My Tinnitus Has Changed ...

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can you do survey does-tinnitus-get-worse-over-time

Why? It's a skewed survey. You ask a population of people for whom tinnitus is for one reason or another still a significant issue in their lives (or they wouldn't be here!) about the natural history of the condition. But you get no input at all from those for whom tinnitus has ceased to be a problem. Makes no sense to me at all to participate in such a survey.

stephen nagler
Why? It's a skewed survey. You ask a population of people for whom tinnitus is for one reason or another still a significant issue in their lives (or they wouldn't be here!) about the natural history of the condition. But you get no input at all from those for whom tinnitus has ceased to be a problem. Makes no sense to me at all to participate in such a survey.

stephen nagler

Well ok, but for us who have tinntus as constant problem
Well ok, but for us who have tinntus as constant problem

I truly mean no disrespect - but if your tinnitus is a constant problem, then instead responding to surveys, perhaps you should do something about it. That's my plan right now, anyway. I was OK for twenty years. I'm not OK right now. But I'm working on getting OK again.

stephen nagler
I truly mean no disrespect - but if your tinnitus is a constant problem, then instead responding to surveys, perhaps you should do something about it. That's my plan right now, anyway. I was OK for twenty years. I'm not OK right now. But I'm working on getting OK again.

stephen nagler

What sort of things can you do to try

I truly mean no disrespect - but if your tinnitus is a constant problem, then instead responding to surveys, perhaps you should do something about it. That's my plan right now, anyway. I was OK for twenty years. I'm not OK right now. But I'm working on getting OK again.

stephen nagler

Oh yes I am trying atlas correction, anything that could help, Russian cosmonauts diagnostics medicine, and some other things, worst it tinnitus and hearing loss that started with kidney stone (i get them often in winter period).

But this tinnitus is monster honestly, i never expected, but after my got worse 8 months ago i was afraid next would happen and i did, not i hale little hope becouse if i survive this, what will happen with next one?

What do you believe, can i get worse after getting ONE 5mg betamethasone cortecosteroid injection permanently?

Can a hearing loss be reversed (it is not acoustic) it is paracetamol and 3 pills of tramadol, 2 pills of dislofenac... but paracetamol i used 20 days sometimes 4-6 pills for pain (kidney stone pain). I hope you answer to my question...
Have you tried TRT, christian?

Dear Jesse i got habituate to first one, secon one that came 9 months later was much harder to habituate, but this one is monster.

TRT i got hearing aids and so on, but you know Sweden, they take 150 000 Arabic and Somalis refugees but no money for health. Small Swedish city Södertelje has more afgan and iraqes than entire USA and Canada together.

I must wake up at 7, get to building door and wait to be open, then to 6th flour wait affront of clinic 7:45, and then run take number, at 8:15 they start taking patients. But if you come at 8:20 there is no more times left for doctors for that day. They send you beck and wish you luck tomorrow.

How many times i was so bad, i got neurological pain and i went there at 8:30 and they just said they are sorry, there is no more doctor time, and they dont want to book me time, min 3 weeks waiting time. They did not want to send me to neurologist before as they say do tests, and i went 3 times and wait and wait and then finaly i beg then to send paper to neurologist and i have to wait 2 months.

Sweden lost value of a crown toward euro 15% in last 6 months. It is better to be seller in shop than teacher, so much did they cut salaries to education. And only they say they dont take more immigrant, and what they do they gave 150 000 ( I have a friend who is working with a boss if Migrationsverket (immigration service) who told me they constantly take new assistants for cases as there is more and more those who come and get permanent permition to live in Sweden, they can move after to Norway or anywhere else. Those after as for example a father apply for his wife and 4 kids, those are not in public figures). Sweden is rotten apple, but as ex president of Goverment Rainfelt wrote in book, Swedes are blind people they can not see that such system does not function.

So yes i got hearing aids and told get used with them, they send 3 referral - 2 refused, waiting on 3rd for last 2 years for philologist.

All I can is try to find clinics in Germany, Belgium and so on because by the law as Sweden lost health care system i have right to go there and get pain by insurance office.

I can move to Norway. Is it better there?
Can a hearing loss be reversed (it is not acoustic) it is paracetamol and 3 pills of tramadol, 2 pills of dislofenac... but paracetamol i used 20 days sometimes 4-6 pills for pain (kidney stone pain). I hope you answer to my question...

I apologize, but right now I do not have the patience to work on your problem. I'm working on my own.

stephen nagler
Dear Jesse i got habituate to first one, secon one that came 9 months later was much harder to habituate, but this one is monster.

TRT i got hearing aids and so on, but you know Sweden, they take 150 000 Arabic and Somalis refugees but no money for health. Small Swedish city Södertelje has more afgan and iraqes than entire USA and Canada together.

