Stop Researching a Cure for Tinnitus. Anyone Can Recover Naturally.

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Jun 27, 2017
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Earbud headphones in car
Hi Guys - I am 36 and recovering well from Tinnitus. It was triggered 4 years ago through listening to earbud headphones in my car. Like pretty much everyone else on here, it took me to a very dark place. Sleepless nights with level 10 screaming in my head / depressed days / feeling my life was ruined / all my experiences would be forever tainted. Worst of all - not being able to consider my long term future and a feeling that if I died tomorrow, that would be just fine.

But I don't feel like that anymore, and now the Tinnitus has backed off massively. I fully expect to make a 100% recovery, and will be happy to post back here when that happens.

Don't be tempted to think I'm a "lucky one". Anyone can recover from Tinnitus. You can get rid of it 100%. Most people fully recover within months or years. You never hear from them because they've moved on with their lives. The rest of suffers simply get stuck with it for a bit longer, but that doesn't mean they too can't recover. I've seen people who've had it bad for 40+ years and then recovered.

Recovery has to come from yourself. Tinnitus is your body's response to a trauma. I got it by damaging the fine hair cells in my ear. Others get it by going deaf due to age, an ear infection, being punched in the head, or just through a build up of stress. Whatever. There are a million triggers, but the Tinnitus is the same. When I get better from Tinnitus, I will still have damaged fine hair cells - this will simply blunt my hearing range.

The idea of a cure for tinnitus is really stupid. How can you invent something that will cure a million different triggers? You can't - which is why there is no cure and never will be. A cure for damaged hair cells to restore hearing would be a fine thing, but how will that help someone who got tinnitus from an ear infection? It doesn't matter what caused it. Your tinnitus isn't the problem, it's your response to the problem. And the only person who can change that response is you.

So let's stop looking for a cure. The idea of a cure gives false hope. It means people will not understand that they can recover themselves. Let's end all the research, all the hype, all the nonsense, and give a clear message: It is in your ability to recover from Tinnitus. There is no reason why you cannot do it. You might need help in getting there if you're really stuck, but you can and ultimately will recover.

Here are my tips. I'm sure you've heard them before because it's not magic:
  1. Understand that your tinnitus will go away, and that the process is natural and takes time. Don't put a timeframe on it.
  2. Don't believe all the nonsense and horror on the internet. It is written by people who are stuck on their tinnitus journey. If it's an old thread that's freaking you out, chances are the author has recovered by now anyway and isn't active anymore.
  3. Understand that people exaggerate how bad their tinnitus is. "It's like a whistling kettle and jumbo jet taking off in my head". No it's not.
  4. Understand that some people are sympathy junkies. They love to post depressing threads about their plight, and enjoy the feeling of people posting messages of sympathy. Ultimately they are trapping themselves in the cycle of tinnitus with that attitude, but if that's what they want then good luck to them.
  5. Understand that your doctor cannot fix you because it's not a 'curable' condition. They can however give you medication to take the edge off, which might help you calm your nerves so you can deal with it naturally. Only take medication if you're really struggling.
  6. Understand that when some people (a tiny tiny tiny fraction of people) tragically commit suicide, it is not just because they have tinnitus. They often have two or three other major life problems that contribute. Suicide is totally tragic and unnecessary, and if you are at this stage then get medication to take the edge off and ride it out. It will pass as bad times always do.
  7. Try some body based therapy to settle your nerves: Acupuncture / Cranial Sacral / Chiropractic
  8. Try some body based activity to settle your nerves: swimming / spa day / yoga
  9. Love yourself. Look after yourself. Cut yourself some slack. Relax, eat healthy and laugh.
  10. Finally: if you got Tinnitus from listening to music - then listen to more music! Just not so loud this time ;)
Cheers all - and much love to you.
  1. Understand that people exaggerate how bad their tinnitus is. "It's like a whistling kettle and jumbo jet taking off in my head". No it's not.
Yes, it can be...

Your post it interesting, but unfortunately, it doesn't work as simply as you make it sound.
But eh... I guess some positive thoughts are always welcome :)
Hey Elliott - thanks for your comment. Shaking off Tinnitus can be very difficult indeed, as proved by some people getting stuck with it for a long time. If you've had it for a while you can still shake it off, but you're probably stuck and need more help from someone. Interesting that you list one of your causes as Anxiety. I don't want to presume why you listed this as a reason, but if you can crack that nut then I'm sure you can shake it off. Good luck man.
Hi Guys - I am 36 and recovering well from Tinnitus. It was triggered 4 years ago through listening to earbud headphones in my car. Like pretty much everyone else on here, it took me to a very dark place. Sleepless nights with level 10 screaming in my head / depressed days / feeling my life was ruined / all my experiences would be forever tainted. Worst of all - not being able to consider my long term future and a feeling that if I died tomorrow, that would be just fine.

