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South Korean Clinic Treatment (Dr. Minbo Shim)

Seems like it's over for this guy, unless he's been hacked or something.

Too bad it seems like he was able to give some relief
I just saw. Not sure if this is related to his plans to move/expand to another country to continue his work. If it is, it is understandable. Having a psycopath with nukes living up north isn't exactly a good tourist attraction. Perhaps he finally just said "screw it" and fled to another country after fearing the escalated tension in the Koreas.

I'm going to see if I can somehow get in contact with him, and maybe move on with my LLLT plans.

Darn. This has been a busy month for me. Shame for this to happen while I was gone.
I just saw. Not sure if this is related to his plans to move/expand to another country to continue his work. If it is, it is understandable. Having a psycopath with nukes living up north isn't exactly a good tourist attraction. Perhaps he finally just said "screw it" and fled to another country after fearing the escalated tension in the Koreas.

I'm going to see if I can somehow get in contact with him, and maybe move on with my LLLT plans.

Darn. This has been a busy month for me. Shame for this to happen while I was gone.
I emailed him to know more but no reply. I think it's over and maybe it was a scam
I emailed him to know more but no reply. I think it's over and maybe it was a scam

No idea. I have been exposed to a lot of scam artists in the years I have been learning about e-commerce, mostly a lot of Multi Channel Networking crap. Ever since I have been an aspiring entrepreneur, I have also found a lot of genuine places that for many months I thought were dream leeching frauds until I finally took a deep dive and learned about them. Two of my current mentors for online business, I once thought were liars until I took the time to pay attention, and now I have started to have some success from their advice. I have learned to mostly try and not jump to conclusions with either positive or negative response until detailed investigation, because often there is more than what meets the eye.

Unfortunately, in this case, I have shifted very often of what my perspective of all of this was, out of desperation, anger, and fear, but I have tried to remain cautiously optimistic. When I attempted to investigate, what I found didn't make sense for it to be a scam. How could someone who was a genuine doctor that had friends publicly connected to his work risk his own career, reputation, and privacy of his friends and himself? He was far too open and trackable. He also had clearly invested in a lot of money within a couple of years, at least the equivalent of six figures of dollars. So, if he was a fraud, he was a foolish one that risked his privacy and too much money. Additionally, he wasn't advertising vitamins or anything like that, but a surgery with promise to be very effective. Compared to vitamins, having no results would be more noticeable with more risk and liability, and there would be much more vengeful, and perhaps in some cases bloodthirsty, people. Considering how much he exposed himself, invested, and traveled, a lot of this still doesn't make any sense to me. But, as I said, I am more used to coming across entrepreneurial frauds, and nothing in the medical industry, so I have no idea. The frauds I am used to are much more... careful to not disclose as much information, and their products aren't as attention-grabby and aren't so risky in a fashion that could easily ruin them. If this was a scam, it perhaps is the dumbest one I had ever seen. But, with everything I have seen from this guy, it makes no sense and I just have no idea anymore.

I don't have any respect for scam artists. I think they are fools that are lazy and too stupid to look for the genuine opportunities to make an honest lucrative living, so they result in hurting others for their own benefit. Some even have the right ideas yet would rather focus on making money rather than producing a fully polished product that benefits both sides, so they end up giving a half-assed product with good ideas that lead to nowhere for consumers except for disappointment. If Minbo Shim really was a fraud, he could have very well invested in medical products to sell such as equipment instead of wasting what looks like the equivalent of over a hundred thousand dollars or so and risking his privacy, reputation, and freedom.

But who knows? I sure don't, and it's not something I am worrying about at the moment, as I have bigger priorities such as a job and college. Maybe information could come out over time. Maybe he could be genuine, or maybe he really is a fool. Regardless, this ended up being a plan B for me, and based on the advancement of research in hearing generation from other parties, it perhaps may very well not be something I would ever have to worry about.

I have been visiting this site less amd less as I have become more busy. If I disappear again after today, I wish all of you well and hope for the best.

