

Many people in this forum regret using headphones after they have habituated because they noticed their tinnitus becoming louder and stayed permanent. When the inner ear (cochlea) has been affected by noise trauma, it is more sensitive to sound even after habituation. Playing music through headphones even at low volume at such close proximity to the ear, risks irritating the cochlea, which can result in making tinnitus louder and more intrusive.


Are also OVER ear headphone with low level music dangerous? Since you properly referring to in-ear headsets which are not the same as over-ear headsets.
Are also OVER ear headphone with low level music dangerous? Since you properly referring to in-ear headsets which are not the same as over-ear headsets.

In my opinion @MelroyvandenBerg I don't advise anyone that has tinnitus, which was caused by loud noise or loud music, to use any type of headphone: In-ear, overhead, headband sleephones etc. I know some people use them and have no adverse effects but I believe one is taking a risk. Considering how debilitating tinnitus can be when it is severe, why anyone would want to use these devices is beyond my understanding.

Many people have contacted me that have sucessfully habituated to their tinnitus and it remained low. Then they started to listen to music through headphones at low level, only to find their tinnitus increased in intensity and won't return to its previous level. There are many people in this forum have done the same and now regret it.
Sorry to sound so sobering.

All the best

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