I don't think it is misinformation when a tinnitus sufferer says the vaccine has worsened their tinnitus. I am very much pro vaccine, but there is zero doubt that my tinnitus worsened starting the day after the vaccine.I don't think anyone is being vilified. The question is whether there is misinformation spreading on the impact of the shots on tinnitus. I do agree with you though - it appears that this is not a risk free proposition either way and people will have to decide for themselves. I am assuming I'll be getting a yearly shot for the rest of my life; like a flu shot. Hopefully we will have a better handle on what is causing tinnitus from the shots soon.
The misinformation is being spread by a handful of anti-vaxers on this thread who haven't had the vaccine. Tinnitus sufferers stating that their tinnitus has worsened since the vaccine certainly aren't spreading misinformation.
At the end of the day no-one knows their tinnitus better than the sufferer themselves. If a tinnitus sufferer says the vaccine made their tinnitus worse they should be believed rather than questioned. There is nothing worse than others questioning how you perceive your own tinnitus.