"This condition doesn't even compare......"
I'm going to be very frank with you Tex,
your comment here appalled me !!!
Disgusted me!
Read any one of
@Bam s posts,
read any one of
@Jazzer s posts,
@Manny 's posts,
@JohnAdams posts......
These are people who suffer complete hell on earth - constant vile loud fucking inner head noise every millisecond of their lives, and quite possibly may do until they die.
But of course - reading suicidal posts seems to upset your rather delicate sensibilities, to a point where you prefer to tell us that you don't wish to visit the forum very often.
Oh dear - I am so very sorry for you Tex.
Time to get real brother!
You do not suffer with this severity, though you have almost certainly convinced yourself that you do.
Yes - you 'think' you do - but your demeaning words betray you.
The hooks that show acute suffering are quite simply absent.
Don't get me wrong, I do not begrudge you your evidently milder Tinnitus, but how dare you compare these other conditions you mention to what we have, without the experiences that we are forced to live with day in, and day out.
I will also say this.
I don't for one minute think you are malicious.
Unfortunately you make the very common mistake of identifying the Tinnitus experience you have as being that which we all have.
This forum is loaded with members who do just that - out of ignorance.
I'm afraid the only option you leave us is to attempt to educate you on the very different aspects of severity.
I won't be a bit surprised if you find what I am telling you here to be unpalatable, but somehow somebody has to get through to you with the truth.
I will wish you all the best Tex,
and mean it when I say 'no hard feelings,'
Dave x