It's a bit of a long story. I had very mild tinnitus at first, it either went away or was so silent I forgot about it. During a very strong mushroom experience I was meditating towards the end of it and noticed my tinnitus again. It went very fast from there: it ramped up in volume during the following weeks and months and has gradually gotten worse ever since then. I suspect it might have been this meditation session that awoke the beast, because:
Leading scientist in the field have proposed that the act of paying attention to tinnitus (which everyone has to some extent in a very quiet environment) reinforces pathways in the brain that makes it both louder and permanent. Once the brain has "learned" to hear tinnitus, it cannot "unhear" it.
I suspect this is why some people report persistent tinnitus after psychedelic use: it could be the deciding factor between a person who exposes themselves to a lot of noise and doesn't get tinnitus, and a person who does get it with a similar history of noise exposure. For others the deciding factor could perhaps be stress, or other things.
I'm trying to keep this brief but my main point is that I think the increased neuroplasticity from psychedelics can have both good and bad outcomes. I doubt the mushrooms caused tinnitus on their own, but I think they may have been responsible for amplifying my very mild tinnitus probably caused by hidden hearing loss/synaptopathy I may have built up during years of listening to music through headphones.
Another reason I suspect them is because I got visual snow from psychedelics, and there is a link between that and tinnitus. The visual snow came years before the tinnitus though.
No, I have not tried any other psychedelics and unfortunately, probably never will. I used mushrooms many times after my initial tinnitus debut, and they didn't make it worse immediately afterwards from what I could tell.