversations at the highest levels of Academia where neurobiologist and fundamental physicist work together to explain consciousness. It goes against materialist doctrine to tie consciousness to strangeness in sub atomic particles. This was always a minority counter school of thought that slowly has been taken more seriously.

Neuroscientist are like ENT's. They don't keep up with consciousness or inner ear research, they just assume the old doctrine that consciousness is a emergent property of a computer.

Now here's an example of plants and how they appear to be conscious





Consciousness is part of the natural world, but it isn't a computational thing. To assume a plant has no state of inner awareness is dogmatic. Science doesn't yet know what consciousness is. I suggest it has something to do with how the Universe works and dogmatic 20th century academics held back serious inquiry on this topics.

A common objection to my post above looks like this


The counter argument is using Francis Crick's (the discovery of DNA's) quote on consciousness.


The follow up counter argument (from the materalist)


The following counter argument from the panpsychist is that consciousness is linked to sub atomic quantum processes that the brain and all biological organisms are taking advantage of.

The panpsychist idea lacks evidence, so the materialist points that out.

If you try to use controversial "psychic" psi research justify consciousness as part of the natural world in a way science doesn't understand

This happens


They will not take psi seriously. They will call you a crack pot if you consider volition to be a form of psi. They don't believe volition exist.



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Single Cell organisms are already challeging the entire model of what consciousness is .



How anesthetics nullify many "self organizing" processes in living organisms. The complex functions go away, but the mechanical vital ones remain.



Science DOES NOT know what consciousness is. The artificial intelligence robot people are are not showing proper evidence for it. That's why panpsychism is being taken seriously.
Is that the Dirty Jobs dude? I think being founded by Puritans screwed America up. This toolbag is telling people to shut up and accept any working conditions they are subjected to--which, let's be real, is a sentiment only ever shared by people who have it easy or are compensated appropriately.

I hope the one good thing that comes out of COVID-19 is that people understand they too can be subjected to situations they can't control or "bootstrap" their way out of.

tfw you realize consciousness isn't collapsing the wave function, but rather consciousness is the collapse of the wave function.


It honestly feels naive to believe consciousness is linked to "super computation" now that I know about the controversy. Back in the 20th century no one gave a damn on studying consciousness or qualitative features of reality". They just assumed it was super computation.

Basically the physicalist model suggest "reality is being recreated inside your brain" with colors, smells, taste, sounds and mental states being non-existent in the external world. The "external world" is suppose to be geometric and strictly mathematical with zero qualitative features. ie (a pepper isn't really red and spicy, it's your brain interpreting it that way"

The materialist cannot explain how the brain interprets anything. They can explain why it is useful the brain would interpret something the way it is. But they cannot explain HOW mental states and senses evolved from 100 non-conscious states.

0 consciousness + 0 consciousness = zero consciousness.

It can't magically emerge from nothing. It has to be fundamental and irreducible in some way.

Consciousness research use to be dominated by artificial intelligence people arguing for that (with zero evidence) until a new school of thought of neopanpsyschism showed up.

Single cell organisms are displaying adaptive smart behavior that machines cannot (without lots of programming). Single cells are doing it very differently from what science currently understands. That's why I say "consciousness is a mystery!" Neuroscientist are the highest levels of Academia are beginning to adjust their views and admit the obvious that consciousness is a mystery.


Anyone who pretends consciousness is linked to super computation is literally just ignoring facts about single cell organisms. The old school 20th century view is just a hypothesis that isn't working. Reality doesn't give a f**k about the mechanistic Universe that Einstein wanted. Science was held back for ignoring the mystery of consciousness. The artificial intelligence community use to dominate consciousness research "showing off their robots and progress of artificial learning. Until single cell organisms and plant consciousness BTFO'd their model.

Conscious awareness requiring extremely precise coordinated volition is suppose to be a epiphenomenal illusion. (but if you don't play along with the illusion it will kill you) I mean if you sit and do nothing hoping for the "auto pilot" illusion to do it's thing you will die.


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