I think Tinnitus Hub is on to something in developing relationships like this and spreading material from well regarded sources.
Yes, @Steve ! Thank you, I do too! I also appreciate your other section where we can all insert the various research studies and ideas we come across while searching the net.
There is a LOT of info which is potentially helpful (if not fully curative). The thing is, it's scattered all over. And while some of it may work for some and not for others, it's good to have access to it all in one narrower location. And to brainstorm together about it too.
You know, what I think many (not all) clinicians lack, no matter how much physiological expertise and general "treatment options" knowledge they may have, is a comprehensive idea of the manifold ways in which this condition presents and how it disrupts daily life.
I know there are some places where the tinnitus evaluation is comprehensive and asks many of the right questions, but you also hear on here from so many who go to an ENT and get the most cursory of evaluations!
I do believe that you're on to something, too!
Even if we who have tinnitus are not researchers, many of us are pretty informed and able to give intelligent feedback about what is happening with our bodies.
So having a "conversation" and taking the reins in making CONNECTIONS among doctors and patients and information-sharing all over the world CAN make a POSITIVE difference!
As you can see, my cat let me sleep last night! Feeling much better today.

But yes, the video series, while nice to let people know that remission/significant improvement is possible, does need to also help in getting some access to the real information! If a million dollars in gold bars was buried in my backyard but without my knowledge, then I would spend my whole life NOT HAVING that million dollars.
Same here: If treatments that are more effective for tinnitus are being done by Dr. Sanchez a world away, and never disclosed to our whole planet, then, well, we live our lives NOT getting help. Soooo ... coordinating the transfer of this information so that all tinnitus sufferers can have medical access to it would seem to be the noble, altruistic, ethical, and obvious action that is needed in order to make a difference.
If you guys can help to make that happen, that will be SO significant and SO profound!!!