So many hugs. This is how I felt, too. I had no hope for my future. Felt isolated from friends and family and worried about future events.
I could not imagine living my life with a high pitch nonstop ringing. Work, vacations, volunteer efforts, church, family gatherings . . even cleaning my house seemed impossible.
I sincerely felt my life was over. I decided to set a date and that for the remaining time I would live my life. That I would continue to pursue help (therapist, ear specialists, etc) but I would also move forward by living my life. And little by little, the more I returned to normal life (with earplugs in loud environments), the more hope I had and the more I realized I could live life with high pitch tinnitus.
I know this thread has slipped from this topic but I wanted to reply to you. I wish you well,
@vermillion. And I wish you hope.