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Tinnitus, TMJ, Headaches, Neck Pain, Facial Pain, etc. — Possible Treatment


Those headaches are a pain indeed! And I understand the feeling of being a little afraid of moving the neck :)
Im trying to be kind to my neck now.


While reading your post, (what a great post btw) I now realize that there are three of us experiencing very much the same symptoms and we all have problems with one or more cervical vertebrae. My posture has been very bad too.
Yes, I too had T in one ear only, but it slowly progressed to both.

I guess you are right, that we have reached some kind of a boiling point when it comes to tension and stress to the back, neck and jaw.
At least it literally sounds like a boiling point in my ears to me (n)

After I started stretching and massaging I have gotten some more mobility back in my neck.

However, my neck hurts very bad at the moment, and I see it as a good sign though, because it seems I have touched something.

I experience the temporarily ringing as well, whats interesting though is that I experience it 99% of the time during a car drive, where I had those temporarily T's from in the beginning and from where those stinging one sided headaches originated from.

Seems like its very closely related to the neck, back or maybe the jaw, or all of them.

Now that is a joke,yep have had it. Someone on here thinks its gentle? No .Its a mini pile driver going at your neck,leave it alone folks
Hello do have neck pain from two old accidents ( Whiplash) having a lot of pain with my neck I have been having physo. 3 mth until end of March my T started middle of april..not sure if this has something to do with it ..thinking about going to see chiropractor..not sure if this is a good idea.also have dizziness all day long . Let me know much appreciated. life is a bit unbearable right now.

I do not know much about it. But hey I ve seen a lot of positive reactions and I'm not sure how your T developped, but as we are all experiencing some kind of neck related symptoms it was just a suggestion. Not every person is the same, what might not work for you may work for others....

I do not know much about it. But hey I ve seen a lot of positive reactions and I'm not sure how your T developped, but as we are all experiencing some kind of neck related symptoms it was just a suggestion. Not every person is the same, what might not work for you may work for others....
Thank you for replying! all the best to ..hope someone can fix our problem soon! Take care

Those headaches are a pain indeed! And I understand the feeling of being a little afraid of moving the neck :)
Im trying to be kind to my neck now.


While reading your post, (what a great post btw) I now realize that there are three of us experiencing very much the same symptoms and we all have problems with one or more cervical vertebrae. My posture has been very bad too.
Yes, I too had T in one ear only, but it slowly progressed to both.

I guess you are right, that we have reached some kind of a boiling point when it comes to tension and stress to the back, neck and jaw.
At least it literally sounds like a boiling point in my ears to me (n)

After I started stretching and massaging I have gotten some more mobility back in my neck.

However, my neck hurts very bad at the moment, and I see it as a good sign though, because it seems I have touched something.

I experience the temporarily ringing as well, whats interesting though is that I experience it 99% of the time during a car drive, where I had those temporarily T's from in the beginning and from where those stinging one sided headaches originated from.

Seems like its very closely related to the neck, back or maybe the jaw, or all of them.

Indeed i keep on seeing more similarities between our situations too, same goes for @Sjtof ,it's nice with our combined trial and error efforts we might be able to solve this thing! :)

Thats more or less what my physio told me to do 5-15mins 3 times a day, don't overdo it though, i've just done it for about 2-3mins, and my neck is already sore, I'm not gonna do anymore stretches today, also i can stretch barely half as far as the guy in the vid.

The fact that you get those temporarily T's during car drives is probably related to your bad posture, in neck or shoulders, i do notice too that those temp T's only happen when i'm sitting down or laying down, they also do happen at moments that i'm not thinking about my posture, and thus most certainly sitting in a wrong way neck or back wise. Also my T is louder most of the time when i sit down than when i'm walking around or so. I will look into doing everything at a standing desk, like @attheedgeofscience suggested a while ago, might be really worth it if my T stays lower then. Unfortunately sleeping while standing is a bit harder :p.

It's indeed a good sign that your neck hurts for a while after those pinches etc... Toxins which have been stuck in those muscles probably for a long time, are being released probably :), after all, god knows how long ago those muscle problems started to happen, i keep on remembering small events concerning my neck and shoulders etc.. being tense years ago, neck pains every once in a while, muscles being swollen but not painful, point is indeed, this is probably the result of bad postures and tense muscles developing for years, if only i did listen to my body before it started "yelling" at me...

Anyays we're on the right track! I'm convinced that the neck back and jaw muscles play an important role in this. The cervicals as well, but i'm not sure how i should treat that.
Indeed i keep on seeing more similarities between our situations too, same goes for @Sjtof ,it's nice with our combined trial and error efforts we might be able to solve this thing! :)

Thats more or less what my physio told me to do 5-15mins 3 times a day, don't overdo it though, i've just done it for about 2-3mins, and my neck is already sore, I'm not gonna do anymore stretches today, also i can stretch barely half as far as the guy in the vid.

The fact that you get those temporarily T's during car drives is probably related to your bad posture, in neck or shoulders, i do notice too that those temp T's only happen when i'm sitting down or laying down, they also do happen at moments that i'm not thinking about my posture, and thus most certainly sitting in a wrong way neck or back wise. Also my T is louder most of the time when i sit down than when i'm walking around or so. I will look into doing everything at a standing desk, like @attheedgeofscience suggested a while ago, might be really worth it if my T stays lower then. Unfortunately sleeping while standing is a bit harder :p.

It's indeed a good sign that your neck hurts for a while after those pinches etc... Toxins which have been stuck in those muscles probably for a long time, are being released probably :), after all, god knows how long ago those muscle problems started to happen, i keep on remembering small events concerning my neck and shoulders etc.. being tense years ago, neck pains every once in a while, muscles being swollen but not painful, point is indeed, this is probably the result of bad postures and tense muscles developing for years, if only i did listen to my body before it started "yelling" at me...

Anyays we're on the right track! I'm convinced that the neck back and jaw muscles play an important role in this. The cervicals as well, but i'm not sure how i should treat that.

Yeah, this is something that has been going on for years for sure. Its easy to look back at all the warning signs that has been ignored.

Great video, Im doing pretty much all of those stretches now. Neck feels really sore afterwards.

I think the temp T (or spike) is related to bad posture as well.

I hope we are able to reverse all the stuff that has been going on. Right now I feel like a damn signal receiver :)
Indeed i keep on seeing more similarities between our situations too, same goes for @Sjtof ,it's nice with our combined trial and error efforts we might be able to solve this thing! :)

Thats more or less what my physio told me to do 5-15mins 3 times a day, don't overdo it though, i've just done it for about 2-3mins, and my neck is already sore, I'm not gonna do anymore stretches today, also i can stretch barely half as far as the guy in the vid.

The fact that you get those temporarily T's during car drives is probably related to your bad posture, in neck or shoulders, i do notice too that those temp T's only happen when i'm sitting down or laying down, they also do happen at moments that i'm not thinking about my posture, and thus most certainly sitting in a wrong way neck or back wise. Also my T is louder most of the time when i sit down than when i'm walking around or so. I will look into doing everything at a standing desk, like @attheedgeofscience suggested a while ago, might be really worth it if my T stays lower then. Unfortunately sleeping while standing is a bit harder :p.

