Susanna Reid — UK TV Presenter Talks About Her Tinnitus

It's not a competition of who is suffering more or who has the loudest fecking noise in their heads, we are supposed to be in this fight together, helping each other yet we shoot people down so easily.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, people's egos are one of the biggest issues on here, the need to be right and think themselves to be an expert on all matters when they are clearly not and constantly contradict themselves, it's extremely sad.

Isn't this type of exposure a good thing no matter how small the platform may be?

I completely agree with what you say in this post, Jcb. We need to be here for each other, to support and comfort our friends on this forum who are suffering on a daily basis.

Yes, this type of exposure is a good thing.....we are all on the same side here.
Stop arguing with the experts you tinnitus heretic.

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Don't you just want to find who wrote that and tell them to their face how stupid they are? What's sad is I bet they are good salaried people that have a cushy life, they certainly don't have tinnitus. That's impossible.

Seriously this may be the most ignorant statement ever made in the history of mankind. We need to be fighting to overthrow this crap.

Ephesians 6:12 King James Version (KJV)
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

If I went to a so called audiologist or doctor and they quoted me that, I would punch them in the face and then spit on them.

I don't care if I would get arrested, it's not like I have anything to live for anyways.
Stop arguing with the experts you tinnitus heretic.

View attachment 23561

Don't you just want to find who wrote that and tell them to their face how stupid they are? What's sad is I bet they are good salaried people that have a cushy life, they certainly don't have tinnitus. That's impossible.

Seriously this may be the most ignorant statement ever made in the history of mankind. We need to be fighting to overthrow this crap.

Ephesians 6:12 King James Version (KJV)
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
As a photographer, I do a lot of Photoshop, and this image is photoshopped to death :ROFL:


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In my opinion the question of severity should always be raised.
It is kind of relevant, don't you think?

The severity of a person's suffering is by far the most important measure. None of us know what another person's tinnitus is like or how they perceive it; it's an impossible concept that doesn't account for many factors. However, we do know how much people are suffering, so let's do each other a favour and drop the bullshit facades and just support one another.

I find it insulting that Michael thinks he can judge people that he's never met and assume to know all about their tinnitus. The multiple times he has said that no famous musician has ever had "real tinnitus" is remarkable, and yet, as far as I'm aware, the technology to listen inside another person's head doesn't exist yet. This also completely contradicts all his other advice. He loves talking about concerts and bone conduction being bad for tinnitus - and how one should avoid headphones at all costs - and yet he still believes that there aren't any famous musicians with "real tinnitus". So which one is it? I mean these guys are permanently using headphones and their entire life is basically a concert.

If any of you aren't happy with the awareness Susanna has brought about, then create your own, and stop fucking criticising everyone else.
Same text can be found on Action on Hearing Loss website, in the below PDF.

(See Page 3 of the document).

@JohnAdams' picture wasn't photoshopped, I would say.
My bad then, I couldn't believe any "expert" could possibly write this down as "truth" in an official reference book. I opened this image in Photoshop and measured the grains of the photo's background vs the grains on the actual text, they are not the same. Perhaps someone took the trouble of sharpening the text part for clarity...oh dear :ROFL:
Because there will always be the complainers and the whiners who contribute nothing to anyone or anybody. This lady literally talked about her tinnitus and bringing it into the spotlight, but oh noes it isn't good enough...only these "selected" individuals know the "true" horror of tinnitus!!!

Her tweet might have pushed a parent into talking to their teenager about his/her head phone use, or it might remind people of how fragile their ears are....but no let's just brush it under the carpet because "NOOOO her tinnitus is mild, she's an attention seeker!".

I do not know what this lady has done or what she hasn't done. Any awareness that comes into the tinnitus realm is a great thing. Suffering can happen at all tinnitus levels. Some folks have hardcore anxiety and mental struggles and even the slightest ring/buzz/hiss can bother them. Complaining/point fingers/blaming others never gets anyone anywhere, it's ok to have a 5 minute pity party but that's it.

