@Allan1967 Sorry to be so blunt, but have you ever tried some 'stronger' recreational activities, that would help you in ignoring your Tinnitus? For example, if you go to Netherlands, there are hundreds of different kinds of cannabis products. Some of them might make your Tinnitus worse, some of them might make it better for you. Stuff like laughing gas and other anesthetic gases, definitely help me. I live in The UK, like you, and the local weather is a complete disaster. British weather is inducing so much physical and mental hardships in people, that the financial repercussions onto our country, are just uncountable. There are many things that are not good for you, and you don't realize it, you know.
We all need to have some patience, to get through this for the next couple of years, until an effective and safe Tinnitus treatment is developed. How you find motivation or joy to keep you going for the next couple of years? If I will be depressed, I am going to become a computer games player, but for now, I don't need that distraction, just yet. Do you think you could do better if you lived in another country?
If things get so bad, that you want to try anything.. Would you consider selling your house or car, and just following your dreams or something like that? I will be honest with you. By the time Christmas is here, I will have about £10,000 in cash. This kind of money would allow me to live a modest life in Poland, for about 4-5 years. But, I would not have to work during that time. Therefore, it would be a kind of waiting period for me, before Tinnitus cure will arrive. My Tinnitus is not bad enough, and I am not yet in such despair, to abandon The UK, but this possibility is there.. My health is most important, and so is yours!
If I will ever lose my current job, or have nothing else to lose, then I might just move to some place where I want to live, and I will find a way of making money in the way that is enjoyable for me. Comparing myself to others, would land me no-where, anyway.. Many village people just live off the land, and they don't need a single dollar to do that.. Why can't I do that? I can, if I want to!