It's indeed a good sign that your neck hurts for a while after those pinches etc... Toxins which have been stuck in those muscles probably for a long time, are being released probably :), after all, god knows how long ago those muscle problems started to happen, i keep on remembering small events concerning my neck and shoulders etc.. being tense years ago, neck pains every once in a while, muscles being swollen but not painful, point is indeed, this is probably the result of bad postures and tense muscles developing for years, if only i did listen to my body before it started "yelling" at me...

Anyays we're on the right track! I'm convinced that the neck back and jaw muscles play an important role in this. The cervicals as well, but i'm not sure how i should treat that.

Before getting too adventurous, I would suggest at least doing a review of your current seating ergonomics. I'll use the following illustration as a starting point - and assuming it was made professionally - I will point out some mistakes that even professionals(?) appartently make:


What is wrong in the above illustration...

1) Her legs are pointing too much downwards (= seating too high); should be more of a right-angle.
2) Her albows are too high in the air; should be about 1-2cm below table height
3) I suggest using an armrest (this seriously prevents muscle tension build up in the neck and shoulders)
4) The monitor is definitely too far away

What is correct in the above illustration...

1) The chair should not be pressing against the back of the knees (the space allowed should be that of a fist)
2) The arch and support of the chair is excellent
3) Sitting up straight as in the above illustration is correct (and good), but be careful not to overdo it; sitting "too correctly" can lead to tense muscles in the muscle group found next to the spine inbetween the shoulder blades - when this happens, a person will experience a sensation of dizziness and loss of control when walking.

If you do go for a standing working position, then take it slow during the first several weeks; don't try to stand up for the full day in the beginning (it takes time to build up muscle strength in the legs).
Before getting too adventurous, I would suggest at least doing a review of your current seating ergonomics. I'll use the following illustration as a starting point - and assuming it was made professionally - I will point out some mistakes that even professionals(?) appartently make:

View attachment 1962

What is wrong in the above illustration...

1) Her legs are pointing too much downwards (= seating too high); should be more of a right-angle.
2) Her albows are too high in the air; should be about 1-2cm below table height
3) I suggest using an armrest (this seriously prevents muscle tension build up in the neck and shoulders)
4) The monitor is definitely too far away

What is correct in the above illustration...

1) The chair should not be pressing against the back of the knees (the space allowed should be that of a fist)
2) The arch and support of the chair is excellent
3) Sitting up straight as in the above illustration is correct (and good), but be careful not to overdo it; sitting "too correctly" can lead to tense muscles in the muscle group found next to the spine inbetween the shoulder blades - when this happens, a person will experience a sensation of dizziness and loss of control when walking.

If you do go for a standing working position, then take it slow during the first several weeks; don't try to stand up for the full day in the beginning (it takes time to build up muscle strength in the legs).

Thanks for your reaction i do appreciate, it's really helpful. I do definitely spot quite some differences with my average seating position, getting that right is definitely worth it. In the long-term i'm definitely going for a standing desk, it's just better for the body in general than sitting down, or that's what a lot of people say at least. It's not so pragmatic though and you sure are right when saying that the leg muscles will need to be trained for that, although i do have a headstart on that matter, i'm used to standing prolonged periods of time, i even enjoy it, when socializing with friends i'm the one who's not sitting down but rather leaning against the wall or such. When thinking about it, i recently read about Forward head posture here on TT, that's something i'm doing wrong and my shoulders as well, been trying to correct that, but my subconscious isn't getting it yet.

@Mr. Cartman I think we're having a good chance of reversing that stuff, i'm supposing you're not too old also, after a period of a lot of years your back spine and neck will start to "grow" into those wrong positions, and when talking about multiple decades of bad posture or such, it's pretty much irreversible, at least without very extreme treatments, according to my physio. But we're not that far gone, there is definitely hope imo :)

I do not know much about it. But hey I ve seen a lot of positive reactions and I'm not sure how your T developped, but as we are all experiencing some kind of neck related symptoms it was just a suggestion. Not every person is the same, what might not work for you may work for others....
Thank you for replying! all the best to ..hope someone can fix our p
Hi guys,

Just came back from my osteopath.

The top 3 vertebra on my left side of the neck were stuck. She managed to crack at least one of them. However my c1 is still stuck. She told me that I could either stay with her or should go see a chiropractor. Because those are more specialized in cracking bones and got more techniques than she has. So ye I think I'll go see a chiropractor, to see what he has to say. But Ye 3 vertebra, that is/was causing all the pain. Gonna wait what the next couple of days will bring as she manipulated the c1 with a different technique, but it wouldn't come lose "yet".
I must confess, I have not read all of the posts here... but I wanted to add my input on the topic of trigger points and pain in relation to the suboccipital muscles.

Pain in the suboccipital muscles is usually due to prolonged incorrect (forward leaning) posture. Over time, trigger points will develop (and may also develop in the shoulder blades).

The best way to deal with trigger points is... to not let them occur in the first place! And the best way for that is to ensure a good working position at all times (this is probably common knowledge). The way to do that is to implement the following steps in your working environment:

1) Work at a standing desk: takes some getting used to (and may not be appropriate for everyone for the full day).

View attachment 1901

(And yes, former defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld used to work at such a one all day long - not known to that many).

2) When not working in a standing position, regulate the table down and use a balance chair for the seated working position - this is the Swopper:

View attachment 1902

3) As a way of promoting good spine health, and preventing trigger points from developing, I recommend using the foam roller for back exercises, daily:

View attachment 1903

One good all-round foam roller is the green version of the Reebok foam rollers (which is more firm than the orange one):

View attachment 1905

Implementing these steps, will prevent trigger points from developing, remove blockades in the spine, promote good posture and overall spine health and... add many years to the skeleton.

Lastly, one doctor who specializes in removing trigger points and many, many other things is Dr. Klaus Müller:


(He is both a doctor and a chiropractor, and he is seriously competent in treating trigger points using shock therapy).
I think the standing option is brilliant! It turns out that my company normally accommodates this request. So in a few weeks, I should be able to alternate between sitting and standing before office computer. Thanks for pointing this out @attheedgeofscience!

Hi guys,

Just came back from my osteopath.

The top 3 vertebra on my left side of the neck were stuck. She managed to crack at least one of them. However my c1 is still stuck. She told me that I could either stay with her or should go see a chiropractor. Because those are more specialized in cracking bones and got more techniques than she has. So ye I think I'll go see a chiropractor, to see what he has to say. But Ye 3 vertebra, that is/was causing all the pain. Gonna wait what the next couple of days will bring as she manipulated the c1 with a different technique, but it wouldn't come lose "yet".

Interesting, great that you can lessen the pain, may i ask how is your T in relation to this? Is it improving by treating your vertebras? Or do you feel like it's unrelated?

I'm wondering if it's worth it to go visit a chiropractor too soon, as @attheedgeofscience pointed out a good chiropractor will always find something, definitely in my case i think, but i'm above all interested in the relation to my T, and probably ours and @Mr. Cartman , there are just way too much "symptoms" we have in common.
I do have the odd pains and especially headaches too, and what i keep noticing is they all seem to happen when i've been sitting for a long time or when especially when i'm tired, don't know how to relate this, it might trigger bad postures in me or such.