By the way, one of his other email addresses is listed on this domain owner lookup site. Perhaps someone could email him there of they wanted to, to find out what is up. https://who.is/whois/cmclinics.com
So... what we have here is a 30-page thread discussing a doctor - a whole continent away - who may (or may not) be legit. Nobody seems to know. And yet, the discussion carries on, and on, and on. There are indicators either way. For instance, the homepage of this doctor looks like something a 16-year-old weekend hacker conjured up on the back of an envelope as he did his overdue homework while commuting in an overcrowded NY-subway. On the other hand, there seem to be insinuations of credible liaisons with other researchers this particular stem cell physician might have had. At the end of the day, it is all speculation. And hence this 30-page thread is therefore not worth much more than the "paper" it is written on - which - incidentally says quite a lot given the free electronic media in question.

As I have stated previously in relation to documenting the validity of information (including the authenticity of my treatments): in a case of uncertainty, knowing if something is true or not becomes more important than the information itself.

For those who keep posting in this thread, may I suggest a new approach: for each update you write, consider making a $10-donation to a research entity like TRI or the HHF, or some other entity out there (e.g. the BTA or the ATA). Surely that money is better spent than spending your precious time contributing to what essentially is... NOTHING!
So... what we have here is a 30-page thread discussing a doctor - a whole continent away - who may (or may not) be legit. Nobody seems to know. And yet, the discussion carries on, and on, and on. There are indicators either way. For instance, the homepage of this doctor looks like something a 16-year-old weekend hacker conjured up on the back of an envelope as he did his overdue homework while commuting in an overcrowded NY-subway. On the other hand, there seem to be insinuations of credible liaisons with other researchers this particular stem cell physician might have had. At the end of the day, it is all speculation. And hence this 30-page thread is therefore not worth much more than the "paper" it is written on - which - incidentally says quite a lot given the free electronic media in question.

As I have stated previously in relation to documenting the validity of information (including the authenticity of my treatments): in a case of uncertainty, knowing if something is true or not becomes more important than the information itself.

For those who keep posting in this thread, may I suggest a new approach: for each update you write, consider making a $10-donation to a research entity like TRI or the HHF, or some other entity out there (e.g. the BTA or the ATA). Surely that money is better spent than spending your precious time contributing to what essentially is... NOTHING!

Most of what I did in the past was trying to document all the information I could that could lead to being able to tell whether or not he was legitimate. However, I couldn't find anytning else, and we ended up getting to a point where the only thing we could do was send someone there. Which, we did, and the individual did say the clinic was legitimate, but we didn't really get anything else. As my life got busy with college and work, and couldn't even do anything more anyway, I contributed less and less with this site. However, I dropped in and responded after seeing the site vanish.

I suppose this is similar to the discussion of LLLT, except more weird, more expensive, potentially less safe, and with more skeptics. A lot of cloudy information and hardly anything to go by.

Oh well, this gave me something to do, and actually vanquished my depression even if it did end up being false.
Apply common sense and you will become sceptic... the before and after treatment audiograms should be performed by different parties with NO affiliation to each other.

Otherwise if the same center does it there is a higher risk of conflict of interest
Apply common sense and you will become sceptic... the before and after treatment audiograms should be performed by different parties with NO affiliation to each other.

Otherwise if the same center does it there is a higher risk of conflict of interest

Idk. Though I find South Korea very interesting, it is pretty weird. There could be a lot of things that they do which aren't considered standard. The clinic is a major enigma, because although they have very public connections with very well respected doctors, hospitals, and organizations within South Korea, and are in several clinic databases, they still do a lot of weird stuff. I was told by several people on here that the poor website quality wasn't abnormal for clinics, but it still seemed strange. Further, I had a South Korean American lawyer check him out, and he said that it looked very legitimate, and we sent someone there physically and they said it was genuine.