But I don't feel like that anymore, and now the Tinnitus has backed off massively. I fully expect to make a 100% recovery, and will be happy to post back here when that happens.

Don't be tempted to think I'm a "lucky one". Anyone can recover from Tinnitus. You can get rid of it 100%. Most people fully recover within months or years. You never hear from them because they've moved on with their lives. The rest of suffers simply get stuck with it for a bit longer, but that doesn't mean they too can't recover. I've seen people who've had it bad for 40+ years and then recovered.

Recovery has to come from yourself. Tinnitus is your body's response to a trauma. I got it by damaging the fine hair cells in my ear. Others get it by going deaf due to age, an ear infection, being punched in the head, or just through a build up of stress. Whatever. There are a million triggers, but the Tinnitus is the same. When I get better from Tinnitus, I will still have damaged fine hair cells - this will simply blunt my hearing range.

The idea of a cure for tinnitus is really stupid. How can you invent something that will cure a million different triggers? You can't - which is why there is no cure and never will be. A cure for damaged hair cells to restore hearing would be a fine thing, but how will that help someone who got tinnitus from an ear infection? It doesn't matter what caused it. Your tinnitus isn't the problem, it's your response to the problem. And the only person who can change that response is you.

So let's stop looking for a cure. The idea of a cure gives false hope. It means people will not understand that they can recover themselves. Let's end all the research, all the hype, all the nonsense, and give a clear message: It is in your ability to recover from Tinnitus. There is no reason why you cannot do it. You might need help in getting there if you're really stuck, but you can and ultimately will recover.

Here are my tips. I'm sure you've heard them before because it's not magic:
  1. Understand that your tinnitus will go away, and that the process is natural and takes time. Don't put a timeframe on it.
  2. Don't believe all the nonsense and horror on the internet. It is written by people who are stuck on their tinnitus journey. If it's an old thread that's freaking you out, chances are the author has recovered by now anyway and isn't active anymore.
  3. Understand that people exaggerate how bad their tinnitus is. "It's like a whistling kettle and jumbo jet taking off in my head". No it's not.
  4. Understand that some people are sympathy junkies. They love to post depressing threads about their plight, and enjoy the feeling of people posting messages of sympathy. Ultimately they are trapping themselves in the cycle of tinnitus with that attitude, but if that's what they want then good luck to them.
  5. Understand that your doctor cannot fix you because it's not a 'curable' condition. They can however give you medication to take the edge off, which might help you calm your nerves so you can deal with it naturally. Only take medication if you're really struggling.
  6. Understand that when some people (a tiny tiny tiny fraction of people) tragically commit suicide, it is not just because they have tinnitus. They often have two or three other major life problems that contribute. Suicide is totally tragic and unnecessary, and if you are at this stage then get medication to take the edge off and ride it out. It will pass as bad times always do.
  7. Try some body based therapy to settle your nerves: Acupuncture / Cranial Sacral / Chiropractic
  8. Try some body based activity to settle your nerves: swimming / spa day / yoga
  9. Love yourself. Look after yourself. Cut yourself some slack. Relax, eat healthy and laugh.
  10. Finally: if you got Tinnitus from listening to music - then listen to more music! Just not so loud this time ;)
Cheers all - and much love to you.

You just brought a shitstorm (sorry Michael) upon yourself, dude. :)

New campaign:

Tinnitus: No Hope for a Cure

New PSA:

Got tinnitus? - Just shake it off!
  1. "Understand that your tinnitus will go away, and that the process is natural and takes time. Don't put a timeframe on it."
How can u say that with certainty? Hope is good but not giving falls hopes. I really hope you are right, but it's easy to think that just because you got rid of your T that everyone will.
People have had T for 10 years, over 20 years, over that point collapses.
Understand that your tinnitus will go away
Are you saying that I will actually hear silence, or that I will treat T as a natural background noise? The quote below makes me think that you had the latter in mind when you wrote the above.
Your tinnitus isn't the problem, it's your response to the problem.
Hey guys - I don't mind provoking a shit storm. It's the least I can do to try and shake these forums up a bit with some common sense. Yes it's easy for me to say, because I feel much better lately. I probably seem like a smug twit, but so will you when you get to the end of the tunnel. I've had the condition for the past 4 years, and I had it bad enough to hear it over those Dyson airblade hand dryers you find in pub toilets nowadays. I gave up hope it would ever go away, and I was scared. My fear calmed down to generally being depressed about it, and resigning myself to a life of ringing annoyance. And thus it persisted.

