Will You Get Vaccinated for Coronavirus (COVID-19)? Can It Make Tinnitus or Hyperacusis Worse?

Will you get vaccinated for coronavirus?

  • Yes, right away, as soon as possible, when the first vaccine becomes available

  • Yes, planning to, but I will wait a while to see if there are any potential long-term side effects

  • Maybe, I haven't decided yet one way or another

  • No, I'm not going to get vaccinated

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I got another Pfizer booster and I am completely fine. I had a sore arm for one day, that was it. Tinnitus is quiet.

Get vaccinated because COVID-19 DOES hurt the auditory system. With the rate that Omicron is spreading, most people will have some contact with the virus, unless they can isolate at home for months. If you go out, wear N95 (or better) respirators, as they are made from electrostatically charged polymer fibres that attract and trap viral particles.
And now that I have built up natural immunity against COVID-19, I don't see why I should ever take a vaccine in the future.
Just an observation. It's true that having COVID-19 gives you better protection against re-infection than any vaccine. But just like with the vaccines, it's not known exactly how long this "immunity" lasts, or how much its effectiveness can vary between individuals. It doesn't make you bullet-proof.
I got another Pfizer booster and I am completely fine. I had a sore arm for one day, that was it. Tinnitus is quiet.

Get vaccinated because COVID-19 DOES hurt the auditory system. With the rate that Omicron is spreading, most people will have some contact with the virus, unless they can isolate at home for months. If you go out, wear N95 (or better) respirators, as they are made from electrostatically charged polymer fibres that attract and trap viral particles.
Did the first 2 shots have any impact on your tinnitus?

Frankly speaking, if I have had no issue except a sore arm with my first shots I would not care at all to go for the booster... My 1st shot went fine so I went almost happily to the 2nd one...

But my issue is that my tinnitus spiked after 2nd one and never subsided since then...

However, living in France, my normal daily life will turn into a nightmare now since my Health Pass will be deactivated if I am not going for the booster...

Regarding your 2nd sentence on the fact that COVID-19 does hurt the auditory system. This is true... but with Omicron, we see the 3 doses do not prevent you from being infected (many real examples around me)... It is really effective to prevent any serious symptoms and from going to hospital but not from being infected... so does it really make a difference for the risk on your auditory system versus somebody who had 2 shots only?

That's the key question. Otherwise, you take the risk of the vaccine for your ears AND you still have anyhow the risk of being infected and getting auditory troubles.

Additionally I did a serology, out of curiosity... I am double vaccinated... 6 months after my 2nd shot my antibodies are >2850 AU/ml which is apparently very high.
I know there is no consensus in the medical/scientific community on the level of antibodies which gives protection, however, a recent study (on 8758 people) from a French university shows clear correlation between the two.

Antibody titers and protection against a SARS-CoV-2 infection - Journal of Infection

They found that below 141 units/ml, protection was 12%, between 141 and 1700 units/ml, protection was up to 89%... above 1700 u/ml, 100%... and I am >2850...

This also makes me think that I may not need the booster for my own protection... so I am even more frustrated to be forced to do it and take the corresponding risk for my tinnitus only to keep my Health Pass active...
Did the first 2 shots have any impact on your tinnitus?
Looking back, nope. It was noise.
Regarding your 2nd sentence on the fact that COVID-19 does hurt the auditory system. This is true... but with Omicron, we see the 3 doses do not prevent you from being infected (many real examples around me)... It is really effective to prevent any serious symptoms and from going to hospital but not from being infected... so does it really make a difference for the risk on your auditory system versus somebody who had 2 shots only?
Vaccinated people usually have lower viral loads, so yes.
That's the key question. Otherwise, you take the risk of the vaccine for your ears AND you still have anyhow the risk of being infected and getting auditory troubles.
Vaccine 'risks' are way blown out of proportion by people who read 'alternative news' sources.
This has proven to be false as well. Over and over again. Please stop spreading misinformation!