I'm not sure if my brain is learning to tune out the T or not, should be too early for that. But it feels like it has been improving lately, still having it almost 24/7, with very short moments of 99% no T(i've always had a very slight hiss when plugging my ears, and thus experiencing total silence, this seems to be normal in a lot of people without T too, or so i've been told) and the usual fluctuation, but in general it's better than 2weeks ago. I'm having occasional odd stings of pain in my jaw and shoulders and around the sub-occipital area though, but i feel like it's positive and they always fade in a few seconds, think it's because i'm stretching those muscles and because of the trigger point treatment yesterday. Because it started happening last night. Also something "cracked" in my neck 2 or 3 times when stretching today, felt odd for a few moments, and i gave up the neck stretching for today after that, until i know what that was. But my knowledge of the spine & vertebra is not enough to say if it's related or not, i have no clue what it was honestly, could be cartilage or such? Or is it possible to "crack" a vertebra multiple times? As it seems very unlikely that i "cracked" multiple vertebras by doing one extensive stretching session not even meant for that, if i even did crack one.

The sub-occipital stretching keeps doing something though, i'm not sure if it's really related, but it does feel good and light in the sub-occipital area, i keep getting the impression that i was so used to muscles feeling tense or "heavy", that i didn't realize anymore that they were tense actually.

Also, but that's probably only a problem for me, but when i yawn my ears are still crackling, like 4 or 5 little popping/cracking sounds, most likely my ETD that's not yet solved, but that's most likely unrelated to my T, as it's the same on the right as on the left. While my T isn't.
Interesting, great that you can lessen the pain, may i ask how is your T in relation to this? Is it improving by treating your vertebras? Or do you feel like it's unrelated?

I'm wondering if it's worth it to go visit a chiropractor too soon, as @attheedgeofscience pointed out a good chiropractor will always find something, definitely in my case i think, but i'm above all interested in the relation to my T, and probably ours and @Mr. Cartman , there are just way too much "symptoms" we have in common.
I do have the odd pains and especially headaches too, and what i keep noticing is they all seem to happen when i've been sitting for a long time or when especially when i'm tired, don't know how to relate this, it might trigger bad postures in me or such.

I'm not sure if my brain is learning to tune out the T or not, should be too early for that. But it feels like it has been improving lately, still having it almost 24/7, with very short moments of 99% no T(i've always had a very slight hiss when plugging my ears, and thus experiencing total silence, this seems to be normal in a lot of people without T too, or so i've been told) and the usual fluctuation, but in general it's better than 2weeks ago. I'm having occasional odd stings of pain in my jaw and shoulders and around the sub-occipital area though, but i feel like it's positive and they always fade in a few seconds, think it's because i'm stretching those muscles and because of the trigger point treatment yesterday. Because it started happening last night. Also something "cracked" in my neck 2 or 3 times when stretching today, felt odd for a few moments, and i gave up the neck stretching for today after that, until i know what that was. But my knowledge of the spine & vertebra is not enough to say if it's related or not, i have no clue what it was honestly, could be cartilage or such? Or is it possible to "crack" a vertebra multiple times? As it seems very unlikely that i "cracked" multiple vertebras by doing one extensive stretching session not even meant for that, if i even did crack one.

The sub-occipital stretching keeps doing something though, i'm not sure if it's really related, but it does feel good and light in the sub-occipital area, i keep getting the impression that i was so used to muscles feeling tense or "heavy", that i didn't realize anymore that they were tense actually.

Also, but that's probably only a problem for me, but when i yawn my ears are still crackling, like 4 or 5 little popping/cracking sounds, most likely my ETD that's not yet solved, but that's most likely unrelated to my T, as it's the same on the right as on the left. While my T isn't.

Ive always had that slight hiss when plugging my ears as well. I think its pretty common.

Please read my post I wrote earlier in another thread:

I have no idea what actually happens here, but I can for sure say that this position is really touching something magical for me. Pain goes away pretty much instantly, and I have had three times now where it literally felt like someone slapping my ear, and my tinnitus travelled upwards in frequency until it faded out while I got this sensation of vacuum in my ear for a while and then the fullness goes away. My T starts to fluctuate a lot while doing this. I also have to add that my lumbar region is in so much pain while doing this and afterwards for a while that I almost want to puke. But I keep lying down in this position for 10-15 minutes about 4 times a day.

If you are up for it, you should try it out and see if something starts to happen regarding your T and pain as well. Please let me know if it does.

Regarding the suboccipital stretches, my neck has gotten a lot more of the mobility back. So I will include those for sure :)
chronicburn, post: 51080, member: 4384"]Interesting, great that you can lessen the pain, may i ask how is your T in relation to this? Is it improving by treating your vertebras? Or do you feel like it's unrelated?

I'm wondering if it's worth it to go visit a chiropractor too soon, as @attheedgeofscience pointed out a good chiropractor will always find something, definitely in my case i think, but i'm above all interested in the relation to my T, and probably ours and @Mr. Cartman , there are just way too much "symptoms" we have in common.
I do have the odd pains and especially headaches too, and what i keep noticing is they all seem to happen when i've been sitting for a long time or when especially when i'm tired, don't know how to relate this, it might trigger bad postures in me or such.

I'm not sure if my brain is learning to tune out the T or not, should be too early for that. But it feels like it has been improving lately, still having it almost 24/7, with very short moments of 99% no T(i've always had a very slight hiss when plugging my ears, and thus experiencing total silence, this seems to be normal in a lot of people without T too, or so i've been told) and the usual fluctuation, but in general it's better than 2weeks ago. I'm having occasional odd stings of pain in my jaw and shoulders and around the sub-occipital area though, but i feel like it's positive and they always fade in a few seconds, think it's because i'm stretching those muscles and because of the trigger point treatment yesterday. Because it started happening last night. Also something "cracked" in my neck 2 or 3 times when stretching today, felt odd for a few moments, and i gave up the neck stretching for today after that, until i know what that was. But my knowledge of the spine & vertebra is not enough to say if it's related or not, i have no clue what it was honestly, could be cartilage or such? Or is it possible to "crack" a vertebra multiple times? As it seems very unlikely that i "cracked" multiple vertebras by doing one extensive stretching session not even meant for that, if i even did crack one.

The sub-occipital stretching keeps doing something though, i'm not sure if it's really related, but it does feel good and light in the sub-occipital area, i keep getting the impression that i was so used to muscles feeling tense or "heavy", that i didn't realize anymore that they were tense actually.

Also, but that's probably only a problem for me, but when i yawn my ears are still crackling, like 4 or 5 little popping/cracking sounds, most likely my ETD that's not yet solved, but that's most likely unrelated to my T, as it's the same on the right as on the left. While my T isn't.

My T is 99. 9% related to the vertebra in my neck. As the atlas is stuck on the left. It might explain the tingling feeling I sometimes experience in my jaw when laying down. As they are so close together and sort off related to each other, when one moves the other moves as well...

My T is different after a treatment, but ye like I said before, it's still stuck and I think it's definitely coming from the atlas.. Think I'm gonna see a chiropractor as I just feel the neck problem is still not solved. Still gets tensed/hurts after sitting down for a while without neck support.