Move on, march forward and find solutions to make life better. Unless we take those small baby steps I always say, we are going to be in the same spot tomorrow and next week, next month, and possibly next year. Our actions may not bring 100% satisfaction, but constant gripe only defeats us. I have seen enough negativity in my life, my afflictions bring them as well. If my mind manifests it, then truly there is no hope left. That mind is crucial to keeping our afflictions at bay and taking charge of our lives, no matter how loud or barely noticeable our tinnitus is.......
My bad then, I couldn't believe any "expert" could possibly write this down as "truth" in an official reference book. I opened this image in Photoshop and measured the grains of the photo's background vs the grains on the actual text, they are not the same. Perhaps someone took the trouble of sharpening the text part for clarity...oh dear :ROFL:
In fact, I did exactly that. I sharpened it because it was in low light and the original photo wasn't great to read.
Well now we have Lewis Vaughan Jones and Susanna Reid whom have tinnitus and both in the public eye.

I hope they keep up tinnitus awareness whenever they can as we need more awareness of tinnitus from mild to severe to suicidal...

love glynis
Well now we have Lewis Vaughan Jones and Susanna Reid whom have tinnitus and both in the public eye.

I hope they keep up tinnitus awareness whenever they can as we need more awareness of tinnitus from mild to severe to suicidal...

love glynis
Well said, Glynis, and I agree. Silence is the worst thing (pardon the pun).
In my opinion the question of severity should always be raised.
It is kind of relevant, don't you think?
It is the variability that is a crucial aspect.
Apparantly there have been thousands of tweets and replies, which is a good sign, and which hopefully will help to redress the balance.
I think that's fair. It explains in part why some struggle and others adapt.

Many casual readers wouldn't know that.

Any talk of tinnitus in media is fantastic though.
If Ms Reid had taken a different approach and conveyed that she has tinnitus and at times it can be intrusive and problematic I'd be much more understanding and sympathetic.
I believe this to be the truth of the matter.

However - passions seem to be running quite high - language is deteriorating, and differences of opinion are not to be tolerated,
so I will simply say.....

I believe this to be the truth of the matter.

However - passions seem to be running quite high - language is deteriorating, and differences of opinion are not to be tolerated,
so I will simply say.....

View attachment 23566
What's odd about the member quote you highlighted is that it's complaining that Ms. Reid did not convey that she has tinnitus and it can be intrusive . . . but that is exactly what she did. :dohanimation:

I think empathy for our fellow sufferers deteriorated long before language.
Whether we deem her tinnitus is 'severe' or not, I think that it's great that she is sharing her struggle.

Mine is not severe, in fact it's probably reasonable mild, but it has affected me emotionally in ways I couldn't have imagined.

I still to this day don't think my life will ever be quite the same living with this.

I think it's brave of Susanna to share her struggles, and be open about living with this condition.

At the end of the day, this isn't about severity, this is about tinnitus as a condition, and I'm so bloody thankful that she is raising awareness because nobody else really is!!!!!!!!!

We should all be thankful - we need help, funds, research, awareness and education so desperately.

I'm mortified to think that Susanna would read some of these comments and like me, think "why the hell should I bother even trying to raise awareness or share my experience"?

She could just get on with her life and not mention tinnitus, but she did. We need this, we need high profile people speaking out.

Please, be appreciative of her sharing her condition. We are all suffering, perhaps to different degrees.

I'll be brutally honest in my feelings towards the tinnitus community - we don't donate, we put other sufferers down, and we generally are very apathetic. I just don't get it. I really don't.

I have donated a considerable amount of money to Danny's Fund, Hearing Health Foundation, TRI and Prof. Rauschecker. I DON'T HAVE SEVERE TINNITUS BUT I STILL CONTRIBUTE BECAUSE I WANT RELIEF FOR US ALL.

Then I wonder "why should I bother"? Nobody else seems to care.

If I get the opportunity to share my experience with tinnitus to a broader audience, then I absolutely would. Just because I don't have what others (and myself) deem to be severe tinnitus, doesn't mean I can't make a difference.

If you ever read this thread Susanna - thank you for raising awareness on behalf of all tinnitus sufferers.

Please, for all our sake's, let's work together and not against each other. It's in all our best interests.
I believe this to be the truth of the matter.