I must wake up at 7, get to building door and wait to be open, then to 6th flour wait affront of clinic 7:45, and then run take number, at 8:15 they start taking patients. But if you come at 8:20 there is no more times left for doctors for that day. They send you beck and wish you luck tomorrow.

How many times i was so bad, i got neurological pain and i went there at 8:30 and they just said they are sorry, there is no more doctor time, and they dont want to book me time, min 3 weeks waiting time. They did not want to send me to neurologist before as they say do tests, and i went 3 times and wait and wait and then finaly i beg then to send paper to neurologist and i have to wait 2 months.

Sweden lost value of a crown toward euro 15% in last 6 months. It is better to be seller in shop than teacher, so much did they cut salaries to education. And only they say they dont take more immigrant, and what they do they gave 150 000 ( I have a friend who is working with a boss if Migrationsverket (immigration service) who told me they constantly take new assistants for cases as there is more and more those who come and get permanent permition to live in Sweden, they can move after to Norway or anywhere else. Those after as for example a father apply for his wife and 4 kids, those are not in public figures). Sweden is rotten apple, but as ex president of Goverment Rainfelt wrote in book, Swedes are blind people they can not see that such system does not function.

So yes i got hearing aids and told get used with them, they send 3 referral - 2 refused, waiting on 3rd for last 2 years for philologist.

All I can is try to find clinics in Germany, Belgium and so on because by the law as Sweden lost health care system i have right to go there and get pain by insurance office.

I can move to Norway. Is it better there?
Im sorry for your situation. We have the same problem in Norway, but not to same extent. Im not a racist, but like you say, this causes the system to collapse.
Can a hearing loss be reversed (it is not acoustic) it is paracetamol and 3 pills of tramadol, 2 pills of dislofenac... but paracetamol i used 20 days sometimes 4-6 pills for pain (kidney stone pain). I hope you answer to my question...

I apologize, but right now I do not have the patience to work on your problem. I'm working on my own.

one sentence. and i seen you answered other people in meny questions last few days. but ok. i should have expect this answer

Nice guy. Day in and day out morning, noon, and night for some eighteen years I've been answering others' questions about their tinnitus. But I can't seem to catch a break from Christian here because for the past week or so I've been dealing with my own stuff. Sheesh.

stephen nagler
I am new to this forum, and I am so sorry to hear of your relapse and spike Dr. Nagler. Sending healing thoughts and all the best wishes your way.
Were all in the same boat Christian. Remember Dr Nagler isn't obliged to be here. He is here to help others with his experience and compassion. Now its time to respect that and give him the space he requires to find healing for himself.
Christian 78 wrote:
Oh yes I am trying atlas correction, anything that could help, Russian cosmonauts diagnostics medicine, and some other things, worst it tinnitus and hearing loss that started with kidney stone (i get them often in winter period).

But this tinnitus is monster honestly, i never expected, but after my got worse 8 months ago i was afraid next would happen and i did, not i hale little hope becouse if i survive this, what will happen with next one?

What do you believe, can i get worse after getting ONE 5mg betamethasone cortecosteroid injection permanently?

Can a hearing loss be reversed (it is not acoustic) it is paracetamol and 3 pills of tramadol, 2 pills of dislofenac... but paracetamol i used 20 days sometimes 4-6 pills for pain (kidney stone pain). I hope you answer to my question...

Christian I also read you previous posts especially #76 where you talk about suicide. How could I not read it and feel emotional about it. I have two suggestions for you.

First I think you should start your own thread and the responses will only be for you and I know you will receive some good advice.

Secondly I believe it is not reasonable to expect medical advice from anybody other than your own doctors. Nobody here knows you aside from what they read. They don't know your medical history, your psychology and they don't know what troubles you. I think you would benefit from seeing a psychologist because you have problems other than tinnitus.

It bothers me to read some of the words that have been written in response to some of your posts.
Im sorry for your situation. We have the same problem in Norway, but not to same extent. Im not a racist, but like you say, this causes the system to collapse.

Well in Sweden you are racist if you like flag of Sweden, in Sweden you are racist if you like Swedish language, if you like Swedish culture, if you say Swedish crown princes is best or.... If I take Swedish flag and put it like a blanket around the city immigrants and some swedes will spit on me, I will be called racist.

One can not put a flag a front of it is house because he will be called racist.

And no wonder I cant get any medical help, and medical system is in chaos. When they want rais of social aid they start burning cars, schools, from Stockholm to Lysekil. Not important. In USA they lower tax if you have flag.

My tinnius incesed and there is nothing i can get help, i have hearing aids and nothing else. They say Sweden is modern, but is going fall down like house of cards.
Nice guy. Day in and day out morning, noon, and night for some eighteen years I've been answering others' questions about their tinnitus. But I can't seem to catch a break from Christian here because for the past week or so I've been dealing with my own stuff. Sheesh.

stephen nagler
Sorry I will leave you rest
Sorry I will leave you rest

You're frustrated.... just like many of us but your story deserves antoher thread so people can react to it. I think that Dr Nagler deserves this thread to be his own and support should be directed to him in this thread.

