Folks if you read a post that instils fear, anxiety and possibly depression....
I want you to take everything that you read with a grain of salt. No one advice can be a FIT-ALL solution for everyone. Not everyone will get tinnitus because of loud noises. I have had an interesting 2-3 months full of accidents and they been very loud as well. If i had encountered these accidents when I freshly got my tinnitus, I would have FREAKED out.
In the past few years, I just let things go. Accidents will happen, we need to protect our ears, but accidents will happen. That STRESS/ANXIETY is a huge culprit in causing spikes. I have dropped dishes, plates, glass, slammed doors, stepped on multiple air packets, accidentally had the volume max on my car's bose system, blue tooth speaker.
Point is that do not let posts SCARE you, not all folks will feel the same after a situation. Protect your ears, but still live that one life we have on this earth. If you are an INTROVERT by nature, sweet...stay as one and enjoy your life. If you are an EXTROVERT,
do not let tinnitus make you an INTROVERT. Yes, you can still live a life even with your ears ringing.
In the end its WE who chose the life we want to live and not tinnitus.
We can still do activities that are safe for our ears and enjoy ourselves. I also firmly believe in listening to people that have years of experience with tinnitus. Living with something and trying many possible solutions over the years is more important than getting your information from other people's post and reading about them. I will always take a teacher with experience, than one that has just read posts and then wants to teach me
I am not a scientist and will not get into the scientific discussions on this site, but 30 years of living with this and practically..... I have done it all in the possible treatments and solutions that have existed.
Ok, you shall resume now