This is what I've experienced and my explanation to the symptoms. Might not all be correct but just to see whether it makes sense :

First experienced the stinging headaches a few times when sitting behind a desk => wrong posture behind the desk/Overstretching the neck

Experienced stinging headaches after doing bench presses => overstretched neck due to faulty performance of bench presses

Experienced stinging headaches when sitting in unnatural position => laying down decreased headaches => contracting neck muscles increased the stinging headaches

T changed mainly from right to left => manipulation of the vertebra in neck caused this

Tensed muscles when sitting down without neck support => stuck neck vertebras not supporting my neck properly

Tingling feeling in jaw when laying down => first neck vertebra is s related to the jaw, when one moves to other moves as well

Increasing T (especially on left side) when clinching teeth => must have something to do with a nerve which is stuck due and is close to the first vertebra combined with the explanation above

Change in T after a treatment => manipulation of the vertebra / neck /jaw muscles causes this

Use of diazepam decreases T => diazepam decreases muscle tension

Fullness feeling in ear => increased muscle tension on the particular side

Electric shocks through the back of my head => due to stuck vertebra might hit a nerve or something due to sudden movement of the neck

Temporary T (which is different then my usual T) => also due to the movement of the neck like above

T usually lower when waking up, higher when going to sleep => usage of the neck throughout the day, rest at nite

Neck hurts when slept in uncomfortable position => different tension/pressure on neck / vertebra => increases T as well in a painfull way

Fluctuation/change of the sound throughout the day => depends on the usage of the neck

Increased stress => higher muscle tension => increased T

Sore jaw muscles when waking up after treatment on jaw => higher muscle tension => higher T

Stinging pain in ears => I guess due to muscles contractions in neck or nerve related factors

Everything happend after the long term wrong posture behind the desk/game console and the bench presses was the last drop it could take and that might have caused my vertebra got stuck.

After that i experienced my T.

I think that is most of it what I've experienced and I didnt use any medical terms because i was too lazy to look it up but I think it's my explanation for all the symptoms I experience(d). All in i think(in my case) the stuck vertebra leads to muscles tension and the muscle tension leads to triggered nerves which in term leads to the T. But that maybe also an explanation for the fact that you guys can lower it down with the stretching. I didnt do that yet.

I'll keep you updated andddd

@Mr. Cartman
Really nice that your T fades out while doing that! Seems like you've hit the sweet spot :).
I tried that position last night as well for about 15mins i think, it was odd, it felt really good for my shoulders, they felt light which seems kind of logic indeed as it's exactly the opposite of then ad posture indeed. (i must say pain is not the right word for what i'm experiencing in the neck-shoulders area most of the time, it's more some kind of tense stiffness with some pressure, hard to explain, with occasional pain stings for a few seconds to a minute max. I can't help but notice it, but fortunately it doesn't bother me much in contrast to the T.) Anyways what was odd, was that about 30secs after i was lying in that position, i started to get electrical shock like itchy stings in my right T-side upper arm(no spasms), and the same in my T-side upper leg. After lying in that position i went to sleep and i noticed those tiny jolts still kept happening a bit softer until i fell asleep. When i woke up this morning it was all gone. And also indeed it deed feel painful in my lumbar region as well for about the first 5mins i was lying that way, after that it went away gradually :). It is hard to say if it relates to my T, but my T was kind of low compared to other evenings when i went to sleep, unfortunately i did wake up with an extraordinarily loud T, which fluctuated back to the usual levels during the day and is a bit louder atm, one of the things i did last night or today triggered something. Also the headaches seem to have almost gone for the last few days, and when they do pop up, they only last a few minutes max. :)

Aside from that the neck stretches keep crackling things in my neck frequently, and moving my neck backwards makes a squishy weird sound, just below the sub-occipital area, and literally all those neck movements spike my T for the duration of the movement. Which scares me, but at the same time tells me it's a problem spot definitely. I'm gonna keep doing them but very softly, until i see my physio again tuesday.

Also quite frequent i get a "low whooshing" sound by doing all those odd movements, more or less the sound that the wind makes when blowing next to your ears, but it originates somewhere inside or just under my ears, i suspect it's blood flowing?

On a more positive note, the T in my left ear(the better one) seems to have gone again for a whole day now, still feels funny though :)

@Sjtof Interesting, gonna see what my physio, which is more or less the same as osteopath apparently, can do about my vertebras, multiple things were treated at my last physio treatment, so i'm not sure if it were relaxed muscles or the cracked cervical vertebra that caused my T to subside for a few moments.
I think you're definitely on the right path, a chiropractor might be worth it, i will do the same if my physio can't solve it. As for the jaw it does have some weird connection, the fullness or itchy funny feelings i frequently have in my ears always radiate to my jaw, or the other way around.

This is all so confusing yet so promising! Yet i'm astonished the list of things that most likely contribute to my T is ever-expanding.
@Mr. Cartman
Really nice that your T fades out while doing that! Seems like you've hit the sweet spot :).
I tried that position last night as well for about 15mins i think, it was odd, it felt really good for my shoulders, they felt light which seems kind of logic indeed as it's exactly the opposite of then ad posture indeed. (i must say pain is not the right word for what i'm experiencing in the neck-shoulders area most of the time, it's more some kind of tense stiffness with some pressure, hard to explain, with occasional pain stings for a few seconds to a minute max. I can't help but notice it, but fortunately it doesn't bother me much in contrast to the T.) Anyways what was odd, was that about 30secs after i was lying in that position, i started to get electrical shock like itchy stings in my right T-side upper arm(no spasms), and the same in my T-side upper leg. After lying in that position i went to sleep and i noticed those tiny jolts still kept happening a bit softer until i fell asleep. When i woke up this morning it was all gone. And also indeed it deed feel painful in my lumbar region as well for about the first 5mins i was lying that way, after that it went away gradually :). It is hard to say if it relates to my T, but my T was kind of low compared to other evenings when i went to sleep, unfortunately i did wake up with an extraordinarily loud T, which fluctuated back to the usual levels during the day and is a bit louder atm, one of the things i did last night or today triggered something. Also the headaches seem to have almost gone for the last few days, and when they do pop up, they only last a few minutes max. :)

Aside from that the neck stretches keep crackling things in my neck frequently, and moving my neck backwards makes a squishy weird sound, just below the sub-occipital area, and literally all those neck movements spike my T for the duration of the movement. Which scares me, but at the same time tells me it's a problem spot definitely. I'm gonna keep doing them but very softly, until i see my physio again tuesday.

Also quite frequent i get a "low whooshing" sound by doing all those odd movements, more or less the sound that the wind makes when blowing next to your ears, but it originates somewhere inside or just under my ears, i suspect it's blood flowing?

On a more positive note, the T in my left ear(the better one) seems to have gone again for a whole day now, still feels funny though :)

@Sjtof Interesting, gonna see what my physio, which is more or less the same as osteopath apparently, can do about my vertebras, multiple things were treated at my last physio treatment, so i'm not sure if it were relaxed muscles or the cracked cervical vertebra that caused my T to subside for a few moments.
I think you're definitely on the right path, a chiropractor might be worth it, i will do the same if my physio can't solve it. As for the jaw it does have some weird connection, the fullness or itchy funny feelings i frequently have in my ears always radiate to my jaw, or the other way around.

This is all so confusing yet so promising! Yet i'm astonished the list of things that most likely contribute to my T is ever-expanding.

Those odd feelings of pressure, odd stiffness and electrical buzzes, thats exactly what I have too. It used to be unbearable pain, but after I started stretching and lying in that position it now can only be described as a very odd feeling. I think it has to be related to nerves (or at least muscles).
And its really funny what you say about electrical shock/stings when lying in that position I described above. I have the exact same sensation. But not only in my leg, but also around my body and around my lips and eyes.

