I love checking back in on this thread and reading positive stories. Here is a funny story to add to the thread!
I wear earplugs at restaurants and when venturing out on the busy city streets because of my H, which means I hear my T always with my plugs in. As I was walking earlier today I noticed the ringing in one of my ears stopped for a couple seconds and I freaked out! I was like WHERE DID MY RINGING GO. It scared me for the ringing to have gone away! It did slowly start right back up, but those few seconds of it gone made me uneasy. I guess it has become such a norm that not hearing it seemed abnormal!
I wear earplugs at restaurants and when venturing out on the busy city streets because of my H, which means I hear my T always with my plugs in. As I was walking earlier today I noticed the ringing in one of my ears stopped for a couple seconds and I freaked out! I was like WHERE DID MY RINGING GO. It scared me for the ringing to have gone away! It did slowly start right back up, but those few seconds of it gone made me uneasy. I guess it has become such a norm that not hearing it seemed abnormal!