What is the attraction of this website?
Really good news is pretty well non-existent.
There is little to actually cheer us up.
Real strides in research? No....not yet.
So why do we come here at all?
Our families and friends would like nothing more than to 'make us better.'
Wouldn't they absolutely love that.
No longer any need to worry about us.
But both we, and they, know they can't.
Even our doctors can't make us better.
We are left with the hope of better management, and hopefully, less anxiety.
Talking to outsiders, normal people, is so very frustrating because, to a man, they are all totally ignorant of what the experience of Tinnitus is, and what we go through on a daily basis.
If we complain about a certain noise, they will often say "but this noise isn't even loud."
No, not to normal healthy ears it isn't, but to ears with a damaged cochlea, it may be excruciating.
They simply can not know what our experience is.
I come on here to talk to other sufferers, who are knowledgeable, who understand, and who naturally remove the necessity for me to explain my self, and my predicament.
I come on here for companionship and support.
I am very glad this website exists.
It is very important not to live here,
but tidbits of help and advice are often very comforting.
Well that's quite enough rambling for today.
Jazzer x
Really good news is pretty well non-existent.
There is little to actually cheer us up.
Real strides in research? No....not yet.
So why do we come here at all?
Our families and friends would like nothing more than to 'make us better.'
Wouldn't they absolutely love that.
No longer any need to worry about us.
But both we, and they, know they can't.
Even our doctors can't make us better.
We are left with the hope of better management, and hopefully, less anxiety.
Talking to outsiders, normal people, is so very frustrating because, to a man, they are all totally ignorant of what the experience of Tinnitus is, and what we go through on a daily basis.
If we complain about a certain noise, they will often say "but this noise isn't even loud."
No, not to normal healthy ears it isn't, but to ears with a damaged cochlea, it may be excruciating.
They simply can not know what our experience is.
I come on here to talk to other sufferers, who are knowledgeable, who understand, and who naturally remove the necessity for me to explain my self, and my predicament.
I come on here for companionship and support.
I am very glad this website exists.
It is very important not to live here,
but tidbits of help and advice are often very comforting.
Well that's quite enough rambling for today.
Jazzer x