Im also experiencing that "whoosh whoosh" pulsating tinnitus from time to time, but it always fades away after a few seconds to a couple of minutes, and its only on my left side.

But we have to touch something, because I cant imagine everyone ends up with electrical shocks when lying down in a little ackward position. I have experienced that my arms have "fell asleep" and the stinging it results in, and it could be compared to something like that, but the stinging is more of an electrical type and it comes and goes very rapidly. I have to this day never experienced something like this, no matter what position I have had.

And regarding the weird sound in your neck, I have that when I move my head too, but mostly when I turn my head to the left and right. I then hear a sound that could remind of bone clenching another bone. When I move my head forward and backwards I can hear a somewhat more sticky sound. My neck also hurts, and it now feels like theres some inflammation going on there.

If I put my hand on the top of my shoulder next to my neck and kinda stretches this muscle away from the neck, I can also feel a stinging electrical sensation travelling upwards my neck for a few seconds, but only rearly does this happen.

Im just thinking.. If those electrical buzzes are sent to the nerves that are related to auditory processing, then that could explain why my T sounds like a hiss of electrical signals. Its like when your arm have "fell asleep" and you get that intense sensation of stinging, I kinda feel that its the same signals that somehow has managed to enter my auditory system.

If I pinch my neck, I sometimes get a spike, and sometimes I can feel an electrical sting somewhere else. It seems pretty random. But maybe those stings and the spikes are related to the same mechanism and originating from the same place.

Just as a foot note, I stopped using antiperspirants containing aluminium a week before all this stuff started to happen. I dont think its related, but its something I will have in the back of my head. For me it seems like its related to neck, jaw and back, but mostly neck.

Yes, I have found that the only way to eliminate my T for a while is insane hard physical work, especially involving my neck and shoulders like showeling snow.. Sometimes it even subsides for a day, but it always come back the next day when I wake up. So damn tired of it.

My T seems to be very somatic as well. A hissing noise similar to an electrical buzz that is changing all the time.

Along with my T I also got weird episodic headaches. I will be seeing a lot of specialists in the coming months and I will let you know if they are able to figure out a cause.
YES! This is exactly what I experience except I don't get the headaches.
My T is 99. 9% related to the vertebra in my neck. As the atlas is stuck on the left. It might explain the tingling feeling I sometimes experience in my jaw when laying down. As they are so close together and sort off related to each other, when one moves the other moves as well...

My T is different after a treatment, but ye like I said before, it's still stuck and I think it's definitely coming from the atlas.. Think I'm gonna see a chiropractor as I just feel the neck problem is still not solved. Still gets tensed/hurts after sitting down for a while without neck support.

This is what I've experienced and my explanation to the symptoms. Might not all be correct but just to see whether it makes sense :

First experienced the stinging headaches a few times when sitting behind a desk => wrong posture behind the desk/Overstretching the neck

Experienced stinging headaches after doing bench presses => overstretched neck due to faulty performance of bench presses

Experienced stinging headaches when sitting in unnatural position => laying down decreased headaches => contracting neck muscles increased the stinging headaches

T changed mainly from right to left => manipulation of the vertebra in neck caused this

Tensed muscles when sitting down without neck support => stuck neck vertebras not supporting my neck properly

Tingling feeling in jaw when laying down => first neck vertebra is s related to the jaw, when one moves to other moves as well

Increasing T (especially on left side) when clinching teeth => must have something to do with a nerve which is stuck due and is close to the first vertebra combined with the explanation above

Change in T after a treatment => manipulation of the vertebra / neck /jaw muscles causes this

Use of diazepam decreases T => diazepam decreases muscle tension

Fullness feeling in ear => increased muscle tension on the particular side

Electric shocks through the back of my head => due to stuck vertebra might hit a nerve or something due to sudden movement of the neck

Temporary T (which is different then my usual T) => also due to the movement of the neck like above

T usually lower when waking up, higher when going to sleep => usage of the neck throughout the day, rest at nite

Neck hurts when slept in uncomfortable position => different tension/pressure on neck / vertebra => increases T as well in a painfull way

Fluctuation/change of the sound throughout the day => depends on the usage of the neck

Increased stress => higher muscle tension => increased T

Sore jaw muscles when waking up after treatment on jaw => higher muscle tension => higher T

Stinging pain in ears => I guess due to muscles contractions in neck or nerve related factors

Everything happend after the long term wrong posture behind the desk/game console and the bench presses was the last drop it could take and that might have caused my vertebra got stuck.

After that i experienced my T.

I think that is most of it what I've experienced and I didnt use any medical terms because i was too lazy to look it up but I think it's my explanation for all the symptoms I experience(d). All in i think(in my case) the stuck vertebra leads to muscles tension and the muscle tension leads to triggered nerves which in term leads to the T. But that maybe also an explanation for the fact that you guys can lower it down with the stretching. I didnt do that yet.

I'll keep you updated andddd


I only saw the edited part of your post now, i'm not so educated on the matter but it does seem logic indeed. I'm still not sure what's the cause and what are the consequences in my case, but in your case it might very well be the stuck vertebra indeed. In my case the final drop that made the bucket spill also was the faulty appliance of sit-ups and straining my neck way too much. I haven't really checked the vertebras with a medically educated person yet, so it might very well be a possibility too. But at least not as severe as in your case, it seems like your neck pains are much worse unfortunately. My T also is at it's loudest in the evening, due to neck and posture probably, also the loudest in the morning, but that is most likely TMJ, something you don't have i think.

Thanks for keeping me updated and @Mr. Cartman too, it is "nice" to know we're probably in the same boat. And to know that i'm not imagining things :).

And haha my spanish roots we're quite sad yesterday! Didn't see that one coming. :p

Would be really interesting if belgium and holland played against eachother though! :p

Later tonight i'm gonna try all kinds of stretches and see what the results are, gtg for now!
Also very interesting post again @Mr. Cartman , i'm gonna try out some things later tonight
Interesting, great that you can lessen the pain, may i ask how is your T in relation to this? Is it improving by treating your vertebras? Or do you feel like it's unrelated?

I'm wondering if it's worth it to go visit a chiropractor too soon, as @attheedgeofscience pointed out a good chiropractor will always find something, definitely in my case i think, but i'm above all interested in the relation to my T, and probably ours and @Mr. Cartman , there are just way too much "symptoms" we have in common.
I do have the odd pains and especially headaches too, and what i keep noticing is they all seem to happen when i've been sitting for a long time or when especially when i'm tired, don't know how to relate this, it might trigger bad postures in me or such.

I'm not sure if my brain is learning to tune out the T or not, should be too early for that. But it feels like it has been improving lately, still having it almost 24/7, with very short moments of 99% no T(i've always had a very slight hiss when plugging my ears, and thus experiencing total silence, this seems to be normal in a lot of people without T too, or so i've been told) and the usual fluctuation, but in general it's better than 2weeks ago. I'm having occasional odd stings of pain in my jaw and shoulders and around the sub-occipital area though, but i feel like it's positive and they always fade in a few seconds, think it's because i'm stretching those muscles and because of the trigger point treatment yesterday. Because it started happening last night. Also something "cracked" in my neck 2 or 3 times when stretching today, felt odd for a few moments, and i gave up the neck stretching for today after that, until i know what that was. But my knowledge of the spine & vertebra is not enough to say if it's related or not, i have no clue what it was honestly, could be cartilage or such? Or is it possible to "crack" a vertebra multiple times? As it seems very unlikely that i "cracked" multiple vertebras by doing one extensive stretching session not even meant for that, if i even did crack one.