However - passions seem to be running quite high - language is deteriorating, and differences of opinion are not to be tolerated,
so I will simply say.....
There will always be differences of opinions @Jazzer for that is the way of the world. I will not get involved in a brawl and for this reason have abstained from corresponding with certain people. I stand by everything that I have said for it is my opinion. When people resort to using expletives and other forms of unsavoury language, it shows the type of person they are and the way they were brought up. I do not use such language and therefore, don't engage with these types of people.

Take care Jazzer and look forward to corresponding with you soon.
There will always be differences of opinions @Jazzer for that is the way of the world. I will not get involved in a brawl and for this reason have abstained from corresponding with certain people. I stand by everything that I have said for it is my opinion. When people resort to using expletives and other forms of unsavoury language, it shows the type of person they are and the way they were brought up. I do not use such language and therefore, don't engage with these types of people.

Take care Jazzer and look forward to corresponding with you soon.

You are a respectable guy and I like how you handle yourself!
As a photographer, I do a lot of Photoshop, and this image is photoshopped to death :ROFL:
I'm a Photoshop, After Effects, Premiere veteran and you're just plain wrong. WRONG. Provide evidence for your claim please. Have you heard of high ISO? It's for low light / fast exposure situations.

ISO is equivalent to film speed for film. The higher the ISO, the faster the film speed and the more grainy it looks. Go back to school please.
When people resort to using expletives and other forms of unsavoury language, it shows the type of person they are and the way they were brought up.
Really? Are you fucking kidding me with your self worthlessness? How dare you stand in any type of judgement of other people - yet again.

You are a respectable guy and I like how you handle yourself!

Really? You like men who treat people this way? Judging their upbringings? Really?

@Jazzer I draw a line when others debase people and suggest their upbringing is the source of their person and then go on to debase and judge and play some type of game of pick a team in the school yard.

I think the exact same thing.

#Me too. I give up.
Whether we deem her tinnitus is 'severe' or not, I think that it's great that she is sharing her struggle.
Mine is not severe, in fact it's probably reasonable mild, but it has affected me emotionally in ways I couldn't have imagined.

I still to this day don't think my life will ever be quite the same living with this.

I think it's brave of Susanna to share her struggles, and be open about living with this condition.
At the end of the day, this isn't about severity, this is about tinnitus as a condition, and I'm so bloody thankful that she is raising awareness because nobody else really is!!!!!!!!!

We should all be thankful - we need help, funds, research, awareness and education so desperately.
I'm mortified to think that Susanna would read some of these comments and like me, think "why the hell should I bother even trying to raise awareness or share my experience"?

She could just get on with her life and not mention tinnitus, but she did. We need this, we need high profile people speaking out.

Please, be appreciative of her sharing her condition. We are all suffering, perhaps to different degrees.

I'll be brutally honest in my feelings towards the tinnitus community - we don't donate, we put other sufferers down, and we generally are very apathetic. I just don't get it. I really don't.

I have donated a considerable amount of money to Danny's Fund, Hearing Health Foundation, TRI and Prof. Rauschecker. I DON'T HAVE SEVERE TINNITUS BUT I STILL CONTRIBUTE BECAUSE I WANT RELIEF FOR US ALL.

Then I wonder "why should I bother"? Nobody else seems to care.

If I get the opportunity to share my experience with tinnitus to a broader audience, then I absolutely would. Just because I don't have what others (and myself) deem to be severe tinnitus, doesn't mean I can't make a difference.

If you ever read this thread Susanna - thank you for raising awareness on behalf of all tinnitus sufferers.

Please, for all our sake's, let's work together and not against each other. It's in all our best interests.

I am never here on this board to bring anyone down, never have and never will. My only stance is on negativity and how it can hold people back and hold their healing back. Majority of the times, that I have posted or created my motivational posts/threads, I have been sick or facing tons of chaos. My tinnitus is severe 24-7 and its been pure hell for the past 12 years. I still come here and give my time to help and motivate those that are suffering. I am going through a chaotic life and most people that are dealt what I am dealt don't bother to come and help and love people, when they are suffering so so bad themselves. I may not donate money to this site or their funds, but I do know that by being here and sharing my 30+ years of knowledge....I am doing my part and more than enough.