The whole thing is messy, sane in some areas, and nonsensical in others. It's been confirmed that he really his a physician, the clinic is real, but whether or not he set up that stuff as a weird dishonest marketing tactic remains to be seen.

I just don't like jumping to conclusions without any solid proof of genuineness or fraud. Yet, unfortunately, my hopes got the best of me previously, and although I am leaning towards thinking he is honest based on the detailed research I have done, I just don't have anything solid.

There are so many things I regret jumping to conclusions thinking "BS" on. If I believed certain things a lot sooner, and took action, I would have been a little bit more wealthy than I am now. This is why I am not going to label anything just yet, because in the past what I thought was asinine BS, ended up being very lucrative and helpful. I have learned it best to treat everything like that. Whatever though, this thing gives me a headache and I find it best to focus on my studies and entrepreneurship instead.
That is the name of an unrelated individual that doesn't even have the same medical profession. Cheong-Min is the name of Dr. Minbo Shim's clinic.

Also: Shim finally replied to my email. He says he is indeed moving to another country, which is why his clinic has shut down. His choices were Taiwan or Hong Kong.

But does he still continue his research on tinnitus?
That is the name of an unrelated individual that doesn't even have the same medical profession. Cheong-Min is the name of Dr. Minbo Shim's clinic.

Also: Shim finally replied to my email. He says he is indeed moving to another country, which is why his clinic has shut down. His choices were Taiwan or Hong Kong.
Do you know when he will reopen?
So that is 4 injections each ear for a total amount of 3.000 USD (50% of 6.000) if I'm correct.

And they have a new certification: http://cmclinics.com/2017/12/

It is an interesting clinic. Although my thoughts are nonsense I always wonder what Frequency Therapeutics and Audion are capable of when this clinic is achieving these results already by injecting growth factors into the ear (provided the results are true and all positive).
If Dr. Minbo Shim is actually operating a clinic that treats hearing loss and tinnitus using stem cells, then I would say he should – as a next career move – contemplate investing a little in marketing skills. Seriously folks: does this look like a state-of-the-art stem cell clinic? Does it look like a stem cell clinic... like... at all? To me, it looks more like advertising for women's January clothes-on-sale... :D


This thread is also now some 30 pages long and still no credible evidence of anything. Those who bring information to this topic are not really doing a good job, I must say...
Says the narcissistic one who recommends on his own website to get a ordinary $25k stem cells treatment in some Asian country that isn't based on actual research!
Says the narcissistic one who recommends on his own website to get a ordinary $25k stem cells treatment in some Asian country that isn't based on actual research!
I have never recommended anything... :) But I have shared my story and, well, contributed (read "volunteered") about 1000 hours on promoting tinnitus research:


Have you considered perhaps contributing with a simple donation to... say... TinnitusTalk? Or a reseach entity? I noticed you are not a benefactor...


It will increase the feel-good factor inside of you. I promise... :D
I actually visited Dr. Wilden in Ibiza in November 2015. ( See previous posts ) I still have T. I did a 10 day therapy in Ibiza and then bought his home laser and have been using it for 30 minutes per day at least 5 days per week. For me the results have been underwhelming and disappointing. But I have the machine and will continue to use it and hope to get improvement. Everyone is different and gets different results.

So now I'm looking into stem cell therapy. I noticed on the previous posts that people were saying a " standard " price is around $6,000. The clinic in Bangkok where ATEOS went charges between $15,000 and $45,ooo USD depending on the treatment:


I believe ATEOS paid $25,000 for his treatment there.

Can anyone shed some light on what the differences are and what you're getting for the higher price?
From what I understand, in the USA there is an FDA ban on the drug that multiplies your stem cells, therefore the treatment in the USA is far less effective because you are getting less stem cells. Maybe that's why US treatments run about $6,000? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
@TOVEGA, Did you ever go to stemcells21?
In what consist Minbo Shim treatment with intratympanic injections?

And if Minbo Shim treatment service works why he don't offer an exclusive offer for Tinnitus Talk member's and could be spread around the world.

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