COVID-19: Do vaccines protect better than infection-induced immunity?
Thanks for posting that. I haven't seen that study before, but it certainly looks comprehensive and conclusive. I'm the last person to argue against being fully vaccinated but there is a lot of misinformation out there and I may have stumbled across too much of it lately. Will read it more fully when I'm less tired (it's late here in the UK).
Thanks for posting that. I haven't seen that study before, but it certainly looks comprehensive and conclusive. I'm the last person to argue against being fully vaccinated but there is a lot of misinformation out there and I may have stumbled across too much of it lately. Will read it more fully when I'm less tired (it's late here in the UK).
I appreciate your willingness to reconsider and have an open mind. I agree there's so much out there it's hard to tell fact from fiction. In your defense, the answer may be a little different with Omicron since the vaccines don't target it directly. There has been speculation however, that vaccinated individuals who are exposed to Omicron and potentially have asymptomatic cases, could become "super immune" as a result of vaccines+Omicron exposure. Jury is still out on that one.
I was never anti-vax but believed no-one should be coerced into taking it.

I finally succumbed in late November taking the Pfizer jab.

A week later all hell broke out in my head. Tones, pulses etc
Now it seems everyone I know who is vaxxed or unvaxxed is getting Omicron. The unvaxxed seem to deal with it as well as the vaxxed. This pandemic will end soon through natural immunity in the population.

The suffering of those damaged by the vaccines will go on for years.

I'm not just talking about tinnitus. There are others I know who had brain clots and heart problems.

I believe the way vaccines were mandated and shamed on healthy people is tantamount to criminal.
I was never anti-vax but believed no-one should be coerced into taking it.

I finally succumbed in late November taking the Pfizer jab.

A week later all hell broke out in my head. Tones, pulses etc
Now it seems everyone I know who is vaxxed or unvaxxed is getting Omicron. The unvaxxed seem to deal with it as well as the vaxxed. This pandemic will end soon through natural immunity in the population.

The suffering of those damaged by the vaccines will go on for years.

I'm not just talking about tinnitus. There are others I know who had brain clots and heart problems.

I believe the way vaccines were mandated and shamed on healthy people is tantamount to criminal.
I, too, am not anti-vax, and I got two Pfizer jabs in February and March of last year with no problems.

Today, I met with an ENT at Mass Eye & Ear who thinks my current huge tinnitus spike is due to the Moderna booster that I received in November (tinnitus spiked three days later and hasn't let up).

This specialist did say he thought it would resolve within 6-12 months. From his lips to God's ears, I say... I hope he's right.
This has proven to be false as well. Over and over again. Please stop spreading misinformation!

COVID-19: Do vaccines protect better than infection-induced immunity?
Knowledge is still evolving. Newest evidence suggests the opposite may be true, at least in the case of the Delta variant:

"Jan 19 (Reuters) - People who had previously been infected with COVID-19 were better protected against the Delta variant than those who were vaccinated alone, suggesting that natural immunity was a more potent shield than vaccines against that variant, California and New York health officials reported on Wednesday."

Knowledge is still evolving. Newest evidence suggests the opposite may be true, at least in the case of the Delta variant:

"Jan 19 (Reuters) - People who had previously been infected with COVID-19 were better protected against the Delta variant than those who were vaccinated alone, suggesting that natural immunity was a more potent shield than vaccines against that variant, California and New York health officials reported on Wednesday."

Yes, I did see that. But the report went on to conclude that vaccines remain the safest and most effective way to protect against severe COVID-19.
When can we expect data on how Omicron affects the ears/tinnitus? I don't know how scared I should be of this variant. I know it's supposedly milder, but milder "how"? Yet, I still hear of several cases where even fairly young (vaccinated or not) people become very ill from it (though not hospitalized).

Still I don't know if this even matters... a new variant will probably show up in a couple months tops, and so on, and so on. I don't believe I will be able to break this total isolation even slightly anytime soon.
I, too, am not anti-vax, and I got two Pfizer jabs in February and March of last year with no problems.

