New Long-Time Sufferer Here, Don't Know How Much More I Can Take

Kevin Reeder

May 21, 2014
Tinnitus Since
I've tried everything. Medications, vitamins, counseling, prayer. I went to the House Ear Clinic, my local ENT doctor, an audiologist...I don't know what else to do. I'm broke and feeling hopeless, like I'm stuck in a life of constant torment. I think the only relief I'll ever find is in death.
Hey Kevin hang in there man I've had really bad days that I too think death would be easier and then the good days come and the desperation lets go a little bit and I actually live life again....Its a terrible ride we're on but I believe somewhere on this road trip we will find some type of cure or at least something that helps us cope...
Hang in there man
Have you tried music to get relief,such as ? It is useful. Try to read more stories and tips in the forum,I hope and believe you can find good ways to feel better and better. How is your t like? Many people suffer quite a lot but finally get better .Keep walking.Best wishes for you.
I am so sorry you are going through this dark time, Kevin. We all have been there. Like @Carlos1 said, hang in there. Better treatments are right around the corner that will bring us all some relief. So much research is going on right now.

I know its easy for me to say, but try to focus on the things that are good in your life, kick that T to the curb and don't let it run your life. Take long walks or runs, go out with friends, put on some good masking music or noise. Search this forum; maybe someone has tried something that will help you, too. Read some of the posts in the Success Stories forum. I know you probably have tried much of this already but don't give up. Tomorrow will be better.
I've tried everything. Medications, vitamins, counseling, prayer. I went to the House Ear Clinic, my local ENT doctor, an audiologist...I don't know what else to do. I'm broke and feeling hopeless, like I'm stuck in a life of constant torment. I think the only relief I'll ever find is in death.
Hi @Kevin Reeder:

I think all of us here at TT know how you feel. Let's talk this through a bit. What exactly have you tried? Surely you have not explored all options. And even if you have, I believe that it is possible to change your attitude towards how you approach each day of your noisy life. -G
Hang in there Kevin... there is hope on the horizon.
Have you tried Acomprosate? I'm trying it now, Day 8... no big improvement yet, but it's worth a shot. Hopefully soon AM-101 by Auris medical will be availiable or VNS (Vagus nerve stimulation) by Microtransponder.
Hello!:) Im sorry you are suffering. Have you tried to get on to the root of why you are suffering? It has a lot to do indeed with loudness and / or the existence of hyperacusis, but even patients with very loud tinnitus can habituate if the right methods are used. Have you considered some sort of psychological treatment?
Stay strong pal look at it like this,someday and someday soon this condition will be abolished and that I am sure,would you rather die and never see that day glorious day or would you rather keep fighting and scream into the air im cured and have that feeling of elation that otherwise would have been missed.
Sorry to hear that you are suffering, Kevin. Since your T is not just recent, have you messaged with Dr. Nagler about your case? If you haven't, perhaps check him out at the Doctor's Corner. You didn't mention TRT or CBT. Have you tried those? Dr. Nagler probably can point you to a good TRT professional near your area. You may also need to get a copy of the Henry & Wilson book if you haven't had it. It is available on Amazon:
Hey Kevin hang in there man I've had really bad days that I too think death would be easier and then the good days come and the desperation lets go a little bit and I actually live life again....Its a terrible ride we're on but I believe somewhere on this road trip we will find some type of cure or at least something that helps us cope...
Hang in there man
Thanks Carlos! Yesterday was just one of those days...I had to use 3 masking devises to distract myself enough to get to sleep, and my nerves just seems to be tissue thin on those mornings. Thanks again, I really appreciate you reaching out!
Stay strong pal look at it like this,someday and someday soon this condition will be abolished and that I am sure,would you rather die and never see that day glorious day or would you rather keep fighting and scream into the air im cured and have that feeling of elation that otherwise would have been missed.
Thanks Bill! I'm a fighter if nothing else, and I cannot wait until that glorious day! Thanks again, it's great to meet people who understand!
Hello!:) Im sorry you are suffering. Have you tried to get on to the root of why you are suffering? It has a lot to do indeed with loudness and / or the existence of hyperacusis, but even patients with very loud tinnitus can habituate if the right methods are used. Have you considered some sort of psychological treatment?
Hi Stina! I have very much tried to get to the root of the T, but to no avail unfortunately. It is an ongoing topic of conversation between my therapist and myself. Thanks again, I truly appreciate your support!
Hang in there Kevin... there is hope on the horizon.
Have you tried Acomprosate? I'm trying it now, Day 8... no big improvement yet, but it's worth a shot. Hopefully soon AM-101 by Auris medical will be availiable or VNS (Vagus nerve stimulation) by Microtransponder.
Thanks Blunto! I'm truly grateful for all the feedback. I've tried a lot of different things, but I haven't heard of any of these meds you suggested. I'll talk to my ENT about them. Thanks again!
Hi @Kevin Reeder:

I think all of us here at TT know how you feel. Let's talk this through a bit. What exactly have you tried? Surely you have not explored all options. And even if you have, I believe that it is possible to change your attitude towards how you approach each day of your noisy life. -G
Thanks Golly. It is such a blessing to meet people who truly understand what its like to suffer with T. As it turns out, no, I have not explored all the options, and just learning that there are so many more than I thought really helps. Thanks again!
How do you think you got T, is it both ears and did it start out low and progress?
Hi Jay! I used to work in really loud environments, and I used to attribute it to that until I went to the House Ear Clinic and they told me there was no sign of damage and my case, like so many others, is one of those mysterious ones. It got considerable worse when I was on Paxil for my depression...6 years ago... it started to pulsate and was accompanied by sensations of electrical shock. When I got completely of that medication it stopped pulsating and shocking and not it just rings constantly at about a 4 to 6 on and scale of 1 to 10. It rings in both ears and sometimes at 2 different pitches. Thanks for your interest.
I am so sorry you are going through this dark time, Kevin. We all have been there. Like @Carlos1 said, hang in there. Better treatments are right around the corner that will bring us all some relief. So much research is going on right now.

I know its easy for me to say, but try to focus on the things that are good in your life, kick that T to the curb and don't let it run your life. Take long walks or runs, go out with friends, put on some good masking music or noise. Search this forum; maybe someone has tried something that will help you, too. Read some of the posts in the Success Stories forum. I know you probably have tried much of this already but don't give up. Tomorrow will be better.
Hi LadiDi! Thank you so much for you kind words! It truly means so much to me to find people who understand. Until I found this forum I had nobody to talk to about and always felt like I suffered alone. I love my long walks, and my masking devises are my lifelines. I'll check out the success stories forum for sure, and I'll never give up, I'm far too stubborn for all that nonsense! Thanks again, and God bless you!
You're are all truly amazing and I am soooo grateful for the outpouring of support where just last week I had none! Just to clarify, I'm not suicidal. After reading what I posted yesterday i realized it kinda sounded that way, and I apologize for that. It had been a couple REALLY loud days for me, and I didn't mean to alarm anyone. That's just the way it has felt for a long long time, that I'll have this condition for the rest of my life and when I die it will finally stop! So once again, I apologize if I gave anyone the impression of my being suicidal.

Yesterday turned out to be a stellar day...after I got out of my head. I got invited to be a student adviser on the board for human services and health and behavioral studies at the college I attend, AND... i was also asked to be a member of the board of directors for the organization that runs the facility that hosts the 12 step recovery meeting in my area. So big things are happening in my life and I am eagerly awaiting the day when a cure is found for this awful condition we all suffer with. Thank you all again so much for your support. It means more to me than I could ever put into words!
Sorry to learn about what you've been going through, Kevin. I see that you mentioned that you've tried vitamins. I recently came across this thread and have decided to give Magnesium Chloride a try:

Please take the time to vew and listen to the video on page one by Dr. Mark Hyman. Not only does he talk about the amounts we should be taking but also, what types to avoid because of poor absorbtion. He speciffically mentions several forms of Magnesium to avoid. Then read through the rest of the posts. I am going to try the same dosage as Karen and hope that I get some of the improvement that she has. It does take a while. So if you try it, give it some time.

