Thanks for the prayers my friend.
Yes, T sucks. When I read "Sarasota Florida", I think about the trip with my wife some years ago to Florida. Everglades, Key West, Sea World, Mickey Mouse, Naples, Miami Beach etc. We stayed in Swan & Dolphin hotel in Disney resort for one week and had breakfast with Goofy.

What a great time without any health issues. All was great, life was great. My great dream was and still is going with my family (my kids are 7 and 12) to the States again in some years. For the moment, I cannot think about this. I even don't know if we are still alive then. But who knows this anyway?
T can be a real life-changer, in particular because of anxiety and depression (at least in my case).
Nevertheless, I try giving T no room. I just finished my workday and it was ok. T is osciallating in my head, but for today, I have cared a little bit less. At least my family should not have any limits.
Thoughts about never having silence again, that we are no longer 100% healthy and life is no longer peaceful and perfect, also creep up on me oftentimes. People (also therapists) tell me: "Hey, you just have to accept it". Wow, accept a dog whistle in your head, a noise people cannot stand even 5 seconds. But I believe that there will be the time when you HAVE to accept, if you want or not. And then, things turn around.
Yes, I am sure it takes more months. I have no longer panic attacks, my crazy high anxiety dropped. Tension and depression is more problematic at the moment. I have left the "fight or flight" mode more or less. Man, believe in habituation. This f... noise will not kill us. We will live with it and one day, it will disappear and we are the luckiest people on earth.
PS: BTW, since you said, you think about what you eat and drink. I don't have to look for this. My T does not react on any food, neither positive nor negative. So I eat and drink like before T onset.