Today, I met with an ENT at Mass Eye & Ear who thinks my current huge tinnitus spike is due to the Moderna booster that I received in November (tinnitus spiked three days later and hasn't let up).

This specialist did say he thought it would resolve within 6-12 months. From his lips to God's ears, I say... I hope he's right.
Thank you! I have had two Pfizer jabs, and this type of information is exactly why I am not getting a booster shot. Its just not worth the risk of making my tinnitus worse. I am far from an anti-vaxxer.

People at the company where I work that did not want to take the vaccine are now being laid off. I hope they don't mandate the booster.
Thank you! I have had two Pfizer jabs, and this type of information is exactly why I am not getting a booster shot. Its just not worth the risk of making my tinnitus worse. I am far from an anti-vaxxer.

People at the company where I work that did not want to take the vaccine are now being laid off. I hope they don't mandate the booster.
At this point, I've had enough jabs. I'm confused that if I were to get COVID-19, it would be mild, or at the very least, non-lethal.

That said, I wish I had been informed that a major tinnitus spike was a possibility with these vaccines. I definitely would not have gotten the Moderna booster, had I known.
Well, I had been looking at getting the Novavax vaccine just because the reports say it has less side-effects than the other three COVID-19 vaccines. But then I ended up getting COVID-19 from a family member. Looks like probably the Omicron variant since I didn't lose my taste and that I guess it's mild. It's been a week and still have some symptoms effect, but really only ran a fever for like two days. I'd say it was like a really, really bad flu.

My tinnitus did go way up along with inner ear pain, but the past day it seems my tinnitus is back down to pre-COVID-19 levels. Hopefully it won't go back up. I've been on a COVID-19 anti-viral pill, Prednisone, and Azithromycin.
Dear All,

Due to side effects (aggravated tinnitus) after the second Pfizer jab (against COVID-19), I hesitate getting a booster shot...

Children 5 through 11 year get a special shot: 10 micrograms of Pfizer. That is a third of the normal amount of 30 micrograms (Pfizer vaccine).

In a study about the generation antibodies caused by various vaccines (comparison normal persons vs persons with the illness of Sjögren (an autoimmune disease) shows that many antibodies are produced by the Pfizer vaccines. Much more than with Janssen (J&J).

Attached study is in Dutch (Medical Center of the University of Groningen), see Figure 2 (Figuur 2); yellow bullets healthy persons, blue bullets: Sjögren sufferers... Y-axes: amount of anti bodies).

So would a booster of 10 micrograms be enough to get a proper protection?

Definitely better than nothing...

Or 3 shots of 10 micrograms... with a few weeks between?

And would the side effects be significantly smaller?



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Dear All,

Due to side effects (aggravated tinnitus) after the second Pfizer jab (against COVID-19), I hesitate getting a booster shot...

Children 5 through 11 year get a special shot: 10 micrograms of Pfizer. That is a third of the normal amount of 30 micrograms (Pfizer vaccine).

In a study about the generation antibodies caused by various vaccines (comparison normal persons vs persons with the illness of Sjögren (an autoimmune disease) shows that many antibodies are produced by the Pfizer vaccines. Much more than with Janssen (J&J).

Attached study is in Dutch (Medical Center of the University of Groningen), see Figure 2 (Figuur 2); yellow bullets healthy persons, blue bullets: Sjögren sufferers... Y-axes: amount of anti bodies).

So would a booster of 10 micrograms be enough to get a proper protection?

Definitely better than nothing...

Or 3 shots of 10 micrograms... with a few weeks between?

And would the side effects be significantly smaller?

You should discuss that with a doctor, not random people on the internet.
National Public Radio (USA) aired a story today about a musician who believes her tinnitus was a side effect of the vaccine. Pretty unusual to be receiving air time on such a big platform.

For a musician in New York City, not being fully vaccinated comes at a cost
So she got a shot, then got COVID-19 shortly after, and still thinks the vaccine was responsible? Am I missing something here?

