Tinnitus News

In very recent news, this is an article about a possible link between COVID-19 shots and tinnitus.

Possible links between Covid shots and tinnitus emerge
People who have developed life-altering ringing in their ears after Covid vaccinations demand deeper investigation into this potential side effect.
Not really surprising to anyone here to be honest. We've seen plenty anecdotal reports of the vaccine gifting people tinnitus or worsening people's existing tinnitus. It's disgraceful how dismissive the medical community (CDC) were about this. But what else is new with tinnitus.

Anyways, I think the actions of public health experts over the last years has eroded trust in the 'science'. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, public health experts in the higher echelons of government were far more concerned with playing politics with their messaging rather than fulfilling their roles as providers of information and facts. There was too much confusing and contradictory information (muddying the waters if you will) in regards to mask wearing, herd immunity, mRNA vaccines and its side effects, and immunity acquired from infection.

For example, they were literally hiding/ignoring the fact that natural immunity through infection (elementary science btw) was just as protective if not better than mRNA vaccines against severe illness and death. These public experts were hellbent on vaccination in order to justify government's action in coercing all people to take them (via mandates) without natural immunity ever being considered. It wasn't right. The COVID-19 response was disastrous from the start.
Quick reading exercise: is this a recycled version of this?
Erika Edwards said:
There is no known cause of tinnitus, though it is often associated with acoustic trauma
Are you effing kidding? Who the fuck writes this?
Erika Edwards.

And yes, it's badly worded. But replace the word "known" with one* and it's no different from any other summary.
Wikipedia said:
Rather than a disease, tinnitus is a symptom that may result from a variety of underlying causes and may be generated at any level of the auditory system as well as outside that system. The most common causes are hearing damage, noise-induced hearing loss, or age-related hearing loss, known as presbycusis.
NHS said:
It's not always clear what causes tinnitus, but it's often linked to:
  • some form of hearing loss
  • Ménière's disease
  • conditions such as diabetes, thyroid disorders or multiple sclerosis
  • anxiety or depression
And she elaborated in the "recycled" article.
Erika Edwards said:
There are many potential causes, including age-related hearing loss, certain medications, ear infections and high blood pressure.
But you knew that already, because you read it, right?

Basically, all mainstream outlets give a pretty lousy description of tinnitus; at least this journalist is giving a voice to people who were injured by the "vaccines" and then in no uncertain terms called "crazy", or "anti-vax conspiracy theorists" just for wanting it acknowledged.

What's the problem?
@Damocles, I am just mad, that's all. And suffering like hell.
@Damocles, I am just mad, that's all. And suffering like hell.
Yeah, I guess that makes sense.

I fell out really badly with all my family during the first year.

I was very angry at everyone's lack of understanding.

Very angry at the world for being such a noisy POS that would no longer accommodate me.

Ultimately the fall outs made my enduring relationships stronger, but those first two years were a whole different level of pain.

You'll stabilise with the condition (if it doesn't improve by itself) eventually; you just have to keep going until that happens.
Yeah, I guess that makes sense.

I fell out really badly with all my family during the first year.

I was very angry at everyone's lack of understanding.

Very angry at the world for being such a noisy POS that would no longer accommodate me.

Ultimately the fall outs made my enduring relationships stronger, but those first two years were a whole different level of pain.

You'll stabilise with the condition (if it doesn't improve by itself) eventually; you just have to keep going until that happens.
I'm just taking it ONE DAY AT A TIME. I feel like I'm white knuckling it until that day. This gives me hope, thank you for sharing.

Also, I'm sitting in my living room with my father-in-law who oddly enough also has tinnitus (he's had it for 20 years he said) who just pretty much said the same thing 10 minutes prior to me reading this!
Posting this Twitter comment from Dr. Anthony Hinton here because I CAN NOT be arsed interacting with a single other "correlation isn't causation" dipstick.
I agree again! Correlation doesn't mean causation. However, it's like a fire alarm going off, alerting you to investigate if there is a causation. On a side note, and given you reside in the UK, give your MP a shot. I have done this and had replies. With an election looming, they want to keep their jobs. Remind them of the 2020 tinnitus roundtable event and £7.5 million proposal.

The problem is our government (with the exception of 2 MPs) are too cowardly to investigate as they will find correlation and causation matching up sometimes.

There are people who are literally disabled after taking one of these vaccines, who are then silenced. When they speak out, in some cases, people have labelled vaccine injured as "anti-vaxxers." Incredible how dumb some are.

