Tinnitus, the way some see it.
Mention tinnitus to a friend, relative or co-worker and you might be asked what is that? After explaining its symptoms you're likely to hear, they've experienced it after a night clubbing but it always goes away. The more enlightened will say, they have it or know someone with the condition who's learnt to live their life without any problems at all. Many people like to give the impression they are as informed and knowledgeable as the next person especially on health issues. Often quick to dismiss or downplay an ailment, as a minor because life is just too short and wonderful, to be bogged down with matters that bear little or no significance to them.
This cavalier approach to tinnitus can be difficult and at times frustrating for the newbie to comprehend, when they feel their whole life has been turned upside down and don't know where to turn to for help. To be on the receiving end of such comments can make one think why bother to start such a conversation. I experienced this twenty three years ago when I first got tinnitus. Veterans and those seasoned to it are all too aware of the blatant disregard and lack of understanding that some people have towards tinnitus, because they have no idea how it can seriously affect a person's life when it is severe.
Tinnitus is very common and many people are able to live their life doing everything that they want to without it causing too much of a problem. However, it comes in different forms and levels of severity and no two people will experience it the same. Only when it becomes severe and this level of intensity is sustained does it start to affect a person's quality of life and their mental and emotional wellbeing. Under these circumstances a person will begin to understand how ruthless and unforgiving tinnitus can be.
Unfortunately, the attitudes of some people I have described above are not unique to those with very mild tinnitus or anyone that has had it fleetingly after a night clubbing. Some people at tinnitus forums that once had it severe and habituated after a few months, are full of such arrogance it's beyond belief and say, tinnitus is nothing everyone can habituate. Is it any wonder then some health professionals who may not say it but one might feel they have this approach.