Transdermal Scopolamine Patches Give Me Relief



The only thing that has helped my tinnitus has been Trans Derm Scopolamine patches. I have had tinnitus since active duty in the Air Force. The patch reduces the volume and intensity of my tinnitus. For 6 glorious months it was totally gone. Having taken lots of antibiotics the tinnitus is back but the patch does quiet it down a lot.
please keep us informed. this is really interesting as ive read before on a forum that someones tinnitus went away when using these..
Pleas tell us more - how often did you use those , how long on the skin and did the sound diminish only when you had it on or after and for how long
I also have noise induced tinnitus so your experience is very valuable
When I do wear the patch, I follow the instructions on the box. I wear the patch for 3 days then I remove it for 3 days. My T quiets down a lot while I wear the patch. When I remove the patch the T is still there but it's more bearable. For 6 glorious months the T was silent when I regularly wore the patch. I have been taking a lot of antibiotics so the T is back. Most days it is bearable for me. When it does get unbearable at times, then I do wear a patch for 3 days only and it quiets the T enough to make it bearable. I wrote about it in a letter to the ATA magazine several years ago. People called me from around the country and said they got relief from the patch. It's not a cure but it sure is nice to get a break from the really bad days of T. Research on Scopalomine and T has been done as reported in the ATA magazine. I also was over medicated by the V.A. for other reasons. 3 years ago I went into the hospital and detoxed from all the meds the V.A. had me on. That helped a lot also. My T was caused by working on the flight line in security during active duty in the Air Force.
ok thank you.
What kind of antibiotics do you believe worsened your T ?

Is this your testimonial that I found in other forum?

JDP 12/08/2008

These helped me for about 2 years. I wrote about it in the ATA journal and
a lot of people found that it helped reduce their tinnitus intensity and
volume as well. These patches are usually used for motion sickness which I
used to have with the tinnitus when it was a lot worse.

Interesting. Scopolamine is used in truth serum and used to block certain messages being sent by the central nervous system. Here is more from


Scopolamine is a muscarinic antagonist structurally similar to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and acts by blocking the muscarinic acetylcholine receptors and is thus classified as an anticholinergic. Scopolamine has many uses including the prevention of motion sickness. It is not clear how Scopolamine prevents nausea and vomiting due to motion sickness. The vestibular part of the ear is very important for balance. When a person becomes disoriented due to motion, the vestibule sends a signal through nerves to the vomiting center in the brain, and vomiting occurs. Acetylcholine is a chemical that nerves use to transmit messages to each other. It is believe that Scopolamine prevents communication between the nerves of the vestibule and the vomiting center in the brain by blocking the action of acetylcholine. Scopolamine also may work directly on the vomiting center. Scopolamine must be taken before the onset of motion sickness to be effective.

Mechanism of Action

Scopolamine acts by interfering with the transmission of nerve impulses by acetylcholine in the parasympathetic nervous system (specifically the vomiting center).

I used to take Trans Derm regularly years ago, when I was active on a sailboat ocean racing crew. I remember it gave me totally crazy dreams but outside of that, had no side effects for me. Think you need a prescription for it in the U.S.

My guess is it won't "cure" tinnitus. But as @Guest48293 says, it could bring relief on bad days. It has a lot less dicey side effects than Trobalt and Neurontin (which I also have used). And its not potentially addictive, like a benzo. Worth a try, I think.
The only thing that has helped my tinnitus has been Trans Derm Scopolamine patches. I have had tinnitus since active duty in the Air Force. The patch reduces the volume and intensity of my tinnitus. For 6 glorious months it was totally gone. Having taken lots of antibiotics the tinnitus is back but the patch does quiet it down a lot.

I have been told from friends from Germany that there were some effective patches, but I told to them that it has to be another snake oil...
@linearb keep us informed

scopolamine is not dissimilar from benadryl, in terms of its mechanism of action. If this works, my suspicion is that there's something about using it in a transdermal form and applying it near the cranial nerves -- and this makes some degree of sense; when you just take a benadryl, it must go through the GI tract and/or liver before it starts to work, whereas transdermal drugs get right into the blood and bypass the body's normal defense mechanisms and processing.