The sub-occipital stretching keeps doing something though, i'm not sure if it's really related, but it does feel good and light in the sub-occipital area, i keep getting the impression that i was so used to muscles feeling tense or "heavy", that i didn't realize anymore that they were tense actually.

Also, but that's probably only a problem for me, but when i yawn my ears are still crackling, like 4 or 5 little popping/cracking sounds, most likely my ETD that's not yet solved, but that's most likely unrelated to my T, as it's the same on the right as on the left. While my T isn't.
keep me in formed . I had two car accidents with whip lash.. experience lots of neck pain..whiplash old ..did some physio fe.march and mt t started in april.not sure if it is related ..have mri on Monday..will see what happens ..hope ing everything is okay ..will see chiropractor..iget headache in the morning after a night sleep .keep me informe Take care!
I only saw the edited part of your post now, i'm not so educated on the matter but it does seem logic indeed. I'm still not sure what's the cause and what are the consequences in my case, but in your case it might very well be the stuck vertebra indeed. In my case the final drop that made the bucket spill also was the faulty appliance of sit-ups and straining my neck way too much. I haven't really checked the vertebras with a medically educated person yet, so it might very well be a possibility too. But at least not as severe as in your case, it seems like your neck pains are much worse unfortunately. My T also is at it's loudest in the evening, due to neck and posture probably, also the loudest in the morning, but that is most likely TMJ, something you don't have i think.

Thanks for keeping me updated and @Mr. Cartman too, it is "nice" to know we're probably in the same boat. And to know that i'm not imagining things :).

And haha my spanish roots we're quite sad yesterday! Didn't see that one coming. :p

Would be really interesting if belgium and holland played against eachother though! :p

Later tonight i'm gonna try all kinds of stretches and see what the results are, gtg for now!
Also very interesting post again @Mr. Cartman , i'm gonna try out some things later tonight

Another thing I have noticed, is that what my T fades away for a while when lying in this position (it doesnt always fade away, but like every 5th time) it doesnt just "stop".. It sounds like the signals that are sent (the T) are kind of asynchronous, like they receive nerve signals very randomly and with quite some time between each firing (some micro seconds). And then suddenly it seems to become more synchronous, thats when my T starts to kinda scream, and the firing starts to level out until the time between each firing is so slim that it sounds like a solid "beep" (fleeting T), and thats the time when it feels like someone slapping my ear (or someone plugging the cable to something) and the beep fades down until it disappears.

This is what has happened before as well, but then the T went away completely, now it seems to come back.

Keep us updated :) Have a good time! :) Ill try some stuff later tonight as well :)
We got T at the same time. Mine spiked on April 4th from a previous episode at the same time two years. Im very allergic to tree pollens and im hoping this is the cause. You?

Ive heard allergies can cause T, so could very well be the case I guess :)

I think that mine is caused by prolonged abuse of my neck (because of all the neck related stuff Im experiencing together with my T), and they seem to be all related.

I hope it will go away for all of us one day :)
Im just thinking.. If those electrical buzzes are sent to the nerves that are related to auditory processing, then that could explain why my T sounds like a hiss of electrical signals. Its like when your arm have "fell asleep" and you get that intense sensation of stinging, I kinda feel that its the same signals that somehow has managed to enter my auditory system.

If I pinch my neck, I sometimes get a spike, and sometimes I can feel an electrical sting somewhere else. It seems pretty random. But maybe those stings and the spikes are related to the same mechanism and originating from the same place.

Just as a foot note, I stopped using antiperspirants containing aluminium a week before all this stuff started to happen. I dont think its related, but its something I will have in the back of my head. For me it seems like its related to neck, jaw and back, but mostly neck.

Exactly, the electric hiss i'm hearing as a too really fast, like microsecond fast indeed, frequency too, like a machine-gun firing small electrical stings indeed, or indeed like when your arms asleep!

Those stings and spikes might indeed be related too it, and confirms in my opinion that your neck nerves are misfiring signals, to seemingly random places. I don't know what too make of it either, and i experience them too from time to time, but by pinching those muscles i can't summon them, my T does spike though for the duration of the moments and probably a few seconds after it.

Another thing I have noticed, is that what my T fades away for a while when lying in this position (it doesnt always fade away, but like every 5th time) it doesnt just "stop".. It sounds like the signals that are sent (the T) are kind of asynchronous, like they receive nerve signals very randomly and with quite some time between each firing (some micro seconds). And then suddenly it seems to become more synchronous, thats when my T starts to kinda scream, and the firing starts to level out until the time between each firing is so slim that it sounds like a solid "beep" (fleeting T), and thats the time when it feels like someone slapping my ear (or someone plugging the cable to something) and the beep fades down until it disappears.

This is what has happened before as well, but then the T went away completely, now it seems to come back.

Keep us updated :) Have a good time! :) Ill try some stuff later tonight as well :)

Thanks! Did enjoy it went on a random trip to holland, was worth it! Sitting in a car so long or the noisy environment(but I'm convinced it was the car thing) did spike my T, though, it seems to have more or less back to normal now probably by sitting relaxed at home because it did spike until i was home actually, couldn't help but notice.
Another bad posture or back "stress" indication, it was a real uncomfortable car.

Wow, it's really great that you can completely fade it out by doing that man, i hope i will too soon. :) I'm gonna keep trying it too, did lie in that position yesterday again, it did cause significant pain in my lumbar area this time, but it went away again after 10mins or so, but it must do something good for the shoulder and jaw area for me, they feel light and good at the same time that my back hurts, quite a contrast.
Is the fleeting T that you experience before it goes away quite similar to those temporarily "beeeep" T's we experience every once in a while?
In that case it might be that those temp T's are the same and the nerves which do have problems have just received an overload of signals, which have a random cause in those temp. T's, but are because of something you trigger when laying down like that, and it, figuratively speaking, "shocks" the muscles/vertebras causing problems back into their normal state for a reason i don't know. Like you'r toe or whatever that did shove in a wrong position, it hurts (nerve signals sent to the brain), you push it back into place (peak of pain), and after that it's gone or better at least. (the example is quite far-fetched, but just to illustrate my logic in this)
It does really seem logic in my mind, but i might be wrong too, its just a hypothesis.

Aside from that, there is a place on my ribcage on the right (T-side), about a fingertip big, when i press it gently, i feel a sting of pain in my upper right arm, i never tried pressing it very hard obviously, it would really hurt i suppose, i have had this for 6months or so i think never been bothered by it, and don't know if it's related, but it seems like those 2 spots have the same nerve problems or such. Its weird to say the least :p.

Also something peculiar i keep noticing about my T lately, is that when i hear it in a quit area, without plugging my ears with something, i hear it coming from the left most of the time, when i plug my ears, the T is originated in the right ear, i'm 100% sure, as hard as i want it to come from the left, it comes from the right ear. confuses me it doesn't make any sense at all :p.

Another random thing i've been noticing lately, is that i'm loaded with static electricity, (you know, the kind that makes litle papers stick to your hand or leg or whatever you want), and everyone has this a once in a while, but the static electricity, doesn't go away, every time i have a piece of paper or a candy bar wrap and such i test it. It is almost certainly completely unrelated, but for the sake of that i don't want to overlook anything, and any similarities we do have, are most likely related, i thought it would be worth mentioning.

