As a 45-year-old man, let me give you some advice. True love from a woman does not exist, so don't beat yourself up over it. Just go on YouTube and type in MGTOW, and you will understand. I am speaking from experience and not misogyny.
This is just the way women are programmed by nature and modern society just made things a million times worse. A woman cannot love you the way a man wants her to, love is transactional basically. While a man functions as a provider, a woman will stick around, but as soon as your finances go up shit's creek, then you will see her heels walking away from you. This is just a basic intro to the subject.
Yes, you can enjoy time with a woman, by all means, but know that in 90%+ of cases, this time is limited and is dependent on what you bring to the table -- not what she brings, and so on.
P.S. The shape of your head has absolutely NO bearing on a woman's desire to be with you. Sure at 18 years old they may shun you, but it's because they are immature. Just wait till you are 25+ and in the meantime work on your purpose (money, career, body) in life so that when the time comes, you can attract a female.
How long has it been since the MRI?