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This sounds so wrong haha!

I hang around workshops a lot. I love motorcycles and cars. Bit of a petrol head. My dream car is a Scirocco Mk2. You can pick them up in the UK for £3000-5000. However, I'm saving for a house, and don't have the money :(

Or, a Nissan 200SX. I don't mind the 300ZX, but I prefer the shape of the SX.

Bike wise - sticking to my English routes, I love a Triumph. Anything chrome and shiny.
Very cool. Have been around VWs most my life. Parents had a Mk1 Scirocco and Mk1 Cabriolet while I was a kid, and still have the cabby today. I had a number of VWs throughout my teenage years and 20s, favorite was a MK2 GTI 16v. Never got into Sciroccos too much, but a neighbor near me has a few (probably not running) Mk2s.

As far as bikes are concerned, always been in the classic Honda camp. Have had a few, but been holding on to a CX500 the longest. Big fan of classic Triumphs, but they are a bit of a rarity state-side.

You're on the right track going for the house first. You need a place to store that MK2 Scirocco when it starts to drain your wallet like all good old VWs do... And a place to keep your "toolbox" when you want show off to all your friends.
We haven't traveled lately since the pandemic started. But a tradition in Texas is to take pics with the bluebonnets in April.


  • Jackson Bluebonnets 2021-2 W2.jpg
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The barista promised to make it extra pretty for me. :p A sneak preview for when you visit, @Steph1710.
Same - in fact, going to Disneyland has been a childhood dream, but now my ears couldn't handle the noise. I'd have to walk round in ridiculous headphones and earplugs, and even then, it would probably be too loud.
=( I hope one day your ears will be well enough to go. I imagine I'd be okay with earplugs, as in sounds wouldn't cause me pain, but I'd be so scared it was going to make my ringing worse that I'd be a wreck. Also I've been there so many times and hearing all the natural sounds and being carefree, I'd feel so trapped and disconnected with earplugs... it would be really depressing. Getting teary just thinking about that situation...
I've been to Disneyland many times. I have family both in Southern and Northern California.

Have you considered wearing earplugs? That's what I do. I just take them out when I don't need them and I certainly put them in when I go on any rides. I have custom-made musicians earplugs. They're super easy to travel with and they fit perfectly in my ear. I actually have two pairs so that I always have a spare with me. I am making an assumption that you do not have hyperacusis. If you do, then Disneyland is probably not a good plan.

I have not been to an amusement park since my tinnitus started last year. I know that doesn't make sense compared to what I wrote above but I actually had tinnitus in 2015 and it lasted for about two years and went away. It was from an acoustic trauma of attending an AC/DC concert without earplugs. What the heck was I thinking? But I had absolutely no idea of the damage that can be done to your hearing. Anyway, that's a story for another day. My bilateral tinnitus eventually resolved but I did get my custom earplugs and have always protected my ears since.

So heading to Disney World in Florida this fall as my younger son has never been to Disney World. Only Disneyland. I plan to go with all of my relevant ear protection.

If you love Disneyland, I say go with ear protection. I know it might feel weird without your ex being with you but maybe you'll meet someone else in line waiting for a Space Mountain.
Yes I wear earplugs probably more often than I need to. I don't have hyperacusis, though high frequency sounds do sound a bit shrill to me now, I'm just incredibly afraid of loud sounds. My tinnitus has just been getting worse and worse since September last year. I don't know what next sound is going to make my tinnitus worse. I'd love to be able to go and just wear earplugs on rides and get to experience everything else naturally. I hate talking with earplugs, and am always worried the occlusion is damaging things worse. I don't know how I would communicate with anyone I went with and would just feel disconnected.

I'd also like to be in a better mental state when I go. I went almost every weekend with my ex and our daughter for years, went there for everyone's birthdays, stayed at all the hotels, just sooo many memories.
Yes I wear earplugs probably more often than I need to. I don't have hyperacusis, though high frequency sounds do sound a bit shrill to me now, I'm just incredibly afraid of loud sounds. My tinnitus has just been getting worse and worse since September last year. I don't know what next sound is going to make my tinnitus worse. I'd love to be able to go and just wear earplugs on rides and get to experience everything else naturally. I hate talking with earplugs, and am always worried the occlusion is damaging things worse. I don't know how I would communicate with anyone I went with and would just feel disconnected.

I'd also like to be in a better mental state when I go. I went almost every weekend with my ex and our daughter for years, went there for everyone's birthdays, stayed at all the hotels, just sooo many memories.
l'm so sorry I did not realize the significance of Disney to you and your family. It does sound like you need a little bit of time to get to a place where you're ready to go back emotionally.

I do find talking with earplugs in strange. Mostly because I tend to speak lower with them in and people are always asking what what what? Of course, I can hear them perfectly. Mostly because all of the background noise is decreased. I feel like I spend a lot of time pulling them halfway out of my ears to make them more comfortable when noise levels are low and then pushing them all the way in for a loud ride.