The same goes for the aluminum antiperspirants, i too did almost completely, gradually stop using them since 2-3months or so before onset, and there's a good chance that this was before the temp T's , i'm serious here, it is astonishing and so very random that we both did that. I had the idea that using them would cause a rebound effect in excessive sweating, it seems logic, but this is not medically proven or such, but back then i only followed my logic, and not medical evidence :p so i gradually stopped using antiperspirants altogether (i used one with aluminium brand) for a while, i used a brand with aluminum back then, and somewhere around 3weeks ago i heard all sorts of negative things about the aluminium inside it, and concluded that there was no rebound effect in antiperspirants and i smelled terrible :p. And started using antiperspirants a lot(like everyone, everyday), but without aluminium.
I don't see how this would fit in the picture, and it probably doesn't but it's another weird similarity again worth mentioning.

We got T at the same time. Mine spiked on April 4th from a previous episode at the same time two years. Im very allergic to tree pollens and im hoping this is the cause. You?
I too am very allergic to grass and tree pollens too. At first i thought allergies where the cause, as my T stared continuously somewhere around the time summer started and i was very irritated by my allergies. But i can't link it with the electrical hiss sound, i think it could cause ETD those allergies, which i have too, mildly these days, and the ETD by allergies might have also triggered my T, but i don't get how it wouldn't at least improve by using antihistaminicums+pseudoephedrine, which i did for 2weeks after onset, and now still antihistaminicums.

Did your T go away completely after that period 2years ago?

Right now i'm thinking in the direction of too much neck+jaw+shoulder "stress", as that might be the main factor atm i suppose, as the ETD is resolving and the T isn't, it did slightly improve however, that might be the ETD part.

If anyone is interested, here's a lot of information regarding pinched nerves:


Not sure how accurate the information is, but I think its worth reading.

Thanks for the site it is worth reading indeed :) What they say about walking is true, always lowers my T, seems to be the only position or something in which the muscles can relax and is not a bad posture for me.

Also my shoulders do also regularly crack when "stretching them" i didn't have this before let's say a month ago, so my muscles or so are a lot more tense indeed, or it might have something to do with the bones.
Exactly, the electric hiss i'm hearing as a too really fast, like microsecond fast indeed, frequency too, like a machine-gun firing small electrical stings indeed, or indeed like when your arms asleep!

Those stings and spikes might indeed be related too it, and confirms in my opinion that your neck nerves are misfiring signals, to seemingly random places. I don't know what too make of it either, and i experience them too from time to time, but by pinching those muscles i can't summon them, my T does spike though for the duration of the moments and probably a few seconds after it.

Thanks! Did enjoy it went on a random trip to holland, was worth it! Sitting in a car so long or the noisy environment(but I'm convinced it was the car thing) did spike my T, though, it seems to have more or less back to normal now probably by sitting relaxed at home because it did spike until i was home actually, couldn't help but notice.
Another bad posture or back "stress" indication, it was a real uncomfortable car.

Wow, it's really great that you can completely fade it out by doing that man, i hope i will too soon. :) I'm gonna keep trying it too, did lie in that position yesterday again, it did cause significant pain in my lumbar area this time, but it went away again after 10mins or so, but it must do something good for the shoulder and jaw area for me, they feel light and good at the same time that my back hurts, quite a contrast.
Is the fleeting T that you experience before it goes away quite similar to those temporarily "beeeep" T's we experience every once in a while?
In that case it might be that those temp T's are the same and the nerves which do have problems have just received an overload of signals, which have a random cause in those temp. T's, but are because of something you trigger when laying down like that, and it, figuratively speaking, "shocks" the muscles/vertebras causing problems back into their normal state for a reason i don't know. Like you'r toe or whatever that did shove in a wrong position, it hurts (nerve signals sent to the brain), you push it back into place (peak of pain), and after that it's gone or better at least. (the example is quite far-fetched, but just to illustrate my logic in this)
It does really seem logic in my mind, but i might be wrong too, its just a hypothesis.

Aside from that, there is a place on my ribcage on the right (T-side), about a fingertip big, when i press it gently, i feel a sting of pain in my upper right arm, i never tried pressing it very hard obviously, it would really hurt i suppose, i have had this for 6months or so i think never been bothered by it, and don't know if it's related, but it seems like those 2 spots have the same nerve problems or such. Its weird to say the least :p.

Also something peculiar i keep noticing about my T lately, is that when i hear it in a quit area, without plugging my ears with something, i hear it coming from the left most of the time, when i plug my ears, the T is originated in the right ear, i'm 100% sure, as hard as i want it to come from the left, it comes from the right ear. confuses me it doesn't make any sense at all :p.

Another random thing i've been noticing lately, is that i'm loaded with static electricity, (you know, the kind that makes litle papers stick to your hand or leg or whatever you want), and everyone has this a once in a while, but the static electricity, doesn't go away, every time i have a piece of paper or a candy bar wrap and such i test it. It is almost certainly completely unrelated, but for the sake of that i don't want to overlook anything, and any similarities we do have, are most likely related, i thought it would be worth mentioning.

The same goes for the aluminum antiperspirants, i too did almost completely, gradually stop using them since 2-3months or so before onset, and there's a good chance that this was before the temp T's , i'm serious here, it is astonishing and so very random that we both did that. I had the idea that using them would cause a rebound effect in excessive sweating, it seems logic, but this is not medically proven or such, but back then i only followed my logic, and not medical evidence :p so i gradually stopped using antiperspirants altogether (i used one with aluminium brand) for a while, i used a brand with aluminum back then, and somewhere around 3weeks ago i heard all sorts of negative things about the aluminium inside it, and concluded that there was no rebound effect in antiperspirants and i smelled terrible :p. And started using antiperspirants a lot(like everyone, everyday), but without aluminium.
I don't see how this would fit in the picture, and it probably doesn't but it's another weird similarity again worth mentioning.

I too am very allergic to grass and tree pollens too. At first i thought allergies where the cause, as my T stared continuously somewhere around the time summer started and i was very irritated by my allergies. But i can't link it with the electrical hiss sound, i think it could cause ETD those allergies, which i have too, mildly these days, and the ETD by allergies might have also triggered my T, but i don't get how it wouldn't at least improve by using antihistaminicums+pseudoephedrine, which i did for 2weeks after onset, and now still antihistaminicums.

Did your T go away completely after that period 2years ago?

Right now i'm thinking in the direction of too much neck+jaw+shoulder "stress", as that might be the main factor atm i suppose, as the ETD is resolving and the T isn't, it did slightly improve however, that might be the ETD part.

Thanks for the site it is worth reading indeed :) What they say about walking is true, always lowers my T, seems to be the only position or something in which the muscles can relax and is not a bad posture for me.

Also my shoulders do also regularly crack when "stretching them" i didn't have this before let's say a month ago, so my muscles or so are a lot more tense indeed, or it might have something to do with the bones.

Regarding the antiperspirant stuff.

Now that is VERY interesting indeed! What are the odds? I have to add a few details here.
I completely stopped using antiperspirants containing aluminium one day.

