bill 112
I'm slowly on my way to death I think,everything drags me further and further down and I never know what's too much for me because my pain isn't instant,it comes on after the fact.Here is one of our biggest issues. They all tell us this with certainty that normal sound can't hurt us further, and yet all the while, they don't know. They don't even know what the mechanism of damage truly is, and yet they dish out confidant advice based on.....on...rainbows and unicorns. Some of us won't be hurt any further by normal sound exposure, then there's Bill and I'm sure others.
So let's say I drive my car down to the store with earplugs and muffs on,things sound quiet and not loud so I'm ok with it.
Then I return home,take off my hearing protection and everything's fine and then the pain sets in and my T gets louder and louder.
Then I watch to on low volume,it's ok not bothering me then I go to bed and the pain starts along with the louder and louder T.
It's like a setback after the sound has long passed and I slowly but surely get worse everytime to wear I literally can't function anymore.
I lay in bed all day and even the sounds in my home are too much,I can't wear earmuffs as my own voice puts way too much strain on my ears so I'm just doomed from every angle.
Also Libermann or whoever it was showed that synaptic degeneration can be exasperated by low levels of noise,it doesn't happen immediately but slowly but surely they continue to degenerate and I fear that's what's happening to me,all these non loud noises are just wearing them away and there's nothing I can do about it.