english isn't my first langage
What is your first language?
I think it's in the contrary capitalism that needs unlimited and abundant resources
Socialism/communism strives to divorce cause (e.g., effort and ability) and effect (e.g., wealth and income). As a result, resources are not employed in an efficient manner. Capitalism CREATES abundant resources. Marxism grasps for excuses for not doing that well (the excuse they use is that consumerism is bad, and that all a society needs to do is provide food and shelter).
Under capitalism, everyone has an incentive not to waste resources.
Capitalism have been wonderfull for the grow of technology and progress but we are facing a wall right now.
You don't think we can benefit from more progress and improvements in technology?
we can't continue our progress exponentially with limited ressources
Capitalism would ensure that we won't. As a resource gets exhausted, its price increases, and people have an incentive to use less of it (and to look for substitutes).
We need to fight unfair social class, corporates monopole, power and selfishness.
Greed and selfishness is what had created our civilization (it was certainly the cause of the Industrial Revolution, it is why you are using a computer right now instead of rubbing two sticks to start a fire in a teepee). They are part of human nature and are an incredible force for good (i.e., progress and development). Every society that had adopted what you call for above, ended up in poverty, having a dictatorship, have its people trying to escape to a state where the inmates are not running the asylum.
We are just destroying ourselve and the planet at this point.
As society becomes richer, they can buy more of all goods, including clean environment. Selfishness, greediness, and capitalism is what had historically been proven to make society richer faster (compare east and west germany, north and south korea, hong kong in 1990 and china in 1990, cuba and dominican republic, etc). [You can't provide any counter-examples, right?!]
those who are fighting at the end of the ladder for survival...
Outside of high ranking communists, the richest citizens in USSR had a standard of living that was below that of an American on welfare.
"The dramatic progress in reducing poverty over the past three decades in China is well known. According to the
World Bank, more than 500 million people were lifted out of extreme poverty as China's poverty rate fell from 88 percent in 1981 to 6.5 percent in 2012, as measured by the percentage of people living on the equivalent of US$1.90 or less per day in 2011 purchasing price parity terms."
Maoism =>88% live in poverty
Free market =>6.7% live in poverty
I bet that the bottom 6.5% (in terms of wealth) of people in 1981 (when 88% lived on less than $1.90 per day) earned a LOT less than $1.90 per day. In other words, back when there was equality (88% were poor), the bottom 6.5% were struggling more compared to the condition of the bottom 6.5% now (when more than 90% are not poor).
In 1981, that bottom 6.5% was probably living on less than 10 cents per day. Now they are living on an amount close to (but less than) $1.90 per day. I am basing this claim on the fact that per capita GDP in China grew 25 times in 33 years, and the fact that we can use this information to extrapolate what happened to per capital GDP of only the poor people (see below).
"Independent studies by
Gallup indicate the poverty rate in China fell from 26% in 2007 to 7% by 2012,
[6] although World Bank extrapolations suggest that the percentage of the population living below the international poverty line continued to fall to 4.1 percent in 2014"
"At the same time, however, income disparities have increased."
If you were a decision maker back in 1981, and you were told that if you were to do those economic reforms then by 2014 "income disparities would increase", it sounds like you would have chosen not to go ahead with those reforms.
some people dismiss per capita GDP measure of the standard of living. Those people say that it increases as a result of rich people getting richer.
Check out
This shows that usually the income growth of the bottom 40% is Higher than the average growth captured by per capita GDP. It is easier to double your money (or increase it by any fraction X) when you are poor, compared to when you are rich. The amount you need to earn to double your income is less when you are poor.
I found an even better source of data
Check out Figure 3.1 on page 73 (75 out of 193).
As you can see at the bottom of this figure, the shaded region gives you the information about the income growth of the bottom 40%, and the region in solid line gives you the growth of the per capita GDP for the general population. Again, this shows that the growth of the per capita GDP of the overall population gives us a good idea about the income growth of the bottom 40%.
So before you adopt socialism (which will lower the standard of living of the poor), ask yourself how much do you expect the poorest people to pay in order to enjoy the fact that now everyone [except the party leaders] is poor (impossible to make everyone rich, easy to make everyone poor).