Ear drum spasming prevents me from sleeping. It loves to go off right as I'm about to nod off. Don't know why this is a thing. It's like my body wants to do everything in its power to prevent me from being healthy. And on top of that, oh can't eat this food or that food because oh this has salicylates, this is ototoxic, that is ototoxic. Can't exercise because pulsatile tinnitus. Can't go as hard or heavy as I used to. I hate the slow stuff.
Normie daytimer sleep schedule? That would be cool, but me doing anything semi-productive during the day may cause a spike. Oh, and light hurts me now too. Vampire sleep schedule? That's been my play for awhile now, except trying to get to sleep with loud cars going outside is hard.
If I'm not experiencing this problem it's another problem. Right now, it's TTTS, in my right ear again, exploding head, and random worsening out of nowhere. Exploding head SUCKS. I've never, after experiencing several traumatic incidents over my lifetime, experienced exploding head. But sure, medical professionals. It's all STRESS and ANXIETY. Let's keep that in the books.
I miss being healthy and productive. The things I used to do that *were* healthy and productive are now off-limits. I feel like I'm 27 going on 77. I don't give a crap about partying or doing young person things but it would be nice to wake up and not feel like I'm at the end of my life rather than the "prime" of it.
I'm tired of walking on eggshells and trying to strategize everything I do in life to prevent something from happening. Something that, either way, still ends up happening regardless. I'm tired of trying to unravel this grand web of conspiracy and BS that hyperacusis is. Being a hermit and not listening to music isn't even enough, apparently. But I'm scared if I attempt to take off the training wheels (plugs) I'll just get worse. I've gotten nothing but worse no matter what I do.
Disjointed rant, my apologies.