Many of the well known researchers have said for years that 70 -80% of those with tinnitus have somatic physical tinnitus. They point out that if your tinnitus increases, decreases, changes ears or moves to the head then it's somatic.
They say that the brain stem, a reflective part of the c spine pressures other disc, muscles and nerves when over curved by just a couple of mm. When the c spine (loss of normal lordosis) happens and it does for most people by 40, tinnitus can happen if the spine places pressure on nerves or muscles.
Muscle or disc trauma can cause the c spine to curve. Some are born with this condition and it's unnoticed for years. The curve can slow blood to the brain. The curve can cause problems to any ongoing conditions and disease within the neck. The curve can also create conditions and disease within the neck. These problems can increase or decrease volume by movement and modulation.
My T is usually a 10 - a fire alarm. I have several degenerative diseases in my neck. Once in awhile, I may be able to get my curve to move a mm from head rotation and playing a rain CD. First I meditate, play rain and have my entire neck soft finger-hand touch. By doing this I can sometimes knock my T down for fifteen minutes to two hours. Tonight I got lucky and it dropped to a five for two hours at about the volume of a microwave oven. If I continue with this, my c spine (loss of normal lordosis) may correct somewhat taking pressure off of muscles and nerves. It should stop more disease and conditions from happening.
By reading Susan's Shore older research from years ago before her U of M study, she talks about the domino affects of conditions within the neck. She is taking the reverse position of not correcting the c spine first, but instead she's trying to find the modulation muscle and nerve problem areas. Areas that the c spine had handicapped. Some of her past associates have written that the c spine can never be fully corrected and lasting once it losses strength.
So Susan Shore is targeting modulated trouble areas in hope of temporary relief. I think the approach of some c spine correcting thru loss of lordosis exercise is a better method.