For non-UK readers, the vaccines have been almost entirely withdrawn here, with only over 75s offered them.
I agree again! Correlation doesn't mean causation. However, it's like a fire alarm going off, alerting you to investigate if there is a causation. On a side note, and given you reside in the UK, give your MP a shot. I have done this and had replies. With an election looming, they want to keep their jobs. Remind them of the 2020 tinnitus roundtable event and £7.5 million proposal.

The problem is our government (with the exception of 2 MPs) are too cowardly to investigate as they will find correlation and causation matching up sometimes.

There are people who are literally disabled after taking one of these vaccines, who are then silenced. When they speak out, in some cases, people have labelled vaccine injured as "anti-vaxxers." Incredible how dumb some are.

For non-UK readers, the vaccines have been almost entirely withdrawn here, with only over 75s offered them.
Searching my memory here... to those covid lockdown days
I can't recall who made the point or when but:

1) Some people relate that the vaccine made their tinnitus a bit worse -- that happened to me too.

2) Some people say that an infection of COVID-19 was the cause of their first onset of tinnitus.

3) If you are unlucky enough to get severe COVID-19, you will end up in intensive care surrounded by a team of health professionals pumping you with all sorts of antibiotics and ramming a metal tube down your throat in their efforts to keep you alive. They ain't going to ask whether the drugs they give might worsen your tinnitus.

4) They also want to keep themselves alive so they are masked and gowned up to the nines.
give your MP a shot.
The problem with my (conservative) MP who I'll refrain from naming, is that they voted unquestioningly every single time with government to extend 'lockdowns'. In political terms, during 2020, something broke in me that can never be repaired.
Incredible how dumb some are.
It goes beyond dumb, and I think history is going to judge this generation harshly.

Regarding those who band phrases around online like 'anti-vaxxer', conspiracy-theorist, and 'denier' (in all its permutations), it's like Mike Tyson said; they've gotten way too comfortable being disrespectful and not getting punched in the face for it.
1) Some people relate that the vaccine made their tinnitus a bit worse -- that happened to me too.
It's fine to talk in terms of "a bit worse" but don't do the disservice of forgetting people like @Brian P who came here post jab with tinnitus so loud that he eventually committed suicide.
In political terms, during 2020, something broke in me that can never be repaired.
I agree. As early as April 2nd, 2020, I suddenly realised something was seriously wrong and it caused panic. The idea of a government wanting to wrap its arms around the population to 'protect' them sounded absurd. Where I lived, there were numerous homeless people, people living in poverty, etc. that had been neglected. Suddenly they cared? Absolute nonsense!

Now this isn't to take away from a potentially nasty infection, which had been deliberately engineered for a pandemic. For old people it had quite a high mortality rate. It was all about balance and a proportional response, and it was not proportional.

As far as tinnitus goes, COVID-19 can cause it. Will the jab stop this happening? Very likely no. @Padraigh Griffin also got significantly worse after his jabs.

I was all for offering them, but on the grounds that the trial results were in the public domain.
I agree. As early as April 2nd, 2020, I suddenly realised something was seriously wrong and it caused panic. The idea of a government wanting to wrap its arms around the population to 'protect' them sounded absurd. Where I lived, there were numerous homeless people, people living in poverty, etc. that had been neglected. Suddenly they cared? Absolute nonsense!

Now this isn't to take away from a potentially nasty infection, which had been deliberately engineered for a pandemic. For old people it had quite a high mortality rate. It was all about balance and a proportional response, and it was not proportional.

As far as tinnitus goes, COVID-19 can cause it. Will the jab stop this happening? Very likely no. @Padraigh Griffin also got significantly worse after his jabs.

I was all for offering them, but on the grounds that the trial results were in the public domain.
Yes, I recall the early days of the pandemic. Not one to bore you with my tales of woe but I had a history of lung problems in my early years. As a matter of fact, I would have been one of the "olympic champions" in lung trouble if there was such a competition :)

It disappeared in adulthood but once I heard of this mysterious new lung disease -- and viewed the video clips coming out of Wuhan, China it scared the daylights out of me -- all these bodies of people who had collapsed on the sidewalk, emergency hospitals -- which were (effectively speaking) just a huge warehouse with a few thousand beds and patients.

Then the stories coming from Italy... and then New York.

It would not be far off the mark to say that the government was in panic mode too.
@Nick47, @UKBloke ▼ (and anyone else in the UK who doesn't want future mandates/lockdowns).

