What if this is a condition that, in spite of your best efforts, nonetheless incapacitates you (as it has caused me this summer on a few occasions to almost totally black out and lose consciousness) so that your wife, relatives, friends (and everyone you know) abandons you as a lost cause, a strange pathetic case, someone too difficult to associate with, etc. What if you are therefore left utterly alone with no support system?
What if driving exacerbates this to the extent that you are so mentally undermined that you are afraid you will cause an accident?
What if, in spite of your best efforts to remain positive, these near-blackouts afflict you with the uncontrollable force that an epileptic seizure would? What if this still overtakes you no matter how much positivity coaching you internalize?
What if (as I have done) you see 3 ENT Doctors and 1 Psychiatrist, all of whom dismiss you with the staggering, black pill commentary that there is nothing that can be done for you?
What if this (for the abovementioned reasons) makes you unemployable such that you are staring the breathtakingly horrifying prospect of homelessness in the face?
Oh, and incidentally, I felt somewhat alienated by that "shitfaced" logo since I have been a member of AA since 1981 and my best friend from grade school and a close relative both died of alcoholism before they were 55. Recently I read of an excellent definition of communication; it is the transference of understanding. If that logo indicates that drinking is a legitimate means of self-medication, then you and I will be sadly unable to engage in any degree of moral communication.