Still Confused About Tinnitus

Tarik AlNaqeeb

Mar 12, 2017
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
I have had mild tinnitus since I was 11. I recall asking my mother if she could hear a high pitched sound, always no. It never really bothered me, always low in the back ground. In 1995 while in the army getting my hearing tested I was told to stop pushing the button, the test had not started. I found it amusing at the time.

Long story short, five month ago the volume went way up. I always assumed it was from being around loud noises. I have been a pilot of piston aircraft and helicopters for 25 years, raced and ride motorcycles since the age of 3, play the drums etc. I went for a hearing test and was told that my hearing was good for a 50 year old, no significant hearing loss and that I have protected my hearing well.

Then, due to being depressed about it, I went to a psychologist and was diagnosed with PTSD and abandonment issues from my childhood, came as no surprise to my wife. I had a very stressful year in 2016 due to a job loss, major move which did not work out, move again and going through a couple of jobs before getting back on track. I am beginning to think that the rise in my t is from stress, as a kid and now. I wear earplugs under noise canceling headsets while I fly and have been told it won't increase my t by ear docs and t specialists. Still wonder, but I only know how to fly and prefer the back country small plane jobs.

Anyway, I am trying to learn to relax, get calm and deal with it. I am trying to not let it effect my 30 year marriage with my great wife. I can't tell if stress makes it spike, or if flying makes it spike at times, or if I just start to focus on it too much. Some days are good and some not. Anyway just another story!
Welcome to the forum @Tarik AlNaqeeb and I hope you will find TT a good place with supportive members and rich resources on all aspects of tinnitus knowledge and experiences.

There are many causes which can trigger or aggravate tinnitus including but not limited to drug reaction or side-effects from ototoxic drugs, ear wax build-up, ear or Eustachian tube infection or ETD, ear drum injury, fluid build-up feeling pressured, TMJ, TTTS, high blood pressure or blood circulation problem, loud noise exposure, acoustic trauma/shock, head trauma & injury, neck injury or muscle problems, hearing loss, Meniere's Decease, barotrauma from sudden change of air pressure such as flights, slapping of the ears, grief for the loss of loved ones, untreated sleep apnea, elevated stress, anxiety & panic disorder, etc.

Generally, as you say, stress and anxiety can trigger or aggravate tinnitus. If we are too alarmed by T, it can also trigger the fight or flight reaction with the limbic nerves taking over to make thing a lot more serious and the brain will then zoom in on T too much. So it is best to stay positive, calm and to do some relaxing activities or exercises to calm the nerves. Have you done some masking on the new level of T yet? Take good care. God bless.

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