It definitely takes some getting used to. But I completely understand how you feel about the potential exposure to loud noises.That's really the shitty thing about tinnitus. We're always waiting for the other shoe to drop. I know I am.
Some places I've been:

Yellowstone National Park to see old faithful blow.

Glacier National Park.

The Little Bighorn Battlefield where Custer cried out holy shit look at all those Indians.

The back country of the River of no return (Salmon River), in Idaho, an amazing adventure.

Slovakia, Italy, Austria, Prague twice, Romania, France, and other travels, oh let's not forget 6 months in that wonderful other world Vietnam.
The barista promised to make it extra pretty for me. :p A sneak preview for when you visit,
Oh I need this in my life right now lol. You better be taking me there. Can't wait for life to sort of go back to "normal" so I can travel again. Though I am nervous because I haven't been on a plane since developing tinnitus and mild hyperacusis. Hopefully flying won't screw my ears up. :coffee:
I would do anything to have been a teenager in the late 80s/early 90s.
I'm not sure how much different it was in the UK, but over here I don't know many people who have fond memories of being a teenager in those times. They do have memories of desperation, of being afraid of the future, and of writing hundreds of applications for a job, any job or apprenticeship, and nary getting a reply.

Of course, your teenage years ended when the depression of 2008 started. I understand that this may not have been any better. If I had the opportunity to choose a DOB, I would place it so that I could take advantage of the thriving job market in the late 1990s.
I'm not sure how much different it was in the UK
Most of my mates are older, and they often reminisce about the late 80/90s. Of course we all look back on the past with rose-tinted glasses.

The economy was rising in the first half of 1990s Britain. The mid 80s was our worst for unemployment. The 90s was seen as a decade of renewed prosperity, coincided with an exploding pop culture, which made "Cool Britannia" an exciting time to live through - except from having to see Tony Blair's smug face slapped across every tv screen. Oh! And Oasis playing everywhere. F*#k Oasis!

I remember when we rode around on push bikes with our mates, instead of staring at our phones - (as I ironically type this on my smartphone). The taking of photos on cameras and waiting for the film to develop rather than people snapping selfie's everywhere. Sunny D and terrible cheap food with no nutritional value because we knew no better. Recording songs off the radio on to tapes, and waiting every Friday night to watch Top of the Pops to find out who had made it to number 1.

Everything just felt more simple. But of course, I was just a kid. I didn't have any worries. Just an awesome metal head mother, who drove us around in a sports car whilst making us head bang to the Wayne's World Soundtrack we had on cassette.
Agreed. I was a Blur boy myself during the great war.
Yes my friend! Blur all the way!

I used to go to a Britpop club in London about 12 years ago. On the door there was a massive sign say Oasis - Piss Off! Haha! They certainly aren't favoured amongst the Britpop world.
Okay, fine. I did write something short really quick. I used to write a lot so I give this a 2/10, want me to post it?
Lol, sure. Sounds like fun.
Yes! Yes! Yes!
Even though I owe @aot some public embarrassment, there were many directions I could go with this and I went with wholesome :)

"Steph and Andre" by FG

"Right there. Starbucks." Steph reached her arm from the back seat to point out her destination for the Uber driver.

She got out her wallet and stared at it. Am I supposed to tip? she thought. What were the American rules on tipping again? She shrugged and handed over a 5-dollar bill just in case and hopped out. There would be time to ask about this for next time but, for now, she wasn't going to worry about it.

It had been a long flight from London and it felt good to be outside again. She stretched quickly and inhaled deeply, noticing a hint of salt in the air. The beach couldn't be very far.

She looked around. There were somehow even more palm trees than she expected: not only the classic tall, lanky trees with fronds blowing back erratically just like in the background of many Hollywood movies she had seen, but young, short, spikey ones, too. She wondered if they felt as prickly as they looked.


She turned around. A young man with wavy brown hair and an inviting smile was seated outside with two mochas, both equally heavy on the whipped cream and art direction. He waved.

Steph smiled back and headed towards him.

"I still want to call you aot." She laughed. Taking a seat next to him. "You don't look like an Andre."

He pushed her drink towards her. "It's my father's name."

"You're a junior, then?" She teased. Taking her drink with one hand and pushing the windblown hair out of her face with the other.

"The third, actually." He laughed. "Just drink your drink."

She propped her feet up on the bench. He made her feel comfortable and she liked to sit as casually as she felt.

"So..." she said. "You promised me an adventure. What did you have in mind?"

"Well, there is a reason I chose this particular Starbucks." Andre waited for her to react and when the corners of her lips turned up, he continued. "Let's walk to the beach. I want to show you something."

