Post Your Current Medication / Supplement Stack

Most recent list of things that have worked for me include:

CBD (THC free capsules)
Low dose Melatonin

Just got back from an ENT visit and I was encouraged to hear from him that all of these have worked to some degree for some of his patients with sensorineural hearing loss related tinnitus like I have. I learned that CBD has been showing some promise in emerging research, but that THC actually can limit the positive effects of CBD or even cause worse tinnitus. I didn't know that and had some instances where CBD seemed to work and others where it didn't or even felt worse, so maybe it was related to THC contamination. I just bought some CBD at a head shop that is guaranteed THC free, so hopefully that solves the problem. Unfortunately, it was much more expensive than the regular CBD drops I was buying.

ENT recommended a few products, and I will trial them ASAP and post my findings. One of them has many of the same ingredients I have been taking individually, so that is also encouraging. I will keep you all posted.

Hello. I'm somewhat new here although I've sadly been reading the comments over the past 1.5 years. :(

I wanted to share that a very high dose of CBD oil helped me sleep, like knocked me out for a solid 8 hours, consistently, with very bothersome high pitch tinnitus.

However, strangely, the CBD also made my tinnitus louder during the day. The effect was clear & strange -- meaning I slept better but then the daytime sucked way worse because of the louder sound. Ultimately, back then at least, my tinnitus improved to the point where I decided to stop the CBD, which lowered my daytime tinnitus, and, by that time, I was able to sleep as I gradually decreased the CBD over a few days.

Anyway, that CBD oil had .3% of THC. So, after a recent terrible spike caused by an anti-parasitic medication, and a renewed terrible inability to sleep, I've just ordered CBD "isolate," which is supposed to be zero percent THC. I'm hoping that might give the sleep effect without the worsening tinnitus effect.

I'm just wondering: what brand of CBD oil are you using? You might want to check because many brands that claim to be "THC free" really have .3% of THC. There are strict isolates but they are more expensive and much harder to find (local shops didn't have them where I live; I had to order online).
My current stack:
  • 600mg NAC (Thorne) x2 a day
  • 350mg NAD (Tru Niagen Nicotinamide Riboside) 1x a day
  • Multivitamin (Garden of Life) 1x a day [contains Vitamin A, B, C, E, D, etc.]
  • 350mg Magnesium Complex (Purely Optimal) [contains all types of Magnesium for maximum absorption] 1x a day
  • After loud noise incident and if I have it (so hard to get a prescription for it) Prednisone 40-60mg
What else should I add? I am trying to go for maximum otoprotectivity and recovery after acoustic trauma, hence the NAC and NAD.

Any other supplements I am not aware of that are good in this respect and shown to prevent or help recovery from loud noise and prevent hearing damage? Supplements that help repair the ear or nerves or whatever and can help tinnitus are welcome suggestions too. Thanks.
A really long list can't be great for your stomach.

I take Magnesium Bisglycinate and a few other vitamins. Does anyone here care?

I don't know if they help.
Great idea for a thread.

Sometimes I alternate but this is generally what I take:
  • Ashwagandha
  • Bacopa
  • Liposomal Magnesium and C
  • D3
  • B complex
  • Boswellia (inflammation)
  • Something called Youth Factor- a blend of things including CoQ10, shilajit, and something for the mitochondria (originally purchased it because my hair was shedding a lot and it is supposed to be for hair but I noticed a decrease in my tinnitus after I started taking it).
  • I also alternate between Chinese herbal formulas from my acupuncturist and Ayurvedic herbs.
  • Sometimes I take L-Theanine, 5-HTP, lithium orotate for anxiety but I have not noticed any improvement in my ears when I take those.
My tinnitus/hyperacusis is from an acoustic trauma a year ago, and whenever I get a flareup from noise exposure (which doesn't take much tbh) if I am really desperate I will take a Valium or maybe Klonopin. I feel like the Klonopin helped the tinnitus volume a little but I was getting weird side effects, so now I take Valium. Doesn't seem to help the tinnitus but it does make me care about it less. I take benzos very very seldom and only if needed.

I would take NAC if I could but I have a bleeding disorder so I can't. I've read good things about it after a sound incident.
Clonazepam 2mg QD

Gabapentin 300mg TID

THC/CBD oil (vaporized or decarboxylated and consumed orally) - PRN, estimate daily intake to average 1-300mg THC, 0-100mg CBD.

For "breakthrough anxiety" I lean on Valerian, since I'm already on a med stack of downers that would make your average death metal guitarist drowsy, and I don't want to get into the "klonopin plus xanax" game, or whatever. I've seen a lot of people on polybenzo cocktails and my perception is it tends to end even more catastrophically badly than daily use of a single benzo. I've taken Valerian like twice in the last six months.

