Sybs, if it goes away completely now and then, I would think there is a very good chance of getting rid of it for good, if you take the right precautions from noise and the right nutrition and supplements?Mine started about 6 months ago and although really terrifying at first, and taking over my life, I seemed to habituate within about 6 weeks, although I will say that at the beginning I had some days where I couldn't hear it at all, but once it settled down it was there all the time but but I felt fine about it and hardly gave it a moments' thought. I even remember being on a night out really enjoying myself, about 4 months after it started, and for no apparent reason it was there really loud and made me almost feel like I was going deaf (it doesn't usually affect my hearing), but it still didn't stop me from enjoying myself. It went away again the following day and I was absolutely fine for another 3 months but about 2 weeks ago it came back really badly and I feel like I've started the whole process over again - not being able to sleep, feeling scared and depressed - it is very loud at the moment. I thought I had come through it and am now very disappointed to have gone full circle. Is it usual to have this kind of cycle?
so happy to her such a success story. Good for you Christine..more power to first month of T washorrible i wanted to die,
i thought i would never be able to live another day with this ringing, i was on sleeping pills anxity pills every single day , i cried
everyday went into depression i cried
in the shower so my children would see me, all though my husband would wonder why i was taking so long and found out i was just sitting in the shower crying untill i could not cry no more, and i thought i would go crazy
... i went on temporary disability for 3 months due to me getting sick, i wouldnt eat, sleep was like 4 hours a night, i would not go out ,and my laughter was gone ? ( where did I go )??? then i found this site met people read there stories and said to myself FUCK THIS !! i'm a fighter , i'm not letting this rule my life. I stop taking all the pills, prayed alot and one night i just fell asleep , every night i would sleep with out pills i would sleep for 8 hours or more i also started seeing a sound therapist which help me cope alot , she also has T since she was 9years old. and days would go buy and i started to get my self back, laughter was with me again i laughed and even went to movies( with ear protection) and started seeing friends and life as i knew it had returned... Today going on 5 months i can say T is not ruling my life , i went back to work, go to the gym swim, sing kareoke and live life with my family like i did before this T came into my life I can say I Habitated to the sound... I'm not saying you wount hear it i still do but i just dont care !!!! this T can kiss my a__ lol... Maybe some people get use to it alot faster i dont know but Yes i do get bad days but i dont get STUCK in it like i use too, i know i will be ok and my brain has come to that point where i dont focus on it ... wish you all the best... Mahalo..
Hi @Neenie.
In the beginning I had trouble believing that we could habituate to this weird condition too. Actually, I did not believe it. In some moments I though my life was over. Habituation was waaaay out off my world. Reading all the horror stories you can find at Internet just boosted that believe 1000x. If you read something enough times you will eventually start to believe it. I read over and over again about people not getting better. I was in hell, and there was no way out!
Well, you know what Neenie? Habituation is very realistic. You say that no humans can have that annoying sound in their head without having a emotional reaction. That is bullshit, and I'm a living proof of that. Off course, I can't prove that I have tinnitus for you, you just have to take my word. I could be an idiot who just like to see other people suffer, but I'm not. I know how hard this can be.
Right now I have the "shhhh" sound in my right ear. White-noise-ish. Its loud, and I can't really mask it. I have one of these days where its loud, and if I put on some music it just gets louder, and I still hear it. But you want to hear something crazy? I really don't give a shit. 100%. There is absolute no emotional reaction from my side what so ever. I promise you. I'm not making this up.
Then you maybe think: "But you have the "shh" sound, I have the "piip" sound. That is much more intense!" Well, yesterday, and the day before. I did not have the "shhh" sound, I had the "piiip" sound too, in both ears. You know what? I did not care about that either.
And that is the point. I don't care if its "piip", Shhh", "oooo", "annoyinganooygingkrrrpippiploudpip" etc. I don't care if its there, I don't care if its not there. I don't wish for it to go away. Actually, today I'm so careless that if there was a cure, I don't know if I would even bother to use energy to go to the doctor and cure it. Because it's not a problem right now. It's just there. Just like my leg are attached to my body. I'm not a tinnitus sufferer. I'm just a guy who happen to have tinnitus.
Actually. I have found that if I have a lot of worries when I go to sleep. Witch we all have sometimes, I have found that focusing on the tinnitus, (when I say focus, I don't mean thinking. I mean, just observe it, without any judging) I found that it's an excellent way to get completely present and then fall asleep. Three months ago I thought I would never have a normal night sleep again because of tinnitus. Now I sometimes use the tinnitus to fall asleep!
Two days ago I had to sleep on a floor, yes, a floor, not in a soft bed. I had to lay with my back against the floor. Witch hurt a little. What did I do? I focused on my tinnitus instead of the pain. Suddenly it was a new day.
I know this sounds insane, and you probably have hard to believe me. I would not believe that if someone said that the first weeks I had tinnitus.
The faster you can accept that you have tinnitus, and that it maybe will stay. The faster you will habituate. It's all about accepting. Stop wishing it to go away. Stop having "what if" fantasies. Stop monitor it. Stop all that. Stop resisting it. Be real. What do you think you use the most energy too? Having tinnitus, or resisting it?
Just let it be. And before you know it, you have successfully ignored you tinnitus two days without even noticing it. But hey, that's the point, isn't it? You just need to get over that "bump", and this will make a lot of sense.
By the way. Alan Watts have some great talks about acceptance, to stop desire and killing the ego. He is a western Buddhist who talks Buddhism in a way we can understand. He is not a doctor, but I'm quite sure he can help more then a average doctor. He is a great man, and you don't need to be a Buddhist to listen to him.
Much love from me!![]()
I have to agree strongly with this quote and part of me cries when I read stories here about kids in their teens and early 20's getting this rubbish. I'm nearly double their age and I feel I'm too young for itI agree @Per
In schools serious amounts of money are being spent to teach about the dangers of fireworks. Palpable damage, serious damage striking less than the 1/10 (A resulting condition could be tinnitus, but hey, I said serious)
All of this makes me more angry than sad. The lack of awareness on the hearing-field starts in the school and turns into disacknowledgment from doctors/ents/audios, those working to help you.
Habituation is mostly another word for "getting used to it" but the closest thing to a scientific habituation approach is Tinnitus Retraining Therapy or TRT, developed by neuroscientist Pawel J. Jastreboff, (Ph.D., Sc.D., M.B.A.) Hes a professor at the Department of Otolaryngology, Emory University School Of Medicine Atlanta, Georgia. TRT is widely known as THE habituation concept or treatment method around. A great deal of people have found it useful to them, I haven't tried myself but I'm registered to start something close to TRT this April. It's based on TRT but not conducted exactly the same way cause its a group thing. Jastreboff's TRT is a 1:1 session concept.
I also agree with you about the weirdness of T habitation cause it can become a sleeping pillow for our government, if they are thinking "oh, the T sufferers will get well by themselves" funds wont come and science won't make progress. We need to focus on solving the medical issues and finding a CURE so that the phantom noises can LEAVE. That's the utmost goal if you ask anyone with severe T. But I welcome TRT and/or any other retraining therapy whilst we don't have a cure. If it works for some then it's worth it.