I feel sorry for you but so do I for a lot of people here and also myself. But you story mingles with the story of Dr Nagler , so to get the answers you are searching for please start another thread and tell your story. Or just copy what you told here in another thread. Otherwise a use of a thread is out of proportion and we all can tell our stories and questions in one big thread.

You seem to me like a nice guy who is in pain..... don't give up hope, but leave this thread to the CHANGE OF TINNITUS OF DR NAGLER.
Christian 78 wrote:
Oh yes I am trying atlas correction, anything that could help, Russian cosmonauts diagnostics medicine, and some other things, worst it tinnitus and hearing loss that started with kidney stone (i get them often in winter period).

But this tinnitus is monster honestly, i never expected, but after my got worse 8 months ago i was afraid next would happen and i did, not i hale little hope becouse if i survive this, what will happen with next one?

What do you believe, can i get worse after getting ONE 5mg betamethasone cortecosteroid injection permanently?

Can a hearing loss be reversed (it is not acoustic) it is paracetamol and 3 pills of tramadol, 2 pills of dislofenac... but paracetamol i used 20 days sometimes 4-6 pills for pain (kidney stone pain). I hope you answer to my question...

Christian I also read you previous posts especially #76 where you talk about suicide. How could I not read it and feel emotional about it. I have two suggestions for you.

First I think you should start your own thread and the responses will only be for you and I know you will receive some good advice.

Secondly I believe it is not reasonable to expect medical advice from anybody other than your own doctors. Nobody here knows you aside from what they read. They don't know your medical history, your psychology and they don't know what troubles you. I think you would benefit from seeing a psychologist because you have problems other than tinnitus.

It bothers me to read some of the words that have been written in response to some of your posts.

I am sorry I will not write any more. I got a guy who said before I am constatnly negative and that is why i wrote my story and my idea of suicide. Nothing else. But you did not know backbriund and why i explained myself.. Just ignore my comment.
Don't get too upset, Christian. They are just saying your situation needs a separate dedicated thread so members can focus on your situation. I don't think they mean to be impolite or rude to you. I think they care about you as you talk about suicide and hope you have a dedicated space on TT for your challenge. You are obviously suffering and getting no help from the Swedish health system and you are depressed about your T. If you start a separate thread, I am sure members will pour in their support. I will be the first ones to lend whatever support I can. So don't stop posting or ranting about your situation. It is good for your emotional state if you can voice out your feeling. We are brothers & sisters in the same fight with the T bully so we will try to help collectively. In the mean time, let's pray for Dr. Nagler and hope he will come through with this latest challenge.
Hi All -

I greatly appreciate your continued thoughts, prayers, and good wishes. My tinnitus remains at its incredible new level of loudness, but (thanks to you all and the sound therapy protocol) I have now strung together three reasonably good days in that I am becoming less aware of it. Today my audiologist added a broadband sound plus amplification program to my hearing aids (previously they were amplification only) so now I can use my hearing aids again whereas before I was using just the sound generators. At night I use the "Simply Rain" app on my iPhone, which I place under my pillow.

This is all new territory for me since I had not been using any form of sound therapy for some 18 years, ever since completing TRT.

I got to one question on the Doctors' Corner today. Will try some more over the next few days.

@Christian78, I am sorry you are having a difficult time and hope you find the silence and peace of mind you seek.

stephen nagler
Dr Nagler,

So pleased to hear that you have managed to have a few *better* days in a row.

I will pray for you too that you will quickly habituate to this new volume.

What have you been doing to stay distracted and engaged? do you have other interests that take you outdoors or engaging with friends outside of t community?

@Dr. Nagler Last september i had à really bad Spike that made me freak out and felt really scared i tryed to ignore it but its not easy. After 3weeks it went back to baseline, so it might settle back down for you aswell goodluck
So sorry to hear about this 'spike' in your T Dr Nagler. They're awful things. I have them too but they always settle down again. Some last hours, some last days but sure enough it's back to baseline again eventually. You have been a tower of strength for me and many others on here Dr Nagler, let that strength get you through. Hope things settle down very soon. Wishing you all the very best, you will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Dr. Nagler will be fine!
He has WNG's and his family and nice home and friends and his circle and security and money and access to therapists and medical help plus he can write his prescriptions and has experience in how to deal with this.
He will be doubt about it.
@Dr. Nagler - I'm very happy to hear that you are having a few better days.
And I know you are someone who we rely on to answer our questions and concerns, but please take all the time you need FOR YOU. I've been thinking of you and wishing you a quick recovery.
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