I have a closet full of supplements because I tried every supplement, vitamin, weird russian medication, etc, that I could find any attestation to, before resorting to benzos. I think that maybe valerian + passionflower + Kava was very slightly effective, but it's such a tiny effect compared to actual benzos that the effect has more or less disappeared for me, if it was ever there.

Also, I spent ten years and ~$30,000 trying other alternatives before resorting to a pretty obnoxiously over-the-top med stack. I would definitely not encourage anyone else to do what I am doing.
Hi linearb,

Going through another relapse for the past 6 weeks. Just got off the phone from a naturopath, who wants to prescribe me some anti-anxiety Chinese herbs, whilst I work on rehabituation.

Are you familiar with any of these? Concerned about ototoxicity and overstimulating GABA receptors etc.
  • Passionflower
  • Ziphius
  • Magnolia
  • Californian poppy
  • European skullcap
  • And another that sounded like bupericum?
Have you tried Resveratrol? I read that it can cross the BBB and deactivate the microglial cells in the CNS.
Hi linearb,

Going through another relapse for the past 6 weeks. Just got off the phone from a naturopath, who wants to prescribe me some anti-anxiety Chinese herbs, whilst I work on rehabituation.

Are you familiar with any of these? Concerned about ototoxicity and overstimulating GABA receptors etc.
  • Passionflower
  • Ziphius
  • Magnolia
  • Californian poppy
  • European skullcap
  • And another that sounded like bupericum?
Have you tried Resveratrol? I read that it can cross the BBB and deactivate the microglial cells in the CNS.
Hi @DebInAustralia.

Sorry to hear you're having a rough time; it's nice to hear from you, wish the circumstances were better!

I have tried Passionflower and some variant of Skullcap. I think I was using Passionflower along with Kava tincture and Valerian, as a sort of GABA-trifecta to weakly imitate a benzo-like effect, and at a low dose I thought it was effective, but it doesn't scale? That is, it seemed to do something, but the beneficial effect did not stack as the dose increased.

In general I'd google anything before I took it but the only herb I know of that punches the GABA button hard enough to have any documented negative cases is Valerian, and the only one I know of was someone who used it at a high dose for years and was abruptly withdrawn while hospitalized for something else, and had a seizure. That certainly implies a significant degree of GABA involvement but it's also a pretty extreme outlier, I've taken Valerian many times and never noticed any swingback the next day.

I may or may not have taken Resveratrol at some point; if I did, it was one of the things I got rid of the last time I moved, I downsized to a single closet of supplements instead of having my own private GNC store. If I did then I don't remember anything about it.

I'd say roughly 80% of the supplements and stuff I've tried have seemed like placebo or close enough to it, ha.
Hi @DebInAustralia.

Sorry to hear you're having a rough time; it's nice to hear from you, wish the circumstances were better!

I have tried Passionflower and some variant of Skullcap. I think I was using Passionflower along with Kava tincture and Valerian, as a sort of GABA-trifecta to weakly imitate a benzo-like effect, and at a low dose I thought it was effective, but it doesn't scale? That is, it seemed to do something, but the beneficial effect did not stack as the dose increased.

In general I'd google anything before I took it but the only herb I know of that punches the GABA button hard enough to have any documented negative cases is Valerian, and the only one I know of was someone who used it at a high dose for years and was abruptly withdrawn while hospitalized for something else, and had a seizure. That certainly implies a significant degree of GABA involvement but it's also a pretty extreme outlier, I've taken Valerian many times and never noticed any swingback the next day.

I may or may not have taken Resveratrol at some point; if I did, it was one of the things I got rid of the last time I moved, I downsized to a single closet of supplements instead of having my own private GNC store. If I did then I don't remember anything about it.

I'd say roughly 80% of the supplements and stuff I've tried have seemed like placebo or close enough to it, ha.
Thanks linearb!

It's nice to hear from you too.

I know you've been through the mill with your tinnitus and anxiety.

Each day I wake up and hear it... freaking out... then despair sets in that this thing won't get better...

Habituation is very difficult when anxiety sky rockets. This is why I'm tempted to try this anti-anxiety concoction. I really don't know what else to do...


I've researched the herbs..

It seems Bupleurum is an anti-convulsant but can't find any specific info as to its relationship to tinnitus/potassium channels.

Any thoughts?
I don't take anything for tinnitus because there is nothing that I have tried that had any real positive effect with the exception of Klonopin (and it is not consistent and not a long term solution).

I take Resveracel daily that is NAD + Resveratrol just for general health, and 15mg of Celexa to avoid falling deeper in the chronic depression that tinnitus provided me as a gift.
How long have you been using Mirtazapine? Do you find it helpful for sleep and anxiety/depression?

Any side effects?
I've been on Mirtazapine for 9 months now. It has been incredibly helpful for sleep and maybe less for anxiety/depression, but they're all interconnected.