These drugs have been around forever -- scopolamine and atropine are primary constituents of Deadly Nightshade, Datura, and other plants which have been used as herbal medicine for thousands of years. There's a huge amount of data about their safety profile and interactions, so I'm a little shocked I've never heard of them being used in this way before.
scopolamine is not dissimilar from benadryl, in terms of its mechanism of action. If this works, my suspicion is that there's something about using it in a transdermal form and applying it near the cranial nerves -- and this makes some degree of sense; when you just take a benadryl, it must go through the GI tract and/or liver before it starts to work, whereas transdermal drugs get right into the blood and bypass the body's normal defense mechanisms and processing.

These drugs have been around forever -- scopolamine and atropine are primary constituents of Deadly Nightshade, Datura, and other plants which have been used as herbal medicine for thousands of years. There's a huge amount of data about their safety profile and interactions, so I'm a little shocked I've never heard of them being used in this way before.

U are right. Pathces from German that i was suggested to try were applying at the place just behind the ear, little lower, at upper beginning of neck.. (hope i explained where that place is)
It really doesn't matter where the patch is placed. I have placed them on the back of my arm on the triceps. The medicine is still dispensed transdermally.
You mentioned that when your tinnitus is bad , you wear the patch for three days. Are there side effects if you wear it longer?

When you wore the patch regularly for six months, did you experience side effects?
I'm really curious about this. Kinda makes sense but sadly i cant test it unless i get rx for it and ride to germany to buy it because it's unavailable in poland as they classify scopolamine as a narcotic substance.
scopolamine is not dissimilar from benadryl, in terms of its mechanism of action. If this works, my suspicion is that there's something about using it in a transdermal form and applying it near the cranial nerves -- and this makes some degree of sense; when you just take a benadryl, it must go through the GI tract and/or liver before it starts to work, whereas transdermal drugs get right into the blood and bypass the body's normal defense mechanisms and processing.

These drugs have been around forever -- scopolamine and atropine are primary constituents of Deadly Nightshade, Datura, and other plants which have been used as herbal medicine for thousands of years. There's a huge amount of data about their safety profile and interactions, so I'm a little shocked I've never heard of them being used in this way before.

I wonder if this is also very similar to sturgeron?

These "something gives me relief" threads pop up regularly. Until 10 people report success, I don't want to think it will help.

It's very annoying but knowing tinnitus ethology we are still very far away from having anything that will help significant number of people!
I've spent so much trying everything under the sun but still at square one:(
I wish something helps ME!
Ordered a bunch from eBay
The ones made in Vietnam
Will try if it lowers tinnitus.
The patches I've used are made by Novartis a Swiss pharmaceutical. Available by Rx only in the USA.


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Do you have any improvement using this patch?
They showed up in the mail but I haven't had a chance to try them... If I don't manage to do so over the next few days, it might take me a few months because I'll be participating in an experimental treatment starting in January which will require being drug free...
When I was using the patch regularly I used a whole patch. One of my customers on my mail route years ago told me she would cut the patch in half when applying it. My ENT Dr. didn't reommend this because the medicine is dispensed too quickly by doing that. Once again it is not a cure but it does give relief to some people while wearing it. It provides a nice break from the really bad days of T.
When I was using the patch regularly I used a whole patch. One of my customers on my mail route years ago told me she would cut the patch in half when applying it. My ENT Dr. didn't reommend this because the medicine is dispensed too quickly by doing that. Once again it is not a cure but it does give relief to some people while wearing it. It provides a nice break from the really bad days of T.

Do you think the stuff they sell on eBay is legit?
Do you know anyone who used it?

They showed up in the mail but I haven't had a chance to try them... If I don't manage to do so over the next few days, it might take me a few months because I'll be participating in an experimental treatment starting in January which will require being drug free...

Are you able to tell us what sort of a treatment you will be undergoing?
Dr. Levine of the Mass. Eye & Ear Infirmary wrote to me and offered me to come to the clinic in Boston for a study of the relief I got from the patches. They offered round trip airfare and a hotel to stay in during the study. I couldn't get the time off from the Postal Service.
They showed up in the mail but I haven't had a chance to try them... If I don't manage to do so over the next few days, it might take me a few months because I'll be participating in an experimental treatment starting in January which will require being drug free...
Try using the patches today!

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