I spread the word about my tinnitus outside this forum all the time. I let people know that my ears are ringing. I let them know that I wear ear plugs in the martial arts studio and in the gym. I have been educating Professionals for over 30+ years. I am for sure doing my part.

Why would anyone work against each other? I applaud this lady for what she has done. I have not seen or read about it but kudos to her. Any mention that tinnitus gets, is something that can possibly help us. Contributions as I always say can take place in many ways, it's not always about money.

as I said in my other post, people can place the label of severity based on their genetic makeup and their lifestyle and what is going on. Our struggles are never to be ignore and compared to others. Each meaning and value we give to our life and struggles is important and no one can make them less. Be kind to each other and try to help each other, negative posts and putting people down in the end gets us no where!
@fishbone Firstly, I have great respect for the kindness and help you offer others, and understand that you are dealing with tinnitus beyond my wildest imagination.
I'm not sure if by quoting my post you were agreeing or disagreeing with me, however I think we are on the same page. I agree with everything you've said.

Why would anyone work against each other?
I don't know why we would work against each other, but I believe the tinnitus community does. I could go into plenty of detail about this, however my point about working against each other in this post was why were some comments disregarding Susanna's suffering, and saying she had no place in speaking out because she didn't have what others deem to be "severe" tinnitus?

I feel strongly that we should be celebrating the fact that she spoke up, we so desperately need more of this from high profile people. We each do what we can to raise awareness, but these "celebrities" have a far greater audience than you and I.
When I first read Sam's original post, I was excited that we had some publicity, then to see her being shot down in flames because her tinnitus wasn't severe, just broke my spirit.

I mention donations because this is one way I can help and the way I feel I can make a difference. I was pointing out that I don't have severe tinnitus, but like Susanna, want to contribute to my cause.
We do this in different ways, and I respect that. I have a very young family and a hectic business to run, I don't have the time to provide the support to other sufferers that I would like to. So for me, contributing financially is my way of helping them and myself.
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Really? Are you fucking kidding me with your self worthlessness? How dare you stand in any type of judgement of other people - yet again.

Really? You like men who treat people this way? Judging their upbringings? Really?

@Jazzer I draw a line when others debase people and suggest their upbringing is the source of their person and then go on to debase and judge and play some type of game of pick a team in the school yard.

#Me too. I give up.

I respect him, because of the contributions he has made to this site. His posts and threads have been helpful to many folks on this site. He has been generous to support folks, that have suffered badly via PMs and in threads/posts. He's an old school guy and I kinda understand where he is coming from.

I was raised, by a loving mom who taught me to defy the odds and go against all odds. My mother was very sick and on meds and yet she was such a positive person and yet smiled while she was in crippling pain. I learned how to be who I am because of her. I try to do my best in life, but at times even I say a bad word here and there.

You have to read more, than that post to understand who he is. I am not one, to praise anyone who puts others down, but he simply wants to be respected. I respect all folks on this site, it's a great site that can bond and connect those that deal with tinnitus.....

I wish I had access to such a site 30+ years ago. If I did, I would not have the severe tinnitus and scary hearing loss I have today....
I'm a Photoshop, After Effects, Premiere veteran and you're just plain wrong. WRONG. Provide evidence for your claim please. Have you heard of high ISO? It's for low light / fast exposure situations.

ISO is equivalent to film speed for film. The higher the ISO, the faster the film speed and the more grainy it looks. Go back to school please.
Are you kidding me? Learn to relax, it wasn't an affront to you. Ed even admitted that it was photoshopped, so you clearly don't know what youre talking about. Don't bother explaining ISO to me, trust, i know a lot more about it than you.
I'll be brutally honest in my feelings towards the tinnitus community - we don't donate, we put other sufferers down, and we generally are very apathetic. I just don't get it. I really don't.
Agreed, I can't imagine anyone reading this and having sympathy for any of these people.
Furthermore, you only have to read the responses to her tweets to see the impact her one single tweet has had.

So many people commenting on their tinnitus, how bad it is, and how it has affected their lives. It bought me to tears reading some of the responses. She gave these people a platform to share their struggles with the world.

Now that's what we need.

Good job Susanna and all those who shared their experience.

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