Only side effects have been increased hunger and weight (which is good for me because I'd lost two stones to tinnitus and other health issues), and at the beginning some vivid dreams but nothing too concerning.

I'm on 30 mg, but for most people, doses of 7.5 mg are more sedating than higher doses.
That was the Magnesium I took. I spiked from Magnesium Citrate and Epsom salt baths. I should have learned my lesson and not take Magnesium ever.

Drinking loads of water now to flush it out. I don't even know if that works to get it out of my system.
It'll be the Citrate rather than the Magnesium itself.

Try Magnesium Chelate or L-Threonate.
I've used L-Lysine for eye health/strain.

100% safe/no issues to me - and good effect.
Cool, thanks. I couldn't find anything here on Tinnitus Talk that was negative. It said also to reduce viruses like Epstein Barr which reside in the inner ear, so it can be a litmus too.

Now on to Ashwagandha, that's controversial it seems, in general.
Here is my list:

That's it. Nothing. I am not going to go down the rabbit hole of supplements, drugs etc. Seriously if you are popping 10 supplements/pills a day - how do you know that any one of them is actually having an effect on your tinnitus? You could remove 1 component - and you may notice a spike - but you would need to do further testing to confirm that one supplement is having an impact. I guess many of you have done that so just take what you feel you have to take if you believe it makes a demonstrable and obvious difference. Bear in mind the placebo effect - so if you drop 1 component - deep down in your brain is an expectation or fear that it's going to spike and this fear and expectation is what causes the spike. It is in a way - a vicious cycle once you are trapped in it. Which is one reason I wont start. But hey - I wish you all luck and bearable tinnitus levels.

Of course - maybe I am just not desperate enough at this stage. I did take some Magnesium tablets for a few weeks but stopped that and just re-organised my diet making sure I get sufficient magnesium. But frankly - none of the dietary changes I have made - low sugar low sodium and max out on healthy food - have had any noticeable impact on my tinnitus levels. But since eating quality food is good for the body - I am maintaining it. There are other strong reasons for minimal sugar - diabetes risk for one.
Multivitamin - Mainly for Vitamins A, C and E (which along with Magnesium are free radical scavengers).

Magnesium Threonate 144 mg - Also seems to help my migraines.

NAC 600 mg - I double or triple this if I know I'm going to be in a loud environment.

Curcumin 750 mg.

Fish Oil.
Current Supplements:

- Fish oil
- Ashwagandha
- Multivitamin
- Magnesium Chloride
- Vitamin D3
- Vitaming B12

I'm looking into a lot more though and about to order about 40 things from Nootropics Depot so will update later.

I also ordered BPC-157 and TB-500 from Peptide Sciences and will run this for about one month, as long as I don't have any bad side effects.
I'm looking into a lot more though and about to order about 40 things from Nootropics Depot so will update later.
Can you share the full list of things you're ordering? How much is it going to cost per month?
Can you share the full list of things you're ordering? How much is it going to cost per month?
This is what I'm probably going to order but I definitely will not be taking it all at once.
  • NAC
  • Noopept
  • Lion's Mane, both mycelium and fruiting body
  • Cordyceps
  • Red Reshi
  • Ginkgo biloba
  • Bacopa Monnieri (BaCognize)
  • Ashwagandha
  • Acetyl-L-Carnitine
  • Krill Oil
  • Coenzyme Q10 (CoQSol)
  • Primavea
  • Resveratrol
  • Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) for neuropathic pain
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid
  • Ginseng
  • Emoxypine for neuropathic pain
  • Phosphatidylserine (Smart)
  • Citicoline (Cognizan)
  • Eutropoflavin
  • Tropoflavin
  • Polygala tenuifolia
  • OmegaTau
  • Sabroxy
  • Tongkat Ali
  • Curcumin
  • Nigella Sativa
  • Rephyll
  • OptiNAD+
  • Pyridoxal-5'-Phosphate
  • L-Tyrosine
  • Sarcosine
  • Cistanche tubulosa
  • Optim-ALA
  • Rhodiola Rosea
  • Hesperidin
  • Berberine HCL + Silymarin
  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamin D3
  • Magnesium L-Threonate
  • Zinc
  • Melatonin
I'm ordering these from Nootropics Depot, some are brand names.

I also am getting BPC-157 and TB-500. I might try Semax, P21 (Cerebrolysin) and NAD+ in the future too.

Going to be tricky figuring out which ones I can stack. A lot of those produce BDNF and some are specifically for neuropathic pain while some are also for inflammation. All of those from Nootropics Depot would last 3-6 months but that's only if all taken together which would probably kill me so I would guess it will all last a year at a cost of about $2k. Peptides from Peptides Science are just as expensive if not more expensive for some products.

I would probably just re order a select few and drop most. This is very much a work in progress.

