Have you tried TRT, christian?
Dear Jesse i got habituate to first one, secon one that came 9 months later was much harder to habituate, but this one is monster.
TRT i got hearing aids and so on, but you know Sweden, they take 150 000 Arabic and Somalis refugees but no money for health. Small Swedish city Södertelje has more afgan and iraqes than entire USA and Canada together.
I must wake up at 7, get to building door and wait to be open, then to 6th flour wait affront of clinic 7:45, and then run take number, at 8:15 they start taking patients. But if you come at 8:20 there is no more times left for doctors for that day. They send you beck and wish you luck tomorrow.
How many times i was so bad, i got neurological pain and i went there at 8:30 and they just said they are sorry, there is no more doctor time, and they dont want to book me time, min 3 weeks waiting time. They did not want to send me to neurologist before as they say do tests, and i went 3 times and wait and wait and then finaly i beg then to send paper to neurologist and i have to wait 2 months.
Sweden lost value of a crown toward euro 15% in last 6 months. It is better to be seller in shop than teacher, so much did they cut salaries to education. And only they say they dont take more immigrant, and what they do they gave 150 000 ( I have a friend who is working with a boss if Migrationsverket (immigration service) who told me they constantly take new assistants for cases as there is more and more those who come and get permanent permition to live in Sweden, they can move after to Norway or anywhere else. Those after as for example a father apply for his wife and 4 kids, those are not in public figures). Sweden is rotten apple, but as ex president of Goverment Rainfelt wrote in book, Swedes are blind people they can not see that such system does not function.
So yes i got hearing aids and told get used with them, they send 3 referral - 2 refused, waiting on 3rd for last 2 years for philologist.
All I can is try to find clinics in Germany, Belgium and so on because by the law as Sweden lost health care system i have right to go there and get pain by insurance office.
I can move to Norway. Is it better there?