Went out today and bumped into a friend. While talking I had an episode of fleeting t. My left ear rang for about 10 seconds then it went away. It was weird to say the least. I've noticed the fleeting t more often as people have pointed out on the forum happens to people with t.
Does the frequency of fleeting t increase or decrease in time or does it stay the same?
I don't know why but I've been having a rough go the last few days. I injured my back so I haven't been working for a week, perhaps that has something to do with it.
I'm stuck in this cycle of depression and anxiety and when I think of things to do that would make me happy like mow my lawn, cut wood with a chainsaw, use a weed wacker to trim my yard it seems to snowball. I would sometimes vacuum the house when I had energy to burn. No more.
I can't say my t is louder than usual, it's probably a bit more, but it's bothering me more than usual. I think because I thought it would show more progress by now.
I feel like I'm getting closer to the point I was at before the sirens a couple weeks ago. I'm moving in the right direction with my t.
Whatever happened with the sirens 2 weeks ago did set me back. It started as louder t for 4-5 days but ended up increasing my h because I protected my ears so much.
Like many newbies on the site there are so many uncertainties. So many unknowns. So many I don't knows.
I think the weight of those uncertainties and missing activities I enjoy may be weighing me down.
I've found myself getting emotional almost daily the last few days. Especially if I go for a walk in the woods where it's quiet and I now no one will see me. A walk in the woods used to be a chance to refresh but now I find myself using the quiet to work on my positive self talk which I sometimes fail at.
The other day while walking in the woods I started singing Bob Seger's Like a Rock and started crying.
The truth is it's only been 3 months and it's not as bad as it was the first month. I've been moving in the right direction, the eee has been changing to a hiss very slowly. I have fleeting t several times a week but who cares. I have h but it will go away in time. The t will either go away or my mind will learn to not notice it. My ears are going to harden again where they won't get louder when a skateboard or motorcycle goes by.
The h, the fullness, and my anxiety are the biggest problem for me. More than the noise of my t assuming I'm not in a quiet room. I've committed myself to keep up with masking so I don't have trouble with hearing my t and focusing on it. For a while I was backing off the masking because I felt the t was getting quieter.
I need to give things time and not thing so black and white. Recovering with t is not black and white but shades of gray. No matter what recovery ends up meaning.
Life has never moved so slowly for in my life. That's for sure.
I saved a post by
@Ed209 in my first month of t. I saved that post because it shows the secret to t is time and that some day I'll get my life back.
I wonder if 3 months is the time when people hit a second wall with t. There's the first month which is utter depression and anxiety and now perhaps at 3 months people start to get exhausted. 3 months has never felt like such a long time but also such a short time at the same time.
I've been thinking of cutting back on my time on TT the last few days. It's been very helpful for me and I don't see not coming here but perhaps it's time to visit less often and distract myself in other ways. I don't know.
I don't want to be one of the negative people on TT but wanted to share how I'm feeling because frankly only people on this forum can really understand what I'm feeling.
I'll let this be the last negative post for a while. It's not helping anyone. Thank you all for letting me get it out and I apologize to any future readers who have been following my thread.