Don't worry, @Maithe... Sorry, I should have been more understanding. I know what it feels like to be in the grip of panic. There was no argument, just a discussion, and you didn't cause any of it. You aren't annoying anyone. Just concentrate on feeling better.
The important thing is you are getting the medical help you need now -- I promise, you will feel so much better and in control soon. Part of your physical reaction now is due to the anxiety; feeling like you can't breathe, weak-kneed, nauseous, light headed. It's almost impossible to rationally talk yourself out of it; your brain chemistry is in charge of your body right now. But it will pass with proper medication and medical help.
It's not terribly unusual to have a 10-day course of antibiotics for a serious infection. Just remember to take the entire prescription, so you will knock it out of your system.
It is true that we are here for support. While the way the advice was suggested could have been better, I agree with LadyDi. Maithe, from what I have read in your posts you are experiencing the crushing anxiety that can happen with tinnitus when it first hits. It elicits a very strong fight or flight response in your brain. The only problem is, there's no flight from this problem. I agree with LadyDi that you should see a psychiatrist or your primary care doctor about your crushing anxiety issues as soon as possible. They can help with that at least. Your primary care doctor may be able to help you quicker, but for psychiatric issues (such as anxiety) it's best to see a psychiatrist. They are usually quite busy folks and the wait to see one of them can be quite long.
I'm not a doctor but the symptoms you have described to me all point to anxiety issues. Getting help with the anxiety is a huge step in dealing with tinnitus at first. Really, discuss that with your doctor and find out what he or she has to say about it. Being strong for you and your family means admitting to yourself that you might be experiencing anxiety along with your tinnitus (which is totally understandable!) and that you can and should seek at least the advice of a professional. In this country (and many others I suspect) people have a stigma against going to a psychological professional or being treated in that fashion. Those treatment options exist for the very reasons you're experiencing right now. Tackling your issues one by one, such as getting the ear infections cleared up, addressing your anxiety, etc. will also make you feel more in control of the situation.
Just my two cents.