MHRA - Together Declaration

Only have until the end of tonight to sign.
@Damocles, done.
It disappeared in adulthood but once I heard of this mysterious new lung disease -- and viewed the video clips coming out of Wuhan, China it scared the daylights out of me -- all these bodies of people who had collapsed on the sidewalk, emergency hospitals -- which were (effectively speaking) just a huge warehouse with a few thousand beds and patients.

Then the stories coming from Italy... and then New York.
@Joeseph Stope, yes, it must have worried you pal.
Anyone here gonna hold it against him?

Not sure this is tinnitus news per se but Howard Hughes (no, not that one) is a UK based radio broadcaster. He also puts out a podcast where he interviews various guests about all things 'unexplained'.

During this episode about the power of sound he began to talk about his own tinnitus and hyperacusis. He's mentioned it before but it seems he's experienced a worsening. It's a short segment that starts around 20:40.


PS - take care with volume, it starts quite loud.
Not sure this is tinnitus news per se but Howard Hughes (no, not that one) is a UK based radio broadcaster. He also puts out a podcast where he interviews various guests about all things 'unexplained'.

During this episode about the power of sound he began to talk about his own tinnitus and hyperacusis. He's mentioned it before but it seems he's experienced a worsening. It's a short segment that starts around 20:40.


PS - take care with volume, it starts quite loud.
Thanks for the volume warning. Very interesting and informative.
This is not specifically tinnitus related as I don't know the circumstances of the kid, but it's still really nice to see.

Gaming accessibility features continue to improve over time. In the upcoming video game Spider-Man 2 (PS5), there's an impressive dedicated audio frequency control section. Seems like more and more developers are becoming aware of the fact that certain individuals may have sensitivities to particular sounds. This is good to see.

Audio Frequency Controls

"Additional options in our heroes' gallery of accessibility features at launch are our Audio Frequency Controls. These will allow players to disable uncomfortable sounds with our High Frequency Cutoff (like high-pitched ringing), Low Frequency Cutoff (like the bass of an explosion), or a custom setting with the Notch Frequency Filter so they can better enjoy Pete's classic quips as he thwips back a detonating grenade".


Frequency Controls >

High Frequency Cutoff: Disable high frequencies from 6000Hz and up.
Notch Frequency Filter: Enables the notch frequency filter slider to remove a specific frequency range.
Low Frequency Cutoff: Disable low frequencies from 600Hz and below.
Seeing that Spider-Man 2 has a frequency reduction option reminded me that Modern Warfare II also has an option for turning off tinnitus from flash bangs and concussion grenades.

I saw this recent article in the Daily Mirror (UK Newspaper):

Man locked in Long Covid hell as he 'cannot escape' cracking sound as loud as plane
Shaney has spoken of his journey in the wake of the recent Tinnitus Awareness Week, which Specsavers says is important to highlight the plight sufferers face every day. Shaney added: "'I have tinnitus as a result of Long Covid and the impact has been immense. At first it came on in small bursts, until eventually it was a constant ringing, often as loud as a plane.
"It has a massive impact on my overall quality of life as I cannot escape it. At times it makes me unable to rest, think or sleep properly. Even watching a film or reading a book can be difficult. I want to advocate for people like myself who are suffering with this condition, which is why I encourage those who think they have tinnitus to speak to an audiologist or GP to see if they can be helped.
"Imagine you're trying to read a book and can hear loud, electrical static being played, so it is very hard to actually concentrate. It is often very difficult to relax because of the noise... I think what we need is hard clinical research into the underlying pathology of this. Not enough research has been done here in the UK."
Temporary CEO of Tinnitus UK appointed.
Welcoming Robin Greenwood as our new CEO

We are thrilled to welcome Robin Greenwood to Tinnitus UK this week as our new interim Chief Executive Officer. Robin will lead the team while a permanent CEO is recruited

Robin said: "I am honoured to join Tinnitus UK and lead them in the fight against tinnitus. I am committed to taking the charity forward, focusing on the needs of the tinnitus community and renewing our commitment to research."

Robin has a strong track record of leadership within the charity sector having served as a CEO, trustee and senior executive in his previous career. He has a deep commitment to making a positive difference in people's lives.

ynne Gillon, Chair of Tinnitus UK, said: "The Trustees and I welcome Robin and look forward to working with him. We look forward to his leadership to help us continue our important work supporting people living with tinnitus while continuing the search for a cure."

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