Steph offered her hand so Andre could help her up and the pair set off walking the few blocks of sun-bleached houses with Spanish style roofs on their way to the Gulf of Mexico. Even in the dark, the grass lawns caught Steph's eye. They were so lush and thick that you couldn't even see any of the dirt underneath. She took her shoes off to feel the soft blades between her toes.

Andre smiled knowingly "I was going to suggest that. At least when we got to the sand."

Steph felt the last of her travel weariness fade as the ocean breeze danced around her in the warm air. By the time they got to the wooden bridge connecting the road to the beach, she was practically skipping. Andre admired that about her, her lightness. Even in the dusk, it made everything seem just a bit brighter. Of course, she wasn't like that with everyone, he just didn't realize that yet.

They could hear the waves gently crashing in front of them as they made their way across the dune but couldn't see them yet.

He turned to her "Wait here for a second." And, then after a brief pause, he pointed to the beach below them. "Look."

Steph looked down to see dozens of tiny sea turtles emerge from their eggs and scurry through the white sand towards the moonlight. She put her hand over her mouth and her eyes widened with excitement.

"Oh my God, this is so cool! Thank you!" she said, putting her arm around his shoulder for a quick hug.

"You're welcome, Steph... You know, you are quieter than I thought you'd be."

"And you are much less quiet that I thought you'd be."

They both laughed, Andre first.

"Ready for the next adventure?" He said.
Even though I owe @aot some public embarrassment, there were many directions I could go with this and I went with wholesome :)
I was hoping for erotic fan fiction myself :p

I enjoyed it; it was very sweet. Loved the bit about the British not tipping - when we visited America my Dad asked for the tip to be removed at a Sizzler because it was self service. Very awkward 40 seconds :facepalm:
Even though I owe @aot some public embarrassment, there were many directions I could go with this and I went with wholesome :)

"Steph and Andre" by FG

"Right there. Starbucks." Steph reached her arm from the back seat to point out her destination for the Uber driver.

She got out her wallet and stared at it. Am I supposed to tip? she thought. What were the American rules on tipping again? She shrugged and handed over a 5-dollar bill just in case and hopped out. There would be time to ask about this for next time but, for now, she wasn't going to worry about it.

It had been a long flight from London and it felt good to be outside again. She stretched quickly and inhaled deeply, noticing a hint of salt in the air. The beach couldn't be very far.

She looked around. There were somehow even more palm trees than she expected: not only the classic tall, lanky trees with fronds blowing back erratically just like in the background of many Hollywood movies she had seen, but young, short, spikey ones, too. She wondered if they felt as prickly as they looked.


She turned around. A young man with wavy brown hair and an inviting smile was seated outside with two mochas, both equally heavy on the whipped cream and art direction. He waved.

Steph smiled back and headed towards him.

"I still want to call you aot." She laughed. Taking a seat next to him. "You don't look like an Andre."

He pushed her drink towards her. "It's my father's name."

"You're a junior, then?" She teased. Taking her drink with one hand and pushing the windblown hair out of her face with the other.

"The third, actually." He laughed. "Just drink your drink."

She propped her feet up on the bench. He made her feel comfortable and she liked to sit as casually as she felt.

"So..." she said. "You promised me an adventure. What did you have in mind?"

"Well, there is a reason I chose this particular Starbucks." Andre waited for her to react and when the corners of her lips turned up, he continued. "Let's walk to the beach. I want to show you something."

Steph offered her hand so Andre could help her up and the pair set off walking the few blocks of sun-bleached houses with Spanish style roofs on their way to the Gulf of Mexico. Even in the dark, the grass lawns caught Steph's eye. They were so lush and thick that you couldn't even see any of the dirt underneath. She took her shoes off to feel the soft blades between her toes.

Andre smiled knowingly "I was going to suggest that. At least when we got to the sand."

Steph felt the last of her travel weariness fade as the ocean breeze danced around her in the warm air. By the time they got to the wooden bridge connecting the road to the beach, she was practically skipping. Andre admired that about her, her lightness. Even in the dusk, it made everything seem just a bit brighter. Of course, she wasn't like that with everyone, he just didn't realize that yet.

They could hear the waves gently crashing in front of them as they made their way across the dune but couldn't see them yet.

He turned to her "Wait here for a second." And, then after a brief pause, he pointed to the beach below them. "Look."

Steph looked down to see dozens of tiny sea turtles emerge from their eggs and scurry through the white sand towards the moonlight. She put her hand over her mouth and her eyes widened with excitement.

"Oh my God, this is so cool! Thank you!" she said, putting her arm around his shoulder for a quick hug.

"You're welcome, Steph... You know, you are quieter than I thought you'd be."

"And you are much less quiet that I thought you'd be."

They both laughed, Andre first.

"Ready for the next adventure?" He said.
My name is John, but otherwise this great!

Good job.

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