I have been using the Xlear sinus rinse
So that has the xylitol, which should have some antifungal capacity, but it doesn't have the grapefruit seed extract which has the anti-inflammatory properties, as well as antifungal. How long have you been taking this?
Question... how many days are you using the Xlear nasal spray? And how many times per day?
I used it ages ago, before the WHM, but I've only been using it again for 2 days. And once per day, one squirt in each nostril. You can go a lot heavier than this and I will work up to it, but I have to be careful because of my pre-existing condition. I would have waited a while to report the benefits, but seeing as I've gotten some replies (and at least one with fungal/candida exposure), I thought I'd mention it.
I try to direct it at the Eustachian tubes by angling it perpendicular to my face and then lying down on my back after, and tilting my head to the side while I sniff it gently up (but not so much I swallow it).
but I'm open to learning about others' diets if it's helping their Wim Hof recovery
I don't know whether the diet I am on will benefit everybody with this condition. My diet is purely for for treating candida. But I have a feeling that this crap only happens to people who have pre-existing inflammatory, or immune-mediated, conditions, even if these are unknown to the victim. Lukee was on asthma medication when he got this, I have severe fungal issues (Csani possibly does too, these are very diverse and can cripple one person while only giving another a white tongue), I have seen one person with Lyme disease and another with Hashimoto's thyroiditis (on reddit). Many others on reddit had pre-existing tinnitus, which studies are showing can be mediated by the immune system and inflammation and particularly TNF-alpha.
I know these are highly anecdotal data points, but it's all we have. More anecdote comes from the fact that most people get this after one of their first sessions. It's very rare for somebody to be going months and years at WHM before they finally "go too far" and inflict this upon themselves. That says to me that this isn't some inherent damage that is possible with the method. If it was, a lot more people would be chasing the high they get, going flat out and ending up on this forum. But they don't tend to. I've heard of people passing out and all they've done is take it easier next time.
No, I believe some source of inflammation (and your source may differ from mine) is at play here, but WHM somehow exposed our Eustachian tubes and middle ear to it. Kill the inflammation and we have a chance at killing the tinnitus. I do have a feeling though, that it's possible we all (or a lot of us) have inflammation from pathogens in the sinuses, purely because this is glaringly obvious in its relation to the middle ear. Sinusitis is a cause of ETD. I have never had sinus issues but my systemic illness has been contributed to by the fungal colonisation in my sinuses, so you don't necessarily need to have issues here.
So it's possible that I've been very lucky to have already understood a lot about my inflammatory situation in this area, and I hope it's a fortune that everybody takes advantage of. However, I can't be certain that I am right about this. I just hope I am.