EDIT: It's worth mentioning that the main issue I am trying to treat is noxacusis which was caused by loud noise exposure. I also have tinnitus and a reduction in volume of that would also be welcome.
My current supplement/medication list:
  • Betahistine (from ENT)
  • Magnesium
  • NAC
  • Vitamin E
  • Complex of B vitamins
  • Coenzyme Q10
  • Quercetine
  • Resveratrol
  • Curcumin
  • Alpha-Lipoic Acid
  • Ginkgo Biloba
I had a round of Prednisone (1 day of IV and 10 days of tablets) and 10 sessions of HBOT. I started with psychotherapy and incorporated mindfulnes and "Back to Silence" method from this forum.

I have had tinnitus for almost a month so I decided to go with all that is available and might help and hope for the best.
My current supplement/medication list:
  • Betahistine (from ENT)
  • Magnesium
  • NAC
  • Vitamin E
  • Complex of B vitamins
  • Coenzyme Q10
  • Quercetine
  • Resveratrol
  • Curcumin
  • Alpha-Lipoic Acid
  • Ginkgo Biloba
I had a round of Prednisone (1 day of IV and 10 days of tablets) and 10 sessions of HBOT. I started with psychotherapy and incorporated mindfulnes and "Back to Silence" method from this forum.

I have had tinnitus for almost a month so I decided to go with all that is available and might help and hope for the best.
This sounds like a good stack. Maybe add some fish oils in too? I'm going to try all of those too. You just started this? I ordered all mine just now.
You just started this? I ordered all mine just now.
Right after tinnitus onset I started with Prednisone, Betahistine, Ginkgo biloba, Magnesium and B vitamins. 10 days later I was scheduled for my first HBOT and I read here that it is good to take some antioxidants while doing HBOT so I added the rest.
Maybe add some fish oils in too?
That is a good idea.
This is what I'm probably going to order but I definitely will not be taking it all at once.
  • NAC
  • Noopept
  • Lion's Mane, both mycelium and fruiting body
  • Cordyceps
  • Red Reshi
  • Ginkgo biloba
  • Bacopa Monnieri (BaCognize)
  • Ashwagandha
  • Acetyl-L-Carnitine
  • Krill Oil
  • Coenzyme Q10 (CoQSol)
  • Primavea
  • Resveratrol
  • Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) for neuropathic pain
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid
  • Ginseng
  • Emoxypine for neuropathic pain
  • Phosphatidylserine (Smart)
  • Citicoline (Cognizan)
  • Eutropoflavin
  • Tropoflavin
  • Polygala tenuifolia
  • OmegaTau
  • Sabroxy
  • Tongkat Ali
  • Curcumin
  • Nigella Sativa
  • Rephyll
  • OptiNAD+
  • Pyridoxal-5'-Phosphate
  • L-Tyrosine
  • Sarcosine
  • Cistanche tubulosa
  • Optim-ALA
  • Rhodiola Rosea
  • Hesperidin
  • Berberine HCL + Silymarin
  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamin D3
  • Magnesium L-Threonate
  • Zinc
  • Melatonin
I'm ordering these from Nootropics Depot, some are brand names.

I also am getting BPC-157 and TB-500. I might try Semax, P21 (Cerebrolysin) and NAD+ in the future too.

Going to be tricky figuring out which ones I can stack. A lot of those produce BDNF and some are specifically for neuropathic pain while some are also for inflammation. All of those from Nootropics Depot would last 3-6 months but that's only if all taken together which would probably kill me so I would guess it will all last a year at a cost of about $2k. Peptides from Peptides Science are just as expensive if not more expensive for some products.

I would probably just re order a select few and drop most. This is very much a work in progress.

EDIT: It's worth mentioning that the main issue I am trying to treat is noxacusis which was caused by loud noise exposure. I also have tinnitus and a reduction in volume of that would also be welcome.
"A" for effort. Why not Nicotinamide Riboside?


  • OptiNAD_-120ct__56997.1659112149.jpg
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Can any of those supplements be taken while you are taking an antidepressant or a benzo?
Do you mean the OptiNAD+? I'm really not sure. It seems like people use NAD+ a lot to recover from benzo withdrawals. It's generally a longevity supplement but I'm not sure about specific interactions. I'm using websites like WebMD and Examine to check different interactions.

NAD+ can be found in clinics too. It's most effective given over IV but it's expensive and the effects don't last too long apparently. You can also take it subcutaneously too. Not sure if that would be a better option than the OptiNAD+.

Just found a few people reporting that OptiNAD+ GAVE them tinnitus. Might need to rethink this.

I read some anecdotal stories and it's all very mixed on OptiNAD+. It had no effect on some people's tinnitus, some got tinnitus who didn't have it before, and some got better. Just like with so many other things.

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