The Toughest Lesson in the World


Fish - I have paid tribute to you on countless occasions, and you well know it.
I have praised your ability to cope with very loud tinnitus and you also know that.
I have thanked you for your support, time and again.

I dislike the way you dismiss severe sufferers as being negative.
They are telling the absolute truth about their pain.
That is positive, and a cry for support and understanding; to see that as whining disgusts me.
You jumped on the bandwagon to presume I did no charity work, and when I explained to you all that I do, you failed to recognise it, failed to accept it, and failed to apologise.
You accuse me of having excessive ego!

I'll tell you what I do have brother; a total refusal to be browbeaten by you, or anybody else in this 'effing' life.
If you wish to turn nasty, be my guest, and bring your simple girlfriend with you.

Dave x
Really? You insult others and keep doing it and then try to turn it around with your pussycat pics and your little story. People can read between the lines, I sure as hell can.....

And you got the nerves to say that I don't have severe tinnitus? lol

PS-If you want someone real, then at least @Bill Bauer is a real person, I respect him for at least being who he is....

Respect who you like.
I do not need you,
or your puerile comments.
I dislike the way you dismiss severe sufferers as being negative.
They are telling the absolute truth about their pain.
That is positive, and a cry for support and understanding; to see that as whining disgusts me.

@Jazzer I 100% agree with you. No one, unless they have experienced this could imagine the unforgiving nature and suffering that this condition brings. I have spent my evening sobbing at how COMPLETELY frustrated and spent I am in dealing with this shit day in day out and constantly being told I'm not being 'positive' enough!!!! Seriously!?! How do we explain this living hell to those who don't understand? :( x
@Jazzer I 100% agree with you. No one, unless they have experienced this could imagine the unforgiving nature and suffering that this condition brings. I have spent my evening sobbing at how COMPLETELY frustrated and spent I am in dealing with this shit day in day out and constantly being told I'm not being 'positive' enough!!!! Seriously!?! How do we explain this living hell to those who don't understand? :( x

Dear Vicki - I'm afraid it takes time to get through to people.
We have to explain ourselves time and time again.
We are the same people we were before, but we are so severely injured now.
With the understanding of our families, with their love and support we can rebuild some sort of a life I believe.
I love you Vicki - and that's just for starters.
Do take care babe,
Dave x

Thank you. It goes a long way in helping when those who truly understand what we are going through is simply not just being negative or fed up. It's SO MUCH more than that. Thank you for your understanding and support, it means so much x
I speak the truth, try it sometimes....
He has the ego of Napoleon with none of the achievements to back it up, but its ok brah....he lives in a Facebook echo chamber and thinks he's so smart. Hating on people's religion, poking fun at people with "mild" tinnitus, making sexist remarks. You make old school look bad.

"How dare you insult me! Do you know how many likes I have on Facebook?!?!?!" :ROFL:
You were unable to back up this claim when I asked you about it.
Bruh, do your research...i'm not gonna search through all his threads to find what he said...I'm also not going to repeat it here word for word. That link i gave you was about the celebrity...not about the sexist comment. Find it yourself, he knows what i am talking about which is good enough for me.

Ain't nobody got time to click on his name, i am getting a manicure :ROFL:
He just doesn't want these people to speak on behalf of people with severe tinnitus.

ALL people should have a voice and say, no matter if their tinnitus is severe or mild. I support all people!

Just because I may have a hard time in my life, it does not give me the right to rip someone's matter what that belief is! There is no excuse for this, NONE!
Really? You insult others and keep doing it and then try to turn it around with your pussycat pics and your little story. People can read between the lines, I sure as hell can.....

And you got the nerves to say that I don't have severe tinnitus? lol

PS-If you want someone real, then at least @Bill Bauer is a real person, I respect him for at least being who he is....

You deserve nothing but my contempt.

You've got it - period.
If you had such a good life, do some charity work. It will really help you discover a few things about yourself.

Who said anything about you lacking charity work? She just brought up a topic and I just replied. No one knew or said anything about you DOING or not DOING charity work. @coffee_girl just said that if you have had such a great life, then do some charity work and help others. Neither myself or her know you outside this forum.

He has written about it and provided photos of the work his wife and he both do for charity.

@coffee_girl Jazzer and his wife devote much of theirs lives towards a children's hospital all year.
He has also donated generously to many TT causes despite having financial problems and never brags about it.

My goal is to never make anyone, feel bad at all. I just asked how is this thread is helpful.

this coming from a guy that wears ten layers of ear muffs to a supermarket..STFU

Get a life before you try to make a joke at others....

Dave your ego is amazing. Ego leads us to nowhere in life.....

He has the ego of Napoleon with none of the achievements to back it up, but its ok brah....he lives in a Facebook echo chamber and thinks he's so smart. Hating on people's religion, poking fun at people with "mild" tinnitus, making sexist remarks. You make old school look bad.

sigh....this really needs to stop.
He has written about it and provided photos of the work his wife and he both do for charity.

@coffee_girl Jazzer and his wife devote much of theirs lives towards a children's hospital all year.
He has also donated generously to many TT causes despite having financial problems and never brags about it.

sigh....this really needs to stop.
I think maybe those lobbing the personal insults are just frustrated and angry. I know I've been there. It's just misplaced emotions which can be easy to do tinnitus or no tinnitus. It's time to forgive and move on. Maybe @Markku could close this thread.
He has written about it and provided photos of the work his wife and he both do for charity.

@coffee_girl Jazzer and his wife devote much of theirs lives towards a children's hospital all year.
He has also donated generously to many TT causes despite having financial problems and never brags about it.

sigh....this really needs to stop.

I have NEVER seen or read anything about charity work. I NEVER DISPUTED that charity work was never done! She just made a comment and I just said that doing charity work is a great thing and all should do it......

I been here since day one, supporting people on this site that NEED it and that will always continue!

PS- I do like @Bill Bauer , he does annoy at times, but he is a good guy, that likes to live a simple life :) . So, I do apologize for what I said to him in that thread.
I been here since day one, supporting people on this site that NEED it and that will always continue!

This is the absolute truth fishbone, your support has helped so many. Your contribution to this site is not overlooked by any one of us.:huganimation:

I think @JohnAdams was right when he said, and I quote...
I think think maybe those lobbing the personal insults are just frustrated and angry. I know I've been there. It's just misplaced emotions which can be easy to do tinnitus or no tinnitus. It's time to forgive and move on.

fishbone, you and Dave had a warm friendship not so long ago. Friendships, marriages, siblings, etc. all go through difficult times. Perhaps you will both find a way to put this all behind you.

This is the absolute truth fishbone, your support has helped so many. Your contribution to this site is not overlooked by any one of us.:huganimation:

I think @JohnAdams was right when he said, and I quote...

You and Dave had a warm friendship not so long ago. Friendships, marriages, siblings, etc. all go through difficult times. Perhaps you will both find a way to put this all behind you.
When did Dave and I not have a warm friendship???
Why don't you place Jazzer on your Ignore List (and Dave ought to place you on his Ignore List)?

Good point Bill - but I don't want to ignore anybody really.

If we were to meet in a bar I am confident we would chat and like each other.
Share a {{{ HUG }}} pat each other on the back.
I would allow fish to buy me a drink, and
"all would be right with the world."
(Only kidding fish - I'm teetotal.)
Make that a coffee bud.

No hard feelings from me.

Dave x

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