I couldn't find Magnesium Chloride in either drug stores or GNC here where I live. I had to order it online.

I'll eventually post my results in that thread should I receive any improvement in my condition or not.

Good Luck!
Thanks, @kevin, for letting us know you are feeling better. That means a lot. I think many of us have had days where we have thought: Wish it would just be OVER. I know I have. It's OK to express that here.

I am delighted so many good things are happening for you; you obviously have a lot to give and a lot to live for. Coming through the darkness and into the light is an experience that can make you stronger. Yeah, tinnitus sucks, but it can teach you so much about yourself and what's important. I believe I am a better person today because of my T. Come back to TT whenever you need to -- and I wish you many more stellar days!
Hang in there, maybe get some medication to help you take the edge off, there is hope you just have to wait. one day you'll look back and think, i'm glad i didn't do it. there is so much to enjoy in life, don't let your T ruin it. :)
Sorry to hear that you are suffering, Kevin. Since your T is not just recent, have you messaged with Dr. Nagler about your case? If you haven't, perhaps check him out at the Doctor's Corner. You didn't mention TRT or CBT. Have you tried those? Dr. Nagler probably can point you to a good TRT professional near your area. You may also need to get a copy of the Henry & Wilson book if you haven't had it. It is available on Amazon:
Did you find the book very helpful Billie? Do you think it could also apply to someone with h too?
I've tried everything. Medications, vitamins, counseling, prayer. I went to the House Ear Clinic, my local ENT doctor, an audiologist...I don't know what else to do. I'm broke and feeling hopeless, like I'm stuck in a life of constant torment. I think the only relief I'll ever find is in death.
I can understand you so well. I feel the same at this moment. Are you a bit better now??

I'm so sorry you're still suffering after trying so many things over the years. It's awful being a long-term tinnitus sufferer. I've had tinnitus for many years myself, but my tinnitus was very bearable until 4 years ago, when I took a blood pressure drug for the first time. Then, I ended up with roaring tinnitus, plus pulsatile tinnitus. My roaring has calmed down a lot over the last 4 years, but the pulsating remains.

I agree with what Jim H (above) suggested: You could try taking magnesium chloride. I've been taking it ever since my acupuncturist suggested it about 2 years ago. My tinnitus is still there, but the magnesium chloride does seem to have a cumulative calming effect on it.

Please don't give up the fight! And since TRT seems to work for many people, it might be worth a try.

I wish you the best, and hope you'll stay in touch with us!

Very best wishes,
I've tried everything. Medications, vitamins, counseling, prayer. I went to the House Ear Clinic, my local ENT doctor, an audiologist...I don't know what else to do. I'm broke and feeling hopeless, like I'm stuck in a life of constant torment. I think the only relief I'll ever find is in death.

Hi Kevin, I hear you man. I get those days too, actually today is very bad, but I tell myself a few good days are just around the corner. For me it is such an emotional roller coaster ride. Two or three days of mild T then wham three or four days of unbearable noise, the emotional highs and lows are a bitch. As always though I make it through the bad days and so will you..
This is my first post--I just found this website. I have suffered with tinnitus for 30 years, getting progressively worse. Sound like a whistling tea kettle, crazy making. It was only on the left, so I got a Starkey masker 25 years ago for the left and have been using it fairly successfully. Now it has suddenly gotten ten times worse and is also on the right. I think maybe it has to do with a change in my thyroid medication. I can no longer find a masker by itself but am currently trying a hearing aid/masker combination, which isn't doing anything for my tinnitus, though it helps my hearing. I am at my wits end. The audiologist said my tinnitus--at 60 db--is too loud to be helped by TRT. Has anyone had experience with acupuncture?
The audiologist said my tinnitus--at 60 db--is too loud to be helped by TRT.

Your audiologist is wrong. Loudness does not affect TRT success rates.

Stephen Nagler

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