Off topic - but a great story about Syl.
*Sylvie - debt collector.
For quite some time I had been serving a local Indian restaurant.
For some obscure reason the proprietor suddenly decided to stop paying his bills.
Enter 'Sylvie' - my debt collector.
"Dave - when will his restaurant be working at full capacity?
I need a full restaurant to make my plan work."
"Well I reckon at about 10pm on Friday evening.
Why - what are you going to do Syl?"
"Wait and see - it should be fun.
Just drive me down there."
I was not let in on the plan.
Friday came around.
I dropped her off, parking outside.
In she went - up to the counter - called out the boss man and said:
"I would like you to pay my husband's bill
- right now! You owe him over £200!"
(She wasn't whispering.)
"Look - will you come into my office please - this is embarrassing!"
"No - we will sort this out right here and now!"
With that she turned to face the diners and took the floor.
"Ladies and gentleman - I would like you to know that your restaurateur does not believe in paying his bills.
He owes us over £200.
As he does not believe in paying his bills, you needn't pay yours.
I suggest you all just enjoy your meals and leave without making any payment."
After a few quizzical looks and a smattering of applause she sat at one of the tables and waited.
After a few minutes a 'lackey' appeared with enough money to settle the outstanding account.
I could hardly believe it!
She had the courage of her convictions.
She saw something was wrong, so she made sure she put it right.
When she came out I said
"Weren't you nervous Syl?"
She said, "Of course not.
The person I'm afraid of hasn't been born yet."
'What a Gal !!!'
That was my Sylvie.