Within a week after I stopped using them, I somehow gradually got a lot of energy back in my body (again, not sure if its related).
I remember I was talking to my mom, sister and my friends and I vividly remember myself laughing and I told them Im feeling so great now days and I literally had so much energy that I wasnt able to sit still and lets say watch TV and stuff like that, and I told them what in the world is happening to me? Im feeling so great. I was very happy at that time as I kinda feel Ive had somewhat of a fatuige for years, always being tired. But somehow it seemed like my life got turned upside-down at this point. I felt that my body was doing very well.

I enjoyed this sensation for about 1 week, then I started to notice some weird black spots in my vision field floating around. I didnt think too much about this phenomenon as I only found them somewhat annoying. I kept seeing those for a while, but I havent seen any of them lately. Except from one day a couple of months ago.

Now, 2-3 weeks after I stopped using the antiperspirants, I got those stinging one sided headaches above my ear after I had been driving for a long time. I remember I told my sister that my head hurts so bad, and I was laughing about it. At this time it was just a "one sided headache" that went away after a while, so they never really bothered me.

Then, in about 3 weeks I started to experience a lot of temporarily Ts. But only when I drove my car for a long time, or sitting in front of my computer. I remember one time, when I had been doing a lot of reading at my computer, I got a very weird loud T that I had never experienced before, and this one seemed to be originating from my head, I was still laughing about all this, and went to bed. It went away the next day.

This is about the time I was starting to experience a minor sensation that my upper jaw had a tight feeling to it.
I still didnt pay too much attention to it, as I just though it was normal and being a part of getting older or something like that.

After that (week 3), my ears started to feel really funny. I remember I told my mom that my ears were feeling weird at that time. Like there was a lot of space between them. I had no T at that point, and I still didnt care, and I told her I felt really good, and I didnt think too much of this ear thing.

Then, a few days later after a long car drive I suddenly realized that my left ear had a hiss to it, but what was different this time, is that it didnt go away the next day.

After that, the disaster strikes. My headaches emerged to something really bad. My entire head felt like it had a vacuum inside it, and that it was going to implode any minute. It was so bad and I struggled a lot. Its hard to explain the pain because it got so severe that I didnt think I would make it. And more and more symptoms that for me appeared to be neurological started to show up. My doctor and especially myself found it alarming and my doc got me hospitalized for a few days where they tested me for everything they could regarding neurlogical conditions, but they found nothing wrong and they had no explanation for my symptoms.

After that my T emerged to both ears.

I have to admit that from the beginning of this until now, I have never experienced any events in my life that could remind me of the symptoms above. They could be related to aluminium and they could not.

The antiperspirant stuff might be a coincidence, but its hard to dismiss it entirely considering the time frame.

And between everything, I did see a chiro, a physio, I was exposed to stress, clenching teeth, I was exposed to loud noise once, I had been sitting in static positions for prolonged periods. Its hard to pinpoint just one event being the cause when looking back, and it could be multiple causes.

What makes me believe that its not related to aluminium is that Ive gotten so much better after stretching my suboccipital muscles and lying in this ackwards position I described above. My headaches are literally gone and my T has faded for short amounts of time while doing this.

Now Im only left with electrical buzzes around my body, some weird sensations here and there and my T has gotten a lot better (it has faded about 70%), and a lot of this happened instantly after doing those exercises.

I still believe its caused by the neck or back, and the jaw could be a contributing factor as well, but I have to admit that its for me really interesting that you stopped using antiperspirants a couple of weeks before onset as well, and keep experiencing about the same symptoms that I do.

Im noticing the exact same thing regarding nerves misfiring. It seems that my nerves are misfiring at random spots in my body. But what I dont understand is that it doesnt seem to be related to only one or two nerves, it seems to be related to my entire nerve system. And it seems to be pretty central.

The "beep" before it fades is exactly like this fleeting T I have had in the past. But since it fades, doesnt that suggest that the nerves are now firing the way it should? And the fact that the headaches went away when lying in this position, I would think that something started to work properly at that time. Maybe fleeting T happens if for some reason there is a lack of lets say a small portion of somatosensory information or whatever is sent to the dorsal cochlear nucleus and when this usually is resolved in a split second the auditory system recalibrates and the signal is no longer treated as an extarnal sound as the auditory processing part is now recognizing those signals being something else. I have really no idea, but its interesting that the fleeting T happens before it fades.

Ive also been loaded with static electricity myself.. lol :)
Every time I touch a car door, my fingers goes "bzzz".
No idea if that is related as well :p

Great to hear you had such a good time! My T also spikes after car drives occasionally.

I will be heading to this ear lab I have been talking about now, I have an appointment there 10.30.

If Im lucky I will have the results of my x-rays and CT of neck, back and jaw today as well.

Its a one and a half hour drive, so this time I will make sure my posture is right. Ill put a support pillow behind my back the entire drive, and also keep my neck in a more natural position.

Ill let you know their findings once I get back home later today! :)
Haha @Mr. Cartman

I don't think the electric buzzes have to do anything about it, despite the fact that I ve experienced that as well frequently the last couple of weeks whenever I close to the door of my car after I went for a drive.

I'm curious to the results of your x-ray. Im going to call a chiropractor today because I'm not sure if I should go for the mri, which I got on 29th June. I'm kind off sure I know the cause of my problem. Apart from that it will cost me a lot of money I don't think they will see much on the mri. I'd rather get a x-ray instead.

Tbh your symptoms seem to be so neck related as well. Yesterday when I was driving my car, I was paying attention to the feeling I experienced when driving. I noticed the fullness of my ears, because of the tension which started to increase in my neck, because whenever I drive, my neck is not supported by the seat.

Also shortly after the car drive I experienced temporary headaches again..

Same thing last nite, I was sitting in a let's say, not so natural position on my bed, watching a program. After that my ears were burning, I could feel a tingling feeling in my ears. When I lay down on my neck, i experienced muscle spasm in my jaw and also the tingling feeling in my jaw.

Its not that I think it's from my jaw, but as the first cervical vertebra and jaw or so close to each other...

But you say you went to a chiropractor. Didn't he find anything?

Keep us updated and gl
[/QUOTE] I too am very allergic to grass and tree pollens too. At first i thought allergies where the cause, as my T stared continuously somewhere around the time summer started and i was very irritated by my allergies. But i can't link it with the electrical hiss sound, i think it could cause ETD those allergies, which i have too, mildly these days, and the ETD by allergies might have also triggered my T, but i don't get how it wouldn't at least improve by using antihistaminicums+pseudoephedrine, which i did for 2weeks after onset, and now still antihistaminicums.

Did your T go away completely after that period 2years ago?

Right now i'm thinking in the direction of too much neck+jaw+shoulder "stress", as that might be the main factor atm i suppose, as the ETD is resolving and the T isn't, it did slightly improve however, that might be the ETD part. [/QUOTE]

The Doctors suggested taking antihistamines and nose sprays too but they fire up my T so I really have not been taking any since this started. I explained to them that no matter what I do, I'm constantly exposed until the pollen stops. It's like a friend who is allergic to pets, takes meds and necessary precautions, comes over but has a delayed allergic reaction when the go home instead of an immediate one. I can't make a true evaluation of my T until the pollen stops or if it's been 6 months when it's considered chronic.

I've been holding hope on to this article on ata.0rg, "The Allergy Highway That Brings Tinnitus".

I forgot about my T for two years. Except if I listened hard for it or if there was anything that made my ear ring for a second.

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