I am being totally serious that the only change I had is the realisation that it can and does actually get better naturally. It is that simple. The complicated part is accepting it in your heart of hearts. It took me 4 years to get to that point, but the improvement I've had is real. Right now I can barely hear it: it's quiet. I'm sure in time it will go away completely. I'm sorry for you guys who are skeptical - I get it that you've been listening to this din at extraordinary volumes for far too long - but if you can believe that it will get better in your heart of hearts - then you're home dry. If it's too loud for you to do this right now- try and put some space between you and the sound by trying a therapy of some kind. I don't know, maybe you have bigger problems that are contributing to it - did you marry the wrong person or did your father hit you as a kid? My point is you need to calm your nerves somehow.

To answer a couple of questions:
1. Yes there is no hope of a cure. The sooner you realise this the sooner you will get better.
2. It's not false hope and people have recovered after 40 + years
3. Mine has gone quieter. Some people say theirs is still there but they don't notice it. At the end of the day - what's the difference?

Take care all
Understand that when some people (a tiny tiny tiny fraction of people) tragically commit suicide, it is not just because they have tinnitus.

Understand that people exaggerate how bad their tinnitus is. "It's like a whistling kettle and jumbo jet taking off in my head". No it's not.

How do you know these things? People (like you)that make claims based on personal experience are for the most part not taken seriously here, and especially not in the real world, I'm sure you know this from personal experience. It is however highly entertaining the level of ignorance you've displayed, you got a lot of funny ratings, and that's something!! Thanks for the laugh, that was one of your suggestions wasn't it, laugh more? I'm pretty sure I can "shake off" the tinnitus after that laugh. Ignorance is always funny to most people. Thanks for that.

Reaction is the problem? You don't react to pain? Doesn't bother you? Ear pain/head pain? How about I punch you in the face a few times, better yet, I cuff you in the ear with a open palm and burst it, let's see if you react then ;) my guess, you would be the first person to react.

Tinnitus can be painfully loud, sounds can hurt, they can give you never ending migraines no matter what you eat, how much you laugh etc. Tinnitus in its severe form can also include stabbing ear pain, constant head/ear pressure, hyperacusis, balance issues, vertigo, nausea, deafness, headaches etc etc etc. Some people also have this condition in a progressive form, I guess its because they complain too much, and are just exaggerating, maybe want attention ? I'm sure they would all get better if they "believe in heart of hearts" as you state. I'm sure it's all their fault that they aren't getting better like you have managed to do.
How do you know these things? People (like you)that make claims based on personal experience are for the most part not taken seriously here, and especially not in the real world, I'm sure you know this from personal experience. It is however highly entertaining the level of ignorance you've displayed, you got a lot of funny ratings, and that's something!! Thanks for the laugh, that was one of your suggestions wasn't it, laugh more? I'm pretty sure I can "shake off" the tinnitus after that laugh. Ignorance is always funny to most people. Thanks for that.

Reaction is the problem? You don't react to pain? Doesn't bother you? Ear pain/head pain? How about I punch you in the face a few times, better yet, I cuff you in the ear with a open palm and burst it, let's see if you react then ;) my guess, you would be the first person to react.

Tinnitus can be painfully loud, sounds can hurt, they can give you never ending migraines no matter what you eat, how much you laugh etc. Tinnitus in its severe form can also include stabbing ear pain, constant head/ear pressure, hyperacusis, balance issues, vertigo, nausea, deafness, headaches etc etc etc. Some people also have this condition in a progressive form, I guess its because they complain too much, and are just exaggerating, maybe want attention ? I'm sure they would all get better if they "believe in heart of hearts" as you state. I'm sure it's all their fault that they aren't getting better like you have managed to do.

Thank you.
Great to hear hope but there are hundreds of people that suffer still and the truth is nobody should ever suffer this torment. Your post is stupid and very naive but im glad you are feeling better.
Hi Telis, thanks for the message, you seem pretty angry so I'm not going to try and change your mind. Out of interest, what are you doing hanging around Tinnitus forums if you're so sure you can't get better? Same goes for you Foncky and Jomo? Why are you here?

Even worse, how do you think a person new to tinnitus will feel when they read your posts? It will scare the hell out of them. Have you considered that? You can get better, and people who've had tinnitus much longer than you guys have got better. That is a fact, no matter what angle you put on it.

im srry but i just had to lol Yeah man I say it all the time that it gets better but it is still not what my life used to be and I have to adjust my lifestyle and avoid doing certain things but in no way would i ever want to live with this condition for another second.
Look - at the risk of saying something else totally moronic - those certain things that you can't do anymore. Why don't you just go ahead and do them?
Hi Telis, thanks for the message, you seem pretty angry so I'm not going to try and change your mind. Out of interest, what are you doing hanging around Tinnitus forums if you're so sure you can't get better? Same goes for you Foncky and Jomo? Why are you here?

