Hello! I live in South Carolina and, after doing the whole round of ENT / audiologist visits and getting the usual response about lack of treatment options, I'm looking for a place that might offer a solution or know more about options.
Specifically looking for a more robust solution than just masking or habituation and would love to have options for neuromodulation treatments. Does anybody know of a place that might do this?
As an added challenge, my ENT told me many of the local folks or clinics that claim to be specialists are more along the line of snake oil... they may offer what you want to hear on a website but really not have those options (or just cost money).
Specifically looking for a more robust solution than just masking or habituation and would love to have options for neuromodulation treatments. Does anybody know of a place that might do this?
As an added challenge, my ENT told me many of the local folks or clinics that claim to be specialists are more along the line of snake oil... they may offer what you want to hear on a website but really not have those options (or just cost money).