Kind of a similar situation with my SO. Got sick just after she got the vaccine (I as well, I'm unvaccinated still). That was 6 months ago and she got a bad cough/phlegm buildup that has gotten better slowly but is still present at this time. I also had a dry cough that slowly faded over a month. We did not get tested for COVID-19 but it seems likely we caught it.

It would be easy to suspect the vaccine if she did not test positive for COVID-19. Now, it just seems like bad timing.

I was asymptomatic the first time I caught it (only got 2 new permanent tinnitus tones). If she had not gotten sick and tested, I would not have suspected I had COVID-19 at all. I was lifting weights and everything as usual, just felt a bit "off" for a week (and let's face it, I always feel "off" since I got tinnitus).
You should discuss that with a doctor, not random people on the internet.
And then my doctor will take care of this? Huh... There is much more needed, action by tinnitus sufferers...
It is not for everyone of course... You might choose the full dose.

But I think it is better to have a small 10 microgram shot of Pfizer (instead of 30 micrograms) than nothing...

I had a severe worsening of my tinnitus after my second jab...
I see less and less people willing to get vaccinated these days. No wonder, because pharma companies are showing that they lied to everyone, and let them think that vaccines could be effective against COVID-19.

However, a ton of vaccinated people are getting sick too, and it transpired that vaccines provide such a short time span of protection that they are pretty much worthless...
I am even more frustrated to be forced to do it and take the corresponding risk for my tinnitus only to keep my Health Pass active.
I also live in France and think it's disgraceful that people are being forced to have the vaccine/booster to continue some kind of 'normal life'. The vaccine neither prevents being infected nor does it prevent transmission of the virus. No one (governement/pharmaceutical companies) will take responsibility if you have a life changing reaction to the vaccine. Taking the vaccine or not should be a personal choice, not forced upon us. Also people who choose not to be vaccinated should not be treated as second class citizens.
Still learning so pardon the ignorance. Is it true the vaccines do not reduce transmission rate?
I believe there is greater chance that a vaccinated person could carry less viral load, which would make it harder to transmit. However, I caught COVID-19 from someone who was fully vaccinated.
Still learning so pardon the ignorance. Is it true the vaccines do not reduce transmission rate?
I think that is a very interesting question. In the United States, the government and the media do not yet seem to have addressed that question in a comprehensive manner.

Israel has one of the highest vaccination rates in the world, and their cases are off the charts, much higher than before the population was vaccinated, so that would perhaps suggest the vaccines do not reduce the transmission rate.


I see less and less people willing to get vaccinated these days. No wonder, because pharma companies are showing that they lied to everyone, and let them think that vaccines could be effective against COVID-19.

However, a ton of vaccinated people are getting sick too, and it transpired that vaccines provide such a short time span of protection that they are pretty much worthless...
These vaccines were developed for the original virus, since then mutations have evolved. Not surprising that the vaccines are not that effective against them now.
These vaccines were developed for the original virus, since then mutations have evolved. Not surprising that the vaccines are not that effective against them now.
@Kriszti, the change in the viral sequence of all COVID-19 variants has been <0.3%
SARS-CoV-2 is a large virus with approximately 30,000 RNA bases (10,000 amino acids). Currently, the greatest difference between any 'mutant variant' and the original Wuhan sequence is limited to 26 nucleotide mutations. The genomic diversity of SARS-CoV-2 in circulation on different continents is fairly uniform. We know that the mutation rate in SARS-CoV-2 is slower than other RNA viruses because it benefits from a proofreading enzyme which limits potentially lethal copying errors. To date, these mutations have caused changes in less than 0.3% of the entire virus sequence. All variants are therefore currently 99.7% similar to the original Wuhan viral sequence.
To date no robust scientific evidence proves that any of the variants identified are more transmissible or deadly than the original. By definition, variants are clinically identical.
So the original "vaccines" should be as effective against the "new variants" as they were against the original virus; if they ever were at all.

I won't say anymore.

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