Even worse, how do you think a person new to tinnitus will feel when they read your posts? It will scare the hell out of them. Have you considered that? You can get better, and people who've had tinnitus much longer than you guys have got better. That is a fact, no matter what angle you put on it.

That's some horrible things you're saying :(

Everyone's tinnitus is different, and no two people experience the condition in the same way.

You lack empathy my friend.

I'm fortunate to have manageable tinnitus such as you had. But there's tinnitus and there Tinnitus...
Hi Telis, thanks for the message, you seem pretty angry so I'm not going to try and change your mind. Out of interest, what are you doing hanging around Tinnitus forums if you're so sure you can't get better? Same goes for you Foncky and Jomo? Why are you here?

Even worse, how do you think a person new to tinnitus will feel when they read your posts? It will scare the hell out of them. Have you considered that? You can get better, and people who've had tinnitus much longer than you guys have got better. That is a fact, no matter what angle you put on it.

Hey Oscram i can sense that your will and reason of posting this comes from a good place.
but no.. they better not stop researching for a cure.
im glad you got over tinnitus, and that you consider yourself t free now.
but there are people with severe tinnitus in here, also people with menieres, lymes or other neurological problems who not only have to deal with tinnitus.

We must support each other.
i agree with you with some of your tips, and as i said.. im happy that you got better, lets support those who have it worse...
Hi Telis, thanks for the message, you seem pretty angry so I'm not going to try and change your mind. Out of interest, what are you doing hanging around Tinnitus forums if you're so sure you can't get better? Same goes for you Foncky and Jomo? Why are you here?

Even worse, how do you think a person new to tinnitus will feel when they read your posts? It will scare the hell out of them. Have you considered that? You can get better, and people who've had tinnitus much longer than you guys have got better. That is a fact, no matter what angle you put on it.
So, with you, this is all black or white. But that's not how life is. And that's not how the human body - and nature - is.

You want to know why I'm here ? Because I try to get better everyday and this place helps me. I've helped some people too, including new sufferers, so keep your lessons about support.

I've had T for 13 years now. I never had a SINGLE second of silence during this time. So no, I don't expect your "full recovery" and I don't even wish that. I forgot what silence is and I don't care. It doesn't mean I have never been happy during this time, quite the contrary actually. I'm probably happier today than someone who would feel the need to post BS like yours. I just need to get a little better because right now, my T is something you probably never experienced.

Of course my T could disappear tomorrow for no reason. What do I care ? You're criticizing research because it could give us false hope ? But you're doing the same. You have no clue, you can't say "All T can disappear !". THIS is false hope.

As for doing things we love again ? Have you heard about hyperacusis, reactive tinnitus, ear pain, sudden hearing loss and all this ?

Your messages are very simplistic. Of course we need research, how the hell could you suggest something else.
Guys don't entertain this post, no need. This tool is full of it and any true tinnitus sufferer would never, come here and make such statements and hurt those that suffer with this horrible ordeal 24 7... In life we have sick people like this....
Hi Foncky - yes I have had hyperacusis and ear pain. No sudden hearing loss. Yes I gave up things that I loved. I would even wear earplugs all day, even in the office.

My lesson in help is valid - if people read all this angry stuff on line it's not really going to help them is it? It didn't help me when I can here looking for answers, and I dare say it didn't help you either.

Quoting what you said

"Understand that people exaggerate how bad their tinnitus is. "It's like a whistling kettle and jumbo jet taking off in my head". No it's not."

"Sleepless nights with level 10 screaming in my head /"

So were you "exaggerating" how bad your tinnitus was?. Or was the level 10 screaming...just the voices in your head?
Hi Telis, thanks for the message, you seem pretty angry so I'm not going to try and change your mind. Out of interest, what are you doing hanging around Tinnitus forums if you're so sure you can't get better? Same goes for you Foncky and Jomo? Why are you here?

Even worse, how do you think a person new to tinnitus will feel when they read your posts? It will scare the hell out of them. Have you considered that? You can get better, and people who've had tinnitus much longer than you guys have got better. That is a fact, no matter what angle you put on it.
Scary? What are you 5 years old? There are thousands of medical articles about what I just posted, it's nothing new, maybe do a little research? There are a lot of scary things in this world unfortunately, addressing or even bringing awareness to them is better than hiding from the facts.

Should we not raise awareness or talk about scary diseases? How about we sweep it all under the carpet, who needs to hear about anything scary, let's just live in a world full of ignorance and bliss. Good call, I